I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 559 Seeds of 558 Galaxy

Chapter 559 558. The seeds of the galaxy

Under the gaze of everyone, Xiangduo knew that he could not swallow the "divine blood" alone.

Moreover, this galaxy has an instinctive dislike and rejection of Wu Xu. If you bring his blood in, everything may turn into trouble.

So, Xiangduo put the "sacred blood" into small jars and gave most of them to the highest bidder.

Then, he ordered the warship to sail into the "heliosphere."

This boundary is just a film of light, and the battleship can easily break through.

The crew stared at the sun extremely nervously, for fear of a "gamma burst".

I can only be calm and confident that nothing will happen to me.

This so-called "Galaxy Defense" is actually the stress response of a corpse. It is inferior to artificial intelligence and will only repel specific targets.

Otherwise, the two spies sent by Wu Xu before would have died 10,000 times.

Sure enough, the battleship was galloping through the galaxy, but the sun didn't react at all.

The crew gradually became relieved, and the captain also increased the speed to 10% of the speed of light, and soon caught up with Wu Xu's "neutron star".

Even on the scale of the universe, this thing is extremely explosive, and the sight of it makes one's heart tremble.

Fortunately, it did not exert any extraordinary influence. Its speed was only a little over 1% of the speed of light. It was quickly overtaken by the battleship and left far behind.

But seeing that there was no such thing as exploring the path, the invaders gathered outside the "heliospheric layer" suddenly couldn't sit still, and drove the warships in one after another.

At 10% the speed of light, it only takes 6 days to reach Blue Star.


At the same time, Lu Li was studying the classics passed down from Qiu Sheng and Immortal Palace.

To break through the Yangshen, you need to condense a self-generated spiritual planet in the spiritual realm, which is a real world.

Previously, Wu Xu showed his power by borrowing the mass and gravity of planets to "pick the stars with his hands."

This is the real power of heaven and earth, and the classics call it "the power of Tai Su".

The original words are as follows:

【Husband, the visible thing is born from the invisible, where does the heaven and the earth come from? Gu said: Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu]

These four words correspond to the steps in the emergence and creation of all things in the universe.

"Taiyi" refers to the chaotic state in which everything adheres to each other before the Big Bang occurs;

"The beginning" is the creation of the Big Bang;

"Taishi" is when the particles produced by the Big Bang gradually cool down and form a molecular cloud.

The molecular cloud eventually condenses into various celestial bodies to form a complete universe, which is "Tai Su".

These records were mutually reinforcing with Blue Star's astronomy knowledge, and Lu Li accepted them very quickly.

He even reminded Qiu Sheng repeatedly to help this "ancient man" answer his questions.

And knowing the principle can eventually be transformed into actual operation.

How to "create the world"?

It's not difficult to say, just have an extremely bright supernova explode in the spiritual realm, and then aggregate the matter into a planet.

Of course, it is definitely difficult to implement in practice.

What does the planet look like? What's the diameter? What's the mass?

How to arrange the atmosphere? What is the rotation speed and angle? How to ensure that inspiration is generated?

Failure to address any of the numerous problems will result in the created planet turning into a "Death Star" with a harsh environment and a waste of energy.

In response to this situation, our ancestors have already given the answer - copy.

Just like learning calligraphy, you have to "copy" from famous calligraphy at first.

And right now, there is a ready-made living planet for reference, which is the Blue Star under your feet.

Not only are the samples perfect, but they are also familiar and friendly, making work easier with less effort.

It must be based on this that Xuanyuan Huangdi copied Blue Star and even the solar system.

Thinking further, Shaohao's reappearance of the solar system in this universe... wouldn't he be helping the galaxy to spread its branches?

"Animals and plants rely on reproduction to spread their genes, and monks are the seeds of the galaxy."

Lu Li suddenly had this idea... He and Qiu Sheng also planned to copy Blue Star, and then the solar system would be indispensable. In a sense, it was really equivalent to the branches and leaves of this universe.


After thinking for a second, Lu Li shook his head and concentrated on the real thing.

Although there is a reference, the difficulty has not completely disappeared.

Just one meter higher and one meter lower sea level will have a huge impact on the global environment, and there are many more.

Numerous information was also sent from the Asgard to help calculate how far the new planet would need to be kept under the "artificial sun" of various sizes, how to revolve and rotate, etc.

The real sun has a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers and a volume 1.3 million times that of a blue star.

Lu Li and Qiu Sheng couldn't achieve anything, so they could only follow the example.

And this also involves the issue of the cultivation level of the two people.

Breaking through the Yangshen requires a spiritual realm of one million kilometers, and Qiu Sheng just met the standard.

After Lu Li absorbed Yahweh and Satan, he came to 800,000 kilometers, only a little short of that.

But this is just the minimum. If you really want to break through, the bigger the better.

So in addition to enlightenment, the two of them had to find ways to open up the sea of ​​consciousness and expand the spiritual realm. They were really busy.

After six days like this, Lu Li had mastered all the paper knowledge.

Thanks to the development of Kunlun Mirror and Heart Vision, the spiritual realm has also grown by 30,000 kilometers.

It is said that the harvest is not small, but Lu Li frowned slightly...

If this continues, he will barely reach the breakthrough standard in two months, and the success rate will not be too high.

Maybe Wu Xu would blow up the sea of ​​consciousness and die suddenly without Wu Xu taking action.

Lu Li looked towards Qiu Sheng... the other party also had a worried look on his face.

If you take the trick of integrating soul and body, without an immortal will and mind, it will only stretch your hips further.

But fortunately after swallowing a planet, Qiu Sheng still has some confidence:

"I plan to break through on the 40th day, and there is a 50% chance."

This leaves a lead time. If she fails and dies, Lu Li will have enough time to learn lessons, sum up his experience, and swallow the loser's spiritual realm as well.

Qiu Sheng got a planet for nothing, this is the reward. Although it was not said out loud, it was all unspoken.

Lu Li said in a sincere tone: "I wish you success and success."

"Excellent Chenglu has given you auspicious words."

Qiu Sheng smiled, but the next second their expressions changed slightly, and they looked at the sky together.

It just so happened that Immortal Palace also reminded:

[The fleet of the original Kingdom of God is coming! The commander is called "Star Seed" and has the strength of Thunder Tribulation or Martial Saint. you two……】

Without these two people, it would be impossible to resist, but going out to clean up would delay the progress.


This name fit what he had just thought, and Lu Li said with great interest:

"I'll deal with it. Rather than working hard, I prefer practice to gain true knowledge."

With the Kunlun Mirror constantly opening up, Lu Li didn't need to "go into seclusion".

Xiangong naturally knew what was going on and immediately said:

[Then please. You head to Europa, just in time to intercept them! 】

"Europa, the second closest moon to Jupiter."

Lu Li nodded and soared into the sky on the spot.

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