I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 545 544 How many ants died?

The Thunder Tribulation Martial Saint who ignited 720 fusion acupoints is a great tonic in human form.

What's more, Lu Li's body is full of spiritual ideas, and he eats spiritual fruits every day, so his body naturally smells good.

After several ladies enjoyed it, they were full of praise. What’s even better is that this can really increase your cultivation~

How could a group of young women be polite? They immediately took turns devouring the food.

Xiaocha, Wanqing, Xia Weixin, plus the Maoer sisters, there are five fair and dewy beauties.

Lu Li couldn't resist it at all, and his soul was sucked out.

It had only been less than three days, but the whole person seemed to be much more peaceful, and he was full of the aura of being free from desires, like a sage.

It was a bit miserable, but it was also very satisfying, and Lu Li was happy to help them improve their cultivation. After all, there was still a long way to go.

Through the reflection of his soul, Lu Li can accurately calculate his lifespan.

The Thunder Tribulation Martial Saint cultivates both life and life, and he drank dragon's blood. He has enough intelligence and energy, and his origin has never been damaged... His life span is 6,000 years!

This was too long, and Lu Li didn't want to spend it alone.

Fortunately, all the hard work was not in vain. Three more days passed and the time came to the ninth day of August.

This day is the "autumn equinox", and Xia Weiyun ignited the first fusion acupoint - Tanzhong acupoint.

Then came the small tea and cat-ear sister flowers, which also ignited this acupoint that covers the internal organs and has the greatest benefit.

Not long after Wan Qing broke through to the golden body, she lacked accumulation and did not try rashly.

But the joy was not less than half an inch, and he congratulated repeatedly: "With this step, you are not far away from the Martial Saint ~ Congratulations."

"Thanks to our great medicine~"

Xiaocha smiled with a pair of small tiger teeth, cupped her fists towards Lu Li and said, "Donkey Heavenly Lord, thank you very much~"

Xia Weixin also smiled and said: "He has such a weakness, which is completely unexpected."

The contrast between Lu Li's before and after is quite interesting.

He didn't have any airs, so even Xingru joked: "You will surrender your gun in just a few clicks, you will be vulnerable."

As soon as these words came out, the girls burst into laughter. Only Yue Ru touched Lu Li's head, seeming to comfort him.

"Yue Ru is still the best~"

Lu Li pulled the girl into his arms and kissed her so hard that her cat ears trembled.

Xingru was affected by telepathy and felt his ears were itchy and trembled several times.

Lu Li hugged her over, sat down on the bed, and said:

"You all have ignited the fusion acupoints, and I will share some insights about the Martial Saint."

As soon as these words came out, a group of young women quickly looked serious and listened attentively.

"The essence of the world is matter. The key to martial saint's practice is to use the Yangyan of the living body to compress the Bohr radius of the body's atoms, so that the body can gain greater density."

"With a denser body, more cells, and the catalysis of Yang Yan, the immortal will can be increased geometrically, which will be of great help to both god refining and martial arts."

Lu Li slowly described his realization. The women listened carefully and asked a few questions from time to time.

Lu Li also answered them on the spot, and after a while of thinking and connecting, he just learned something new by reviewing the past, and gained a little more understanding of the realm of the Martial Saint.

Pleasant insights are like water in a bucket. The emptier it is, the less likely it is to slosh. It is most likely to cause ripples when the bucket is half or nearly full.

At this moment, the Fusion Acupoint, Yang Yan of the Living Body, Sea of ​​Consciousness Spiritual Realm, Xiaoyu's Dantian Spiritual Realm... all kinds of complicated things were surging in his mind.

Lu Li vaguely realized something, which seemed to be the secret of the Martial Saint.

But limited by my experience and accumulation, I just couldn't get rid of the fog, and I couldn't see the true knowledge, which made me feel depressed for a while.

A group of young women dared not express their anger for fear of disturbing them.

But within a few seconds, Lu Li sighed sadly and said, "I haven't accumulated enough, and I don't have much energy left."

Xingru was used to his ability and immediately said: "I believe you will realize it soon."

"Then I accept your good advice."

Lu Li pinched her cat ears and said to the girls:

"I don't really like to meditate and practice hard. It just so happened that you guys also ignited the fusion acupoint. I decided to go meet Yahweh and Satan and use a fight to practice."

This matter had been decided a long time ago, and it just happened to be a whim at this time.

The ladies nodded one after another, and Yueru rarely spoke: "Come back early and give birth to your child~"

"I will."

Lu Li smiled and rubbed her head, waved to the others, then flew up, replied, and disappeared into the sky like a shooting star.

Xiaocha shouted from behind: "Be safe, I want to give birth to you too."

Several women felt sad and felt that without this man, their family would be meaningless.

Xia Weining said: "Lu Li's flying sword is still with Dragon Girl. Tell Dragon Girl and send it to him."

This is to ask Long Nu to follow him. After all, Lu Li will most likely face 1 vs. 2, and he may also face Qiu Sheng.

Xingru had the best relationship with Longnu and immediately answered, "I'll tell her right now."

Xia Weining said: "I'll tell Su Qing again, and everything will be safe."


The women moved very quickly. As soon as Lu Li flew a hundred kilometers above the ground, he received a message at the same time——

Xiaoyu: [Lu Li is going to the core of the earth? , I want to go too, I want to go too]

Su Qing: [Let me see with my own eyes the majesty of Lord Lu Da Tian~]

It is indeed beneficial to watch the battles of strong men with your own eyes. Lu Li said:

"Then let's go together. Su Qing, are you in... Hengshan? Wait for me and Xiaoyu to find you."


Su Qingfei moved slowly, which was easier.

Lu Li reunited with Xiaoyu and flew towards Hengshan from suborbital speed.

It only took a few minutes to arrive. Lu Li took advantage of the opportunity to contact "Bimihu" and asked:

"Last time you said that the [Lake of Fire and Brimstone] is in the territory of Gad. If I want to find Yahweh and Satan, I can just go down from the spiritual realm of Gad?"

【Yes Master】

Himihu quickly confirmed and said respectfully: [It’s just that the earth’s core is quite big, please let your servant lead the way]

"Okay, you can go to Gad and wait."

After a few words, Lu Li saw Su Qing flying up.

"Hello, Xiaoyu~"

"How about you, Su Qing."

The two women had acted together before and had a good relationship. They greeted each other warmly when they met.

Xiaoyu also took the initiative to reveal the Silver Dragon Dharma Body and said: "You two, come on me."

"Thank you~"

Su Qing familiarly sat on the back of the silver dragon, and Lu Li also sat on it.

The silver dragon roared and soared, flying towards Gadde on the Western Continent at 30 times the speed of sound.

The total voyage is 7,200 kilometers and the arrival is expected to take 15 minutes.

"Xiaoyu, how is your baby? Is he feeling better?"

"The baby is fine. I don't feel uncomfortable anymore. I'm just sleepy. When the baby gets older, it shouldn't have any impact."

The two women chatted, and the group soon arrived over the Baltic Sea.

Below is a group of foreign countries, all of which sent strong men to participate in the "Dragon-Slaying Alliance".

Three dragon heads appeared behind Lu Li, and he opened his mouth and sprayed out balls of blazing light towards the ground.

This is the fusion energy wrapped in spiritual thoughts. At this moment, it spontaneously adjusts its trajectory and lands over cities.

It exploded 1 kilometer above the ground and turned into a dazzling light.

This is equivalent to an air-burst nuclear bomb, which can maximize the lethality.

On the ground, groups of mushroom clouds were seen rising one after another, turning countless prosperous and beautiful cities into ruins.

Su Qing and Xiaoyu didn't react much, just chatting to themselves.

In their eyes, Lu Li just crushed a few ants to death, it was no big deal.

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