I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 369 368. One side, one side

Three days passed by in a blink of an eye, and soon it was the day of Su Qing's wedding.

Before 3 o'clock in the morning, Lu Li had arrived at the barren mountain that he had made an appointment with before.

Before the people he had to wait for arrived, Lu Li mentally recalled the "Extending the Holy Spirit and Enlightenment of the Truth", reviewing the past and learning the new.

But as soon as I saw the opening line of "The heart is cleansed and the solution is suspended, and the enlightenment is in the middle of the puzzle", I heard a rumble through the sky.

Su Qing arrived at exactly 3 o'clock in the morning.

She was wearing a bright red wedding dress, her hair was tied up with a phoenix hairpin, and she had light makeup on her face, making her look like a bride.

Lu Li nodded in greeting and said, "Fairy Su, what should we do next?"

"It's very simple. Just put on this Taishan sect's regular clothes and follow me."

Su Qing threw over a set of blue clothes.

Lu Li's eyes narrowed, and he dropped his clothes in the air and put them on himself.

This is a green outfit with a majestic mountain peak embroidered with gold thread on the chest. It is the regular uniform of the Taishan Sect.

Su Qing is a disciple of the Taishan Sect, so it is normal to invite fellow disciples to watch the ceremony and discuss the details.

It's just that Lu Li already had a stern look on his face, but after putting on this outfit, he became even more imposing, which was too eye-catching.

Su Qing quickly gave instructions: "Controll your momentum, control your facial muscles to disguise yourself, and look at the ground."

Lu Li followed the instructions one by one, covering up the equipment so that it would not attract anyone's attention.

Su Qing nodded slightly: "That's enough, let's go."

She led the way, and together with Lu Li, she spread out her body skills and headed straight for the Governor's Mansion, arriving soon.

It was still dark at this time, but the main entrance of the Governor's Mansion was bustling with people, with thousands of people gathered there.

Several uncles and elders of the Shen family, along with a large group of housekeepers and stewards, are waiting here to receive guests.

Su Qing completely ignored this group of people and led Lu Li straight to the gate.

When this group of people saw Su Qing, they immediately became silent and hurriedly bowed their heads. Many servants even knelt down on the spot.

No one in the room dared to look directly at him. Even the elders of the Shen family just glanced at Lu Li quickly.

Noticing that he was wearing the regular clothes of the Taishan Sect, he quickly lowered his head, fearing that he would be a little slow.

An unmarried daughter-in-law has such power, but after thinking about it for a moment, Lu Li felt that it was normal.

The group of people in front of him were the ones with the highest cultivation level, and Su Qing could make their heart stop with just one look.

This is really the difference between humans and ants. If you are in a bad mood, it doesn’t hurt to crush one of them to death.

If ants had wisdom, they would be more in awe when they see people.

In this way, the two of them went straight to the Marble Manor on the island in the middle of the lake without any obstruction.

The place was decorated with lights but had already been cleared. Su Qing led Lu Li directly into the wedding room, pointed to a closed window and said:

"This is it. When the guests come to watch the ceremony later, you can watch it together."

Through this window, you can see Shen Siang's breakthrough.

However, Lu Li couldn't observe it yet, so he looked at the red and festive wedding room.

This house is similar to Izumo's underground factory. There are means inside the walls to isolate it from outside detection, making it quite secretive.

Su Qing stared at Lu Li's face with her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile but not a smile: "Master Lu, come~"

"Now? Don't you have to go out to socialize?"

"The Shen family is very poor. I only guard the bridal chamber and don't need to show my face."

Su Qing sat on the wedding bed, hooked her fingers and said, "You have to concentrate on understanding it later, so you can finish it earlier."

This woman is thinking about the benefits and is quite positive.

Master Lu Da was not polite and said directly: "Turn around."

"Tch, it's like this again, is it interesting?"

Su Qing rolled her eyes, but still obeyed.

Lu Li then stepped forward, found the place he was familiar with and drove in.

This moment is just like that moment.

The only difference is that Lu Li is already a prodigy in martial arts, and his body is reinforced with carbon fiber, so its strength is incomparable.


Su Qing took two deep breaths and subconsciously activated the "Immortal Will" to protect her body.

But thinking about the many benefits of talking about it, Fairy Su gritted her teeth and endured it. She just looked back and reprimanded:

"Fuck! Are you a fucking donkey that turned into a spirit?"

Lu Li didn't answer, he just kept busy and waited for the time to come.

During the picking process, the guests finally arrived.

Thousands of people came bustling, all representatives of wealthy families, and some foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes.

Under the guidance of the master of ceremonies, they arrived at the continuous waterside pavilion beside Chao Lake.

These lakeside pavilion-like buildings have excellent views from all sides, and you can clearly observe the translucent giant egg in the center of the lake.

The giant egg has swelled to the size of a building, with a diameter of nearly fifty meters, and it is constantly beating, making it intimidating.

Even though all the guests were from extraordinary backgrounds, this kind of scene was the only one he had seen in his life. Bu You exclaimed again and again:

"How magnificent! This is the breakthrough of refining the gods and manifesting the saints... Such a strong sense of oppression!"

"The [Spiritual Spike] is so big, how magnificent must be the [Heart Appearance] formed by it! The Green Dragon is so terrifying!"

A group of people pointed and shouted.

In addition, there are a few foreigners who occupy a waterside pavilion and play with many metal instruments.

The instrument has exposed bolts and gears, and its shape is rough and outdated.

An old white man with a fierce face shouted:

"Get the magnetic spectrometer ready! The natives of the Far East are about to open the 'consciousness space', and they must capture dark matter this time!"

The old man's left eye is a ruby, and he is staring at the [Spirit Spike] in the center of the lake, with a greedy red light surging:

"With dark matter, I can crack the secret of gravity and grasp the laws of universe evolution!!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, an assistant reminded in a low voice:

"Mr. Edison, if the distance can be closer, the success rate will be greatly increased."

"Give up this idea. The barbarians in the Far East will not allow us to get closer. We can only capture it here!"

Under Edison's scarlet gaze, the assistants stopped talking and concentrated on debugging the equipment.

At this moment, if the servants of the Shen family were included, there would be 2,000 people staring at the center of the lake.

With so many sights, Shen Siang had to concentrate on breaking through, so he had no time to sense who was who.

As a result, Lu Li could watch with peace of mind.

He took Su Qing to the window and looked at the ringing sound of the spirit ear.

According to the "Appearance of the Holy Spirit", this is a vision that occurs when monks condense their "mental images".

As the saying goes, appearance comes from the heart, and "heart appearance" is a person's most fundamental "self."

The monks need to condense it from the consciousness level and then manifest it, so that they can advance to the realm of "manifestation".

Normally it takes about 20 days, but Lu Li can already achieve "semi-manifestation", so it will definitely be much faster.

With the additional assistance of willingness and inspiration, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

This is the case for Shen Siang. The same semi-manifestation was almost completed in less than a week with some inspiration and willpower.

The current step is nothing more than preparation work. The next step of breaking out of the shell is the key. Only when you can see this can you consider your merits complete!

Lu Li groaned while looking forward to it.

But at this time, Su Qing looked back and shouted: "Lu, you're done! It's been three waves, just stop it when you're done!"

Lu Li sensed it and found that it was only one big realm away. As expected, the effectiveness of Grandmaster Yin Yuan was greatly reduced.

But no matter how you reduce it, after all, the base is there, it is still a rare help, the more the better.

The picking continued, and Su Qing immediately shouted: "You are such a living beast! If you dare to cut off my things later, I will kill you!"

"Quiet! Shen Siang is about to break through!"

Lu Li looked up at Lingsui, and it suddenly turned pitch black!

Next chapter 12 o'clock

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