I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 556 555 Prisoner Dragon Locks Heart

Chapter 556 555. Prisoner Dragon Locks Heart

If a celestial hand grasps it, it will crush the entire planet.

Immortal Palace shouted: [Don’t panic, this universe will reject him! 】

In fact, there is no need for Immortal Palace to tell, Lu Li and others also saw it.

The sun suddenly shone brightly and turned into an extremely bright golden color, which ordinary people could no longer look directly at.

This is the "chromosphere" close to the core of the sun, which produces "flares".

Under normal circumstances, such phenomena would only occupy one millionth of the surface area of ​​the sun, but could release the energy of tens of billions of hydrogen bombs.

At this moment, the entire body of the sun turned golden. This star with a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers completely exploded, immediately ejecting a stream of high-energy particles with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers!

It contains astronomical levels of gamma rays and x-rays, and it is a super "gamma burst".

An energy strike with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers...the diameter of the earth is only 12,000 kilometers.

Even if ten thousand Lu Lis were bundled together, they wouldn't be able to produce such power.

After all, Tianjun is only the Son of Heaven, and is far less vast than the galaxy.

Wu Xu was naturally aware of this situation. He just couldn't help it after suppressing his emotions for thousands of years, so he took action rashly.

He immediately withdrew his hand, and at the same time, a "lifting light" appeared behind him, preparing to resist the bombardment.

Yang Shen's secret was about to be revealed, and Lu Li immediately stared at it with wide eyes!

I saw that Wu Xu's "light" was not as red as the sun, but two planets chasing and rotating.

One is a star, and the other is red with green in it, apparently a planet with life.

Immortal Palace suddenly said in great surprise: [There is an aura of spiritual intelligence, "Original" really gave Wu Xu a spiritual star! 】

[Shaohao and I walked along the way and saw at least tens of billions of planets, none of which could generate energy on its own! 】

[Is it necessary to be so generous to a seller who seeks honor?]

No matter where they are, traitors may gain temporary honors, but they will not end well in the end.

However, Wu Xu had an exception here. He saw the twin stars rotating within the "Lifting Light", and their mass and gravity turned into blessings.

Wu Xu raised his hand and photographed a brown planet with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers from hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

The shape and appearance are similar to Saturn, and there are four "satellites" the size of blue stars surrounding it, which were also pulled over.

But in the eyes of mortals, Wu Xu slowly raised his hand and picked off a section of stars!

Immediately afterwards, he used this section of stars as a shield to face the incoming super "gamma burst".

Bombarded by the bright stream of light, four satellites the size of blue stars vaporized on the spot, like snow falling into boiling water, dissolving without a trace in the blink of an eye.

And the shape of the brown main star is placed here, which naturally blocks the super "gamma burst".

But it is only temporary, the planet will soon be dissolved by the light flow.

Wu Xu raised his hand slowly, and actually used the huge pressure and high temperature bombarded by the light flow to cause the planet to begin to "collapse".

I saw that the basic particles that make up the planet, electrons and protons, were pressed into the nucleus.

As the light flow advances, the planet slowly disappears, replaced by a bright white small ball of light - a neutron star!

The diameter of this thing is only 10 kilometers, but it is compressed from a celestial body with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers, and its mass is more than 300 times that of a blue star!

At this moment, it is rotating at 700 times per second, and is surrounded by a magnetic field of hundreds of millions of Teslas.

It is easy to block and resolve the subsequent super "gamma burst" like a small splash of water.

But Wu Xu had withdrawn his hand from the solar system, and the sun made no further movement.

The attack was over, Wu Xu was unscathed, and he still had a neutron star in his hand.

Lu Li witnessed the whole process and was so excited!

This person not only showed the power of the Yang Shen Immortal Lord, but also used the skill of "combining offense with defense" to turn enemy attacks into his own means.

If the situation wasn't critical, Lu Li would have really wanted to stay in seclusion for a few days to meditate, but it was a pity that he couldn't get away due to troubled times.

【Not good...】

Xiangong's voice was no longer so confident: [Wuxu is much more powerful, I'm afraid he will suffer if he does this! 】

Perhaps after venting his anger, Wu Xu returned to his previous calm demeanor.

There was a neutron star suspended in his hand, his eyes fell on Xiaoyu, and he said warmly:

"My dear daughter, it was my father who lost his temper just now. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you or the baby in your belly. Not only do I have a daughter, but I also have a grandson."

With the words, Wu Xu lost the vastness of the celestial body in everyone's eyes, and his body shape became normal.

Being formless and shapeless, being able to do whatever you want taught Lu Li another lesson.

But Xiaoyu still stared blankly at Wu Xu's chest without saying a word.

From the moment she met this person, "memory flashbacks" began to appear in her mind, all of which were bloodline memories sealed by her mother.

Wu Xu continued: "Xiaoyu, leave that galaxy and come to my father."

Wu Xu stretched out his hands, but Xiaoyu took a step back, pointed at Lu Li and said, "You are not allowed to hurt him."

"This won't work." Wu Xu said with a smile:

"Abba will completely devour this universe, leaving no chicken or dog behind. No one can survive except you, and even the soul will be annihilated."

"But don't worry, there will be a whole galaxy of men who will be your playthings. You are a dragon, just like your mother, you will definitely like it very much."

"I do not like!"

Xiaoyu said coldly: "Mom didn't betray you, but you attacked and killed her in a sneak attack. What you did was wrong."

“Total nonsense!!”

Wu Xu roared and scolded:

"As a wife, siding with outsiders when things happen is not betrayal! Your mother still dares to intercede for the enemy... Well..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Xu showed a look of pain, and then he vomited a mouthful of blood!

Seeing this scene, Immortal Palace was really surprised and happy: [This man's injuries have not recovered yet! Being towed! 】

【But it’s not right...】

Immortal Palace was very puzzled: [He was not seriously injured back then, and he still had the energy to kill Xuanyuan's bloodline. Why has he not recovered after thousands of years? 】

[And he suddenly disappeared in the middle of the killing...]

Just when he was puzzled by the explanation, Wu Xu's chest rose and fell, and something seemed to be moving under his clothes.

A sad look appeared on Xiaoyu's face, and the next second his clothes exploded, everyone was shocked!

I saw a white dragon on Wu Xu's body.

To be precise, it was a white dragon that passed through his heart and then circled back through his Dantian, like a chain.

And this white dragon has no head...

Immortal Palace exclaimed:

[The prisoner dragon locks his heart! That's it... Xiaoyu, thank you for your mother's understanding of justice! It’s a pity that my memory is incomplete and I forgot her name]

"Her name is Ao Yu."

Xiaoyu said softly, and Wu Xu grabbed the dragon corpse with both hands, quickly suppressed it, and even pulled it out a little.

"Perhaps I was too suspicious back then. If you want to blame it, blame it. Your mother had lost her vitality when she married me."

Wu Xu rearranged his clothes and said:

"Everything that needs to be seen has been seen today, and everything that needs to be said has been said. Now it's time to get down to business."

He gently raised his hand and threw the neutron star over!

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