I can summon myself

Chapter 125 There is a real treasure


Even if the Liu family didn't mention it, Bai Chen would take the initiative to take a look in the quiet room.

Because the details told him that people like Liu Da were probably looking away.

The heavy treasure does exist, but it is not this skeleton, the space capsule and quiet room left by the owner of the skeleton, but something else.

"My dear, the runes on the space capsule are called enhanced material matrix. This technology can use the matrix to strengthen the material of the space capsule to make it stronger and more stable. Under normal circumstances, only the suture type with imperfect basic universe rules can Only places like the Great World and Zhongtian World use text to strengthen the material of the space capsule.”

"This is a text technology that is useful for the Zhongtian world and the suture-type world, but is useless for the original world like the earth."

"Because of the well-regulated earth, any level of space material does not need this technology to be blessed, and it can be stronger and more stable than the blessed space capsule."

"From the details of the space capsule, we can make the most basic judgment about the owner of this skeleton."

"The level of the universe he came from must not be as good as the earth."

"The enhanced material matrix is ​​not completely consistent with the related technologies of Fairy World, but the theory is similar. From the layout of the external texture, the strengthening effect is at least three hundred years behind Fairy World."

"Judging from the size of the space capsule and the enhanced material matrix, the space that this space capsule can hold is almost the standard level of a high-level controller on the earth where you are, and it is not even as good as the trophies you got from Ice Man Hantian. "

"Considering the differences between the two worlds and the preciousness of materials in the other's universe, the strength of the owner of this skeleton must have reached the level of a controller. Based on what level and what equipment is used, which is applicable to all parallel universes, we can infer that he The strength is between the third and eighth level of the controller."

"Then, the high-order matrix he can use will not be much higher than the eighth level of the controller."

"The eighth-order matrix that controls Mao Baichen may have the ability to create mirage to cover this extinct volcanic island, but the world where the skeleton owner lives without complete rules definitely does not have such technology."

"In other words, the mirage matrix in Liu Da's quiet room is the source of all mirage energy. This is just the appearance he can see."

"The real treasure that creates these mirage psychic powers should still be inside this extinct volcano."

Immortal King Bai Chen's well-founded analysis made Bai Chen determined to find out.

It's just that he hasn't figured out how to take the initiative to speak.

Liu Erwu then extended an invitation to him.

What's even more interesting is that, seemingly in order to win Bai Chen's favor, Liu Twenty-five actually took the initiative to mention everything about the quiet room.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, it is said to be a quiet room, but in fact it is not a quiet room, but a large building with three floors, covering an area of ​​more than 500 square meters, in a natural cave inside an extinct volcano."

"We are the Liu family team with the name of the Psychic Association. In fact, most of them are from the Liu family in the imperial capital. Everything we collect from this island is placed in the large warehouse on the first floor of the quiet room."

A flattering smile appeared on Liu Erwu's face.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, if you and your companions like something, just ask and don't be polite."

Compared with Liu Da, who wanted to win over Bai Chen but couldn't let go of the Liu family's face in the imperial capital, and couldn't win over the face of the Liu family's chief steward.

Liu Twenty-Five, this new generation who has worked for the Liu family for generations, does not have a high status in the Liu family, and his strength is quite pitiful. He is only a third-level awakened person who is several decades old and is not as good as the ordinary academic masters of Yanyu College.

The reason why he can become the second person besides Liu Da.

The only reason was that the people before him either died or were transformed into insects together with the eldest lady Liu Fenghua.

Among the current survivors, Liu Erwu has been in the Liu family the longest and has the clearest clues. Only then was he appointed by Liu Daqin as the person in charge after he left.

The problem is that once the Liu family gets the news and sends people to rescue, Liu Erwu will never be able to become the leader of the survivor team, and it is even very likely that Liu Fenghua will be liquidated by the Liu family because Liu Fenghua was transformed into an insect.

Liu Erwu, who did not want to take the blame, chose to save himself.

The mysterious and powerful Bai Chen in front of him was his choice.

Maybe it's not realistic to use what the Liu family team has gained in the quiet room in exchange for Bai Chen's intervention.

But using these public resources in exchange for Bai Chen's favor, or in exchange for a little bit of information leaking out of Bai Chen's fingers.

Liu Erwu was already very satisfied.

Anyway, if the Liu family asks about it then, he also has Bai Chen, and the Misty Rain Academy is the perfect reason for the eldest daughter of the Liu family to be his savior.

Using something that did not belong to him in the first place, in exchange for the possibility of making a profit, Liu Erwu felt that this was not a loss no matter how he calculated it.

"Did you encounter anything interesting on this island?"

Tian Gang said with a smile.

He doesn't have a talent for details, but that doesn't stop him from wanting to get more information for his junior brother from Liu Erwu.

"Interesting? What aspects do you mean?"

While Liu Erwu led Bai Chen and others towards the tunnel, he asked Tian Gang puzzledly.

"Natural, unnatural, illusions caused by mirage spiritual energy, etc."

Bald postdoctoral fellow Wang Botang also started chatting.

Everyone just started chatting with each other.

I noticed the interesting look in Bai Chen's eyes.

Liu Erwu was very excited.

Although Tian Gang's cliché skills are poor.

But Liu Twenty-five, who wanted to sell the Liu family's harvest at a good price, knew everything and said it all.

Bai Chen quickly got the information he wanted from his messy narration.

"Nine months ago, a strange wind blew up on our island, sweeping away the pile of metal ore we found in the waterway on the dry lake beach of the crater."

"Six months ago, a pile of inexplicable things fell from the sky in the same place where metal ore was piled, and almost hit our people."

"Three months ago, the metal ore we had just dug out in the same place disappeared again."

"There was a flag of the East Earth Spiritual Energy Association standing on the ore pile."

"Liu Da led everyone to search for a long time but found nothing."

Like other Liu family members, Liu Ershiwu still doesn't understand why such a supernatural event happened.

What made him even more confused was the meaningful expressions on the faces of everyone in Yanyu Academy.

However, Liu Ershiwu was too lazy to think too much and continued to talk about their bits and pieces on the island.

Soon, under the guidance of the guide who sold the Liu family team cleanly.

Bai Chen and his party arrived at the end of the tunnel.

This is a downward passage with obvious traces of artificial excavation.

A wind with the smell of the sea surged out of the passage.

Bai Chen instantly felt a powerful mirage spiritual energy.

With the help of the Great Void Training Method, Bai Chen instantly analyzed that this seemingly pure mirage spiritual energy concealed countless violent auras.

This is the smell of a real treasure.

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