I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 569 568 The road ahead is uncertain

Chapter 569 568. The road ahead is uncertain

He couldn't fly very fast due to his injury, so Lu Li didn't return to the star field until the second day under the escort of flying swords.

The blue and pure planet is right in front of you, and there is a gorgeous palace hovering in the orbit to greet you. It is the Asgard.

[Thank you for your hard work, it was a wonderful battle]

The Immortal Palace was very respectful, but Lu Li didn't bother to reply and was looking towards the two poles of the planet.

Those two places were lighting up like fireworks, looking like an aurora phenomenon. But Lu Li knew with just a glance of his mind that what came out was all inspiration!

The core of the earth became extremely active, the energy radiated was extraordinary, and the concentration of spiritual energy increased five times!

"what's the situation?"

An unprovoked drastic change in the environment is not a good thing. Lu Li frowned and asked the Immortal Palace.

[The planet has a "fever", and the explosive spiritual machine spawns more strong people to act as "antibodies\

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