I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 361 360. Laser, cat ears

If you want to emit laser, you must first have a stable energy source.

This is not difficult for a monk.

The mind is a biological electromagnetic field that vibrates the electronic transition and radiates photon energy to the outside world.

But glowing is only the first step. The emitted light must be condensed to form an energy strike, otherwise it will be just a light bulb.

And adjusting the light is exactly the job of the eyeballs!

This organ is specialized in collecting light, but it can also serve as a condenser and intensifier for laser light.

Under the adjustment of the lens, the scattered photon energy is constrained and emitted in the same direction and at the same frequency.

Finally, it is further condensed through the pupils and turned into a blazing high-energy laser!

This is a standard biological weapon, and the production process is extremely complicated. Especially the subtle control of the eyeballs is difficult to express in words.

But Lu Li was "synesthetically" with his wife, sharing all the senses.

It was as if he was activating his "laser eyes" and experienced the entire process immersively.

There is no more perfect teaching in the world. Lu Li immediately understood how to use this trick and thought about trying it.

At this time, Yingzuo Zhenzhao had been burned to ashes and scattered on the ground.

Lu Li then looked at an Izumo mecha. The varicose veins around his eye sockets bulged, his eyes turned red, and he activated the "Laser Eyes"!

But with a "sizzle" sound, a red laser hit the front of the mecha, burning a hole as big as a can on the spot.

The mecha was still able to move after shaking, and the damage was not serious.

Xiaocha laughed and said: "What are you doing? Your power is too small. Wan Qing~show him a trick~"

Wan Qing smiled and looked at the mecha. His eyes blasted out lasers, punching a hole as big as a dinner plate into it!

Molten steel flowed, and the mecha fell to the ground and was scrapped.

The power gap was indeed a bit big, but Lu Li smiled happily.

The laser eye is Suzaku's natal magical power. It's normal for him to have some shortcomings when he just learned it. He can just make up for it slowly during practice.

The most important thing right now is to master this skill.

The lasers fired are enough to masturbate planes and... missiles!

The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second, the fastest speed known in the universe!

Therefore, laser weapons are often installed on ships to intercept "hypersonic anti-ship missiles" that change orbit and penetrate defenses.

Lu Li immediately thought: "With this laser eye, I won't be afraid of missiles, especially missiles loaded with nuclear warheads!"

This is crucial for the next "Refining God and Manifesting Saints"!

According to "The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit and the Enlightenment of the Truth", spiritual inspiration and willpower can greatly accelerate the manifestation of the mind, so we have to get the Blue Star breakthrough.

But the classics also say that in the final stage of manifestation, monks cannot move!

This is too fatal!

The Star Allies must have prepared various means, and they must also have the nuclear bombs that Lu Li was most afraid of.

But with laser eyes, nuclear bombs can be shot down or detonated in advance from a distance of more than ten kilometers.

Thereby avoiding the most powerful "Nuclear Fireball" and "Heavy Explosion".

Without these two things, the threat of nuclear explosion is greatly reduced, and the aftermath is enough to kill Xiantian.

Lu Li became energetic and hurriedly said to Wan Qing:

"This move is very important to me. Thank you very much."

"I am very happy to be able to help Mr. Lang~"

Wan Qing was so happy that she pulled out the innate souls of the two ghosts at the same time and let Suzaku swallow them.

At this time, Xia Weiyun ripped off the head of the last mecha and shouted:

"Lu Li, have you noticed Feijian? Let's go inside."

The mecha was originally being dismantled by Feijian, but now it was Madam herself who was doing it herself, precisely because Lu Li asked them to chase that "Chiyo".

The underground factory is also insulated from observation by the Sky Eye, and is also ridiculously large. It would be great to have someone to lead the way.

Lu Li shared the field of vision with Feijian, and immediately pointed to a place and said:

"The female devil went to a place that looks like a prison, over here."

"I must have seen the failure and wanted to get rid of Mr. Nan!"

"Lu Li, don't let her succeed!"

"Don't worry, six flying swords are following. I'll kill her now."

Everyone heard Yingzuo Zhenzhao's order just now, and they all thought that the Japanese wanted to kill Nan Jinping.

Even Lu Li thought so and wanted to kill "Chiyo" with his sword.

In front of 6 flying swords, this woman has no luck.

But at this moment, the look on Lu Li's face suddenly became very strange:

"The person Izumo wants to kill is not Mr. Nan..."


At this moment, Chiyo rushed to the prison without stopping.

There are huge steel cages here, but most of them are empty.

There are only two doors where prisoners are held, including Nan Jinping.

But Chiyo didn't even look at the old man, and went directly to the innermost cage...

Two women were hanging in the cage. Their heads were lowered and their faces could not be seen clearly, but their thick white hair was particularly eye-catching.

Chiyo took out the "ribsashi" short knife from his waist, opened the cage door and walked straight in.

One of the white-haired women looked up. She had a delicate and pretty face and was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

But he has a pair of cold blue eyes and a pair of cat ears on the top of his head!

At this moment, it lies flat and takes on the shape of "airplane ears", which is exactly what cats do when they are nervous.

Chiyo raised the knife and said coldly:

"Are you Shang Xingru or Shang Yueru...forget it, Xinei!"

Before she could finish her words, the knife had already been stabbed into the heart of the cat-eared girl.

The girl struggled hard, but the strange collar around her neck immediately tightened and embedded in her cervical spine, making her unable to resist.

At the critical moment, a scream broke out from the sky, and the flying swords struck quickly!

Chiyo's face turned stern, he didn't care about his own life or death, he just wanted to kill the cat-eared girl in front of him.

But the flying swords were very smart. Two of them rushed to save people from the beginning, slashing Chiyo's arms and daggers straight away.

Seeing that if he continued, his hand would be in vain, Chiyo had no choice but to put away the knife to protect himself.

The flying sword did not kill anyone, but only forced the kimono girl away with a few rounds of slashes.

Lu Li wanted to keep asking questions. He was quite curious about the origins of the two cat-eared girls.

He also let the Qingshuang Sword get close to the cat-eared girl's neck to cut off the collar.

The girl knew that Feijian was a friend rather than an enemy, so she immediately turned her head to the side in cooperation.

But with a flash of cold light, the Qingshuang Sword cut open the collar with precision, leaving the cat-eared girl unharmed.

She immediately pulled the collar out of the back of her neck and moved her shoulders and neck vigorously, with a look of relief on her face.

Chiyo had a look of despair on his face, and then looked at the other cat-eared girl who was not yet out of trouble.

This girl fell into a coma and remained motionless. It would be great to kill her.

Chiyo's eyes showed a fierce look, but before he could make any move, he heard a cold and crisp voice saying in Izumo language:

"Hey~Obasan, I am Shang Xingru."

Chiyo turned around and looked into Shang Xing's cold, emerald eyes.

But the next moment, the eyes looked a little unreal, and rippled... It was an afterimage!

Chiyo reacted almost instantly, but was still hit by an incredibly fast white shadow passing over his body.

She covered her chest with a look of despair and disbelief.

I saw a hole in it and my heart was missing.

Shang Xingru tossed a heart up and down in his hand, then smashed it into pieces, and Qianyo also fell to the ground and expired.

At this time, Lu Li's family had rescued Nan Jinping and came over with them.

The two sides looked at each other in the air, and Xia Weiyun said in surprise:

"Catman is a citizen of Ryukyu. This should be the princess of Ryukyu whom my senior brother asked me to save...she has innate cultivation!"

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