I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 566 565 Breaking through Yangshen’s qualifications

Chapter 566 565. Breaking through Yangshen’s qualifications

Using martial arts methods again, Lu Li would not be as extravagant and wasteful as before.

There is no need to move at 20% light speed. If it is 10%, these people will not be able to react.

The same applies to the speed of the punch. There is no need to blow the entire upper body to pieces, just blow the head to pieces.

Lu Li's figure flashed and he flashed in front of the two "blue-haired iron men" who smashed the dragon wings.

As expected, the two of them couldn't react. They only had time to raise their arms when Lu Li punched him in the nose with both fists, and then his whole head exploded.

The limbs of the two headless corpses swung several times before they lay motionless in space.

But Lu Li only exploded at half the speed, and the pressure was indeed greatly reduced.

Faced with the large group of enemies rushing up to him, he did not dodge and allowed the enemies to surround him, or to take the initiative to "get trapped".

From the very beginning, what made me stronger than the other party was not strength, but—spirit!

"Go to hell you scumbag!"

Asul's neutron star fist suddenly struck, and many other star species also attacked from all directions.

Speed, power, affected part...all attacks were instantly reflected in Lu Li's mind.

The moment the arc jumped, there was a plan to deal with it.

Facing the overwhelming attack, all the fusion points on Lu Li's body lit up, igniting the red lotus.

Immediately afterwards, he drew out his two fists at the same time, and the second one hit the two stars' faces first.

Without the blessing of movement skills, the fist speed was only 5% of the speed of light, but it still smashed the two people's heads.

At this time, Asul's most threatening fist had already hit his face.

Lu Li, who was rare, did not take a hard hit, but instead ducked and deflected the punch 15 degrees to the left, hitting a "zombie face".

This was a corpse controlled by the "Dweller Demon", which was blasted into a cloud of sand by the neutron star's fist and shot into space.

Asul punched out another fist unbelievingly. Lu Li didn't even look at it. He raised his hand and pulled an unlucky guy to hit him. Another mutilated corpse was born.

"Damn it! Zhinao! Hurry and lock on the enemy!"

Including Asul, a group of star species frantically called the smart device.

But no matter how powerful the device is, it is still a foreign object, and it really doesn’t have this ability:

【mistake! Unable to lock target! 】

[Warning, the target path is difficult to calculate, please refer to the actual situation! 】

Zhi Nao couldn't lock Lu Li's figure at all, and it was difficult to predict his movements.

Lu Li, on the other hand, was drifting among the various onslaughts, looking for an opening and hitting his head with a punch.

Occasionally, he would pull the unlucky person to block the neutron star's fist for him, and in a short time the place would be filled with stumps and scraps of flesh.

These are all big figures from various planets, equivalent to the existence of the five permanent presidents.

At this moment, it can only turn into pieces of biological tissue, which are captured by the gravity of "Jupiter" and fall into the atmosphere, turning into meteors and fireballs and disappearing.

Just killing like this, the place became more and more sparse, and before I knew it, only 50 people were left.

After such a killing, no matter how frugal Lu Li tried, his physical energy was still exhausted, and the "Eternal Golden Flame" on his body gradually dimmed.

But the group of Star Seeds suddenly dispersed, leaving a space for the boss.

Just because the halo of light behind the man in front of me became golden again!

The wings of the mind have been healed, and an "artificial sun" with a diameter of 500 kilometers has been condensed in the spiritual realm.

It was about to detonate, and Lu Li didn't put much thought into maintaining it, so the sun was very unstable, and his body light also sprayed large streams of light particles outward.

Given this scene, of course the enemy would not just stand there stupidly. After running all the way, he called for the fleet to fire the Star Destroyer Cannon at Lu Li.

It takes a certain amount of time to charge and adjust the battleship's main gun.

Lu Li was also happy to prepare for it for a while and recover his physical fitness at the same time.

The star species headed by Asul looked at this side with extremely ugly expressions.

At this moment, even the people watching the live broadcast realized that they were no match for this heresy.

But no one dared to say anything like retreat, because a mind was watching the battle.

Death on the spot may not be the worst outcome.

And there is still hope... The heretic has been standing still!

"He doesn't know the power of the Star Destroyer Cannon!?"

Battleships are bulky, huge, and complicated, resulting in unparalleled power.

There was a commotion among the Starseeds, and they communicated via internal communication:

[This heretic is looking for death! 】

[The ignorant and backward indigenous people have probably never seen space weapons! 】

A group of people kept a distance of a thousand kilometers and stared at Lu Li, hoping that he would be reduced to ashes by the Star Destroyer Cannon.

At this time, the artificial sun in the spiritual realm also reached its limit.

At the moment when dozens of battleships fired their beams, Lu Li smiled lightly at Asul in the distance, and then disappeared.

He activated the teleportation power of Liandu, and all the salvos fired by the battleships were in vain, flying into the depths of the universe in vain.

"Where are the people!?"

Asul was suddenly startled, and just as he had a bad premonition, Lu Li appeared in front of him, and the aperture behind him spurted out a bright jet!

The 500-kilometer-diameter artificial sun exploded with too much energy, so Lu Li could only restrain it as much as possible.

The jet formed a fan shape and submerged 20 star species including Asul on the spot, as well as a large number of battleships behind it, covering a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers!

This is a standard astronomical phenomenon, and even everyone at Blue Star can see Jupiter lighting up.

The enemies that were hit disintegrated without a word, leaving only a few explosions from the battleship.

A few drops of blood flowed from Lu Li's nose. His consciousness was damaged by the supernova explosion, but his face was full of joy.

In this fireworks show that lights up the entire Jupiter star field, a large number of neutrons and their high-energy forms are released.

Collision and squeezing each other, or bombarding into atomic nuclei, after producing substances from the periodic table of elements all the way to "iron", they further gave birth to cobalt and nickel.

Even though there are only two more items, it is a big step forward - this shows that the spiritual realm can already produce heavy metal elements and is closer to the real material universe!

Lu Li wiped away the nosebleed and felt excited:

"Let's do it again, increase the diameter to 1,000 kilometers, and get out the copper!"

This is the limit that normal stars can reach. Only when you reach this step can you truly be qualified to break through the Yangshen.

At present, his spiritual realm is damaged, his body is exhausted, and there are a group of enemies eyeing him, which is really a bit difficult.

But Lu Li has already entered the state, and he must get a result today!

Taking advantage of the shock of a group of star seeds, he raised his hand and grabbed half of the "Octopus Alien" corpse.

It is mentioned in the Quantum Network that this thing is called the "blasphemy demon", which can wrap up the enemy with its tentacles and lay eggs in its body.

Lu Li didn't care so much. He simply heated the half of the octopus with his spiritual thoughts and swallowed it in two or two mouthfuls.

These monsters from another universe have nutrients that have never been seen before, and the first time they are eaten, they are extremely effective.

Lu Li's physical strength recovered quickly, and Consciousness Sea's injuries could barely be suppressed.

"Don't let him recover! Kill him!"

Accompanied by loud roars, Asul flew over from a very far distance.

This guy is not dead, he only lost one arm, and the armor on his body is in pieces, but he still has fighting ability.

Asul kept shouting internally: [Contact the people who are attacking the planet, they should be successful! 】

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