I can summon myself

Chapter 120 Details

"Is this a person?"

"What a joke!"

"But whether it is the fluctuation of spiritual energy, the fluctuation of life, or the image on the screen, the possibility of being a person is more than 90%."

In order to see more clearly, Bai Chen decisively ordered the bomber to descend to 3,500 meters, and the distance from the dead volcano island was shortened to 10 kilometers.

A pale woman appeared on the screen.

She was petite, about 1.6 meters tall, weighed no more than 80 kilograms, and had a messy black hair covering her face and growing to her waist.

What was glaring was her tattered coat.

Although it had been washed white, it could still be confirmed from the shape of her coat, trousers, and shoes that this was an outdoor suit specially used by the East Earth Psychic Association.

"It's really a person, and a woman from the East Earth Psychic Association."

"How is it possible?"

"How could a member of the East Earth Psychic Association stand by and watch the death?"

"How could a member of the East Earth Psychic Association sit and watch their trading partner, the cloud whale cub, wail constantly?"

At this moment, everyone's face was full of frustration.

The ones emitting the mirage-type psychic energy fluctuations were not the evil mirage-type creatures that everyone imagined.

Instead, they were a group of humans who, like this woman, ran out from the inside of the dead volcano, wearing special suits of the East Earth Psychic Energy Association.

No one could accept what they saw.

They had thought of countless ways to deal with the mirage-type creatures.

Not only puppets and robots, but even the No. 1 lifeboat was filled with psychic C4.

But no one expected that the ones who finally appeared in front of everyone.

They were living East Earth people, people from the East Earth Psychic Energy Association.

"What should we do now?"

The teachers and students looked at Bai Chen.

Not only that, the accompanying Krao appeared outside the porthole again.

The faint light from its huge eyes also fell on Bai Chen's face.

In fact, it, like the teachers and students, also hoped that the people trading with Yunjing were a group of fakes disguised as mirage-type creatures.

In this way, it would have enough reasons to convince its own tribe to cooperate with the Misty Rain Academy where Bai Chen was.

But these humans in the East Earth Psychic Energy Association's uniforms in front of them.

It not only shattered the hopes of Yanyu College, but also shattered its hopes.

"Bai Chen, what can you do?"

Krao hoped that Bai Chen could come up with a best of both worlds solution that would not violate the traditions of the Yunjing Clan and both sides could reach a cooperation agreement.


Bai Chen's mind showed the way of observing details of the Immortal King Bai Chen.

He stared at the big screen, carefully observing the actions of this group of people.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"They have problems, big problems."

Bai Chen took over the control of the screen and turned the live broadcast into screenshots.

"This woman has obvious pauses when her limbs move."

"If so, she may be unwell."

"Then why are the limb pauses and frequencies of all other people exactly the same as this woman's body dynamics?"

"This is one."

Then Bai Chen pointed to the eyes of the people in the picture.

"Second, their pupils."

"When any human encounters sunlight, their pupils will subconsciously adjust their pupil state according to the intensity of the light."

"But they, whether it is the woman facing the sunlight or the others with their backs to the sunlight, the size of all their pupils did not change at all!"

"Third, and the most important point."

"Our No. 1 boat is strictly designed according to the lifeboat standards provided by the East Earth Spiritual Energy Association."

"The hatch, portholes, and base all have entrances and exits that can be opened from the outside."

"They actually left the hatch handle that can be opened directly, but surrounded the No. 1 boat without any rules or logic."

"It proves that they have no consciousness of opening the door at all."

"Maybe one or two people will forget how to open the lifeboat."

"But there are a total of twelve people in front of them, how could there not be even one person who can open the door?"

After listening to Bai Chen's words.

The teachers and students verified the three details that they subconsciously ignored one by one.

That's right, the performance of these twelve people is not only inconsistent with common sense, but also inconsistent with human physiological mechanisms.

"The swinging arc, frequency, and method of the body movements are exactly the same!"

"They didn't even blink when facing the direct sunlight!"

"It's okay if they can't use the door handle, but who would kick the shell made of a whole piece of psychic alloy plate instead of the door to save people?"

Everyone looked at Bai Chen with admiration.

Everyone was uneasy about the sudden appearance of the twelve people.

Bai Chen saw the other party's problem through the details.

"Junior Bai Chen, you are so amazing."

"Your eyes are sharp."

"You can see so many flaws in them at a glance."

"Sir Krao, from the three details pointed out by classmate Bai Chen, we can be 100% sure that the twelve "people" in front of us are indeed the standard outdoor team of our East Earth Psychic Association."

"But their behavior just proves that they have the appearance of humans but are definitely not humans inside."

Krao looked at Bai Chen, his voice full of joy: "Bai Chen, I agree with your judgment."

"What should we do next?"

"Turn on the communication system of boat No. 1."

Mo Qianxing skillfully connected with the No. 1 boat, which landed smoothly.

"Turn on the audio system on boat one."

Soon, the live sound returned by the pickup of the No. 1 boat appeared in the command center.



After removing the background sound, what penetrated everyone's ears was a strange hissing.

"It is absolutely impossible for a human being to make such a sound."

Everyone's eyes were filled with anger.

No matter who it is, no matter what kind of creature they are, they dare to use the bodies of our compatriots in the East to deceive them.

Yanyu Academy will never let it go.

"We don't understand what the neighing means, though."

"But it can be confirmed that they are most likely an insect-like creature."

"Insects that can emit mirage fluctuations, bugs that can control humans."

"Have certain intelligence and can disguise themselves as bugs traded by humans and cloud whales of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association."

"What exactly are they?"

The teachers and students fell into deep thought.

In Bai Chen's mind, he was looking for the insect information of the cat Bai Chen. There were too many insects that met the conditions.

He needs further judgment.

He picked up the microphone.

Make sure that the noise from your side can be transmitted to the No. 1 boat and broadcast through the loudspeaker.

He struck.

The sound of Bai Chen tapping the microphone.

The twelve "people" around Boat No. 1 were startled.

Those who were at a loss, those who bared their teeth, those who subconsciously stepped back, and those who tried to fight back.

Every person and every movement was caught by Bai Chen.

Details can make the difference between success and failure.

Details can also prove their true identity.

Bai Chen kept changing the tapping frequency and loudness.

These twelve "people" also made various incredible reactions under his mobilization.

When the various details they showed coincided with the insect information Bai Chen obtained from looking for the cat Bai Chen.

A smile appeared on Bai Chen's lips.

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