I can summon myself

Chapter 137 Yes, RGB!

When the sun sank into the horizon.

Bai Chen nailed the last black iron base plate into Krao's body.

As he inserted the psychic crystal used to test the black iron punk suit into the power slot.

The matrix on both sides of Krao's body emitted a soft white light.

"It's on!"

"The brightest cloud whale in the night sky."

"Don't ask, just ask the cloud whale punk."

Krao slowly flew out of the outfitting platform.

It swung its tail.

Its huge body, like a cannonball, rushed straight into the sky.

With the injection of its psychic energy, the load of the psychic matrix was instantly full.

The white light began to change constantly.

Finally, it turned into a large luminous object with seven colors alternating, which was extremely dazzling and cool.

In the dim sky, the particularly bright Krao attracted everyone's attention.

"Yes, RGB!"

"This special effect is obviously old light pollution."

"In ancient times, people used keyboards, mice, chassis, radiators, monitors, graphics cards, and memory polluted by running lights to improve the combat effectiveness of users (fog). Today, classmate Bai Chen used the Black Iron Punk Suit to light up Krao, the leader of the Cloud Whale Pioneer Group, into the most beautiful creature in the night sky. This should also greatly improve its combat effectiveness."

"The Black Iron Punk Suit has not been tested for combat effectiveness, so it is currently impossible to assess how much benefit it can bring to the Cloud Whale. Bai Chen, be careful!"

The survivors of the Liu family who were watching the excitement found that the onlookers of the Cloud Whales were rushing towards Bai Chen.

However, these large creatures, each of which was at least dozens of meters long, stopped accurately two meters away from Bai Chen.

"Lord Bai Chen, we also want the Black Iron Punk Suit."

"Lord Bai Chen, it can be brighter than before."

"Lord Bai Chen, can the color change automatically and randomly?"

"Lord Bai Chen, can you not only put on the sides of the ribs, but also the whole body with the Black Iron Punk Suit?"

"Lord Bai Chen, I want to install a luminous matrix on my head that can be as bright as the headlights of the Bear bomber."

The desire in the big eyes of the cloud whales almost condensed into substance.

Although Bai Chen's Black Iron Punk Suit was not designed for RGB at all, the moment it was lit up, it completely conquered the cloud whales, which like to glow and show off.

They looked at Bai Chen eagerly.

Their rather human expressions were full of expectations for the Black Iron Punk Suit.

"Looking for the cat Bai Chen, it's so terrifying."

"It really deserves to have several large groups of cloud whales, and they are familiar with all the details of the cloud whales."

The Immortal King Bai Chen sighed.

The black iron punk suit designed by Bai Chen based on the experience gained from finding the cat Bai Chen hit the excitement point of the cloud whales.

"Don't worry, there are enough black iron punk suits."

"As long as the test is completed and its performance is confirmed to meet the requirements."

"We will work overtime to equip everyone."

The cloud whales made a satisfied cry.

Krao rushed down aggressively.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?"

"What do you want to do by surrounding Lord Bai Chen?"

"Don't block Lord Bai Chen's breathing!"

The cloud whales roared in response to Krao.

"Lord Bai Chen is our ally of the cloud whales, not your ally of Krao!"

"Want to monopolize Lord Bai Chen and enjoy the black iron punk suit alone? You are dreaming."

"No more words, see you in the sky!"

"Krao, we are going to beat you up!"

Countless powerful psychic fluctuations locked Krao.

A familiar cloud whale assured Bai Chen: "Sir Bai Chen, please rest assured that we will not damage Krao's black iron psychic suit."

Bai Chen heard the implication of its words.

That is, other parts of Krao will be damaged.

"Krao, go!"

The cloud whales lifted Krao up to the sky.

"Beat it, beat it!"

The bear child of the cloud whale, Hei Er, kept fanning the flames, and took advantage of the large group of cloud whales to take Krao to the sky.

It sneaked in front of Bai Chen.

But before it could say, it was the most beautiful cub of the cloud whale, and it also wanted a black iron punk suit.

The other three cubs fell from the sky and smashed it onto the volcanic rock under Bai Chen's feet.

Hei Er, who wanted to take advantage, was even PPPVPed by his companions earlier than Krao.

Seeing the cloud whales fighting for Bai Chen's black iron psychic suit.

Everyone in Yanyu Academy smiled as a matter of course.

When classmate Bai Chen took action, the cloud whales responded enthusiastically. Isn't this natural?

The Liu family and their Western coolies looked at Bai Chen on the high platform with eyes looking at gods.

"How much do you know about creatures like cloud whales to make cloud whales kill Matt, cloud whale punk, cloud whale old RGB, and ignore the friendship of the same clan."

"No one knows cloud whales better than this man in front of him."

"If this is not a family tradition, what is a family tradition?"

"There is actually a person like Bai Chen in the East who knows the powerful cloud whales to the bone."

"A mere dead volcanic island is insignificant. If we can use this to exchange for Bai Chen's friendship, we will make a fortune."

"Liu Ershiwu, go and ask Mr. Bai Chen if he needs new coolies!"

Liu Ershiwu was pushed in front of Bai Chen by the survivors of the Liu family.

"Mr. Bai Chen, are you still recruiting?"

Liu Ershiwu said expectantly.


For someone who works so hard like Liu Ershiwu, Bai Chen has no reason to refuse.

One hour later.

The cloud whales, who had beaten up their leader, returned to Bai Chen contentedly.

Just as the familiar cloud whale promised.

Krao, whose body was covered in bruises, was still in good condition in his black iron punk suit.

"Are you okay?"

Bai Chen couldn't bear to look directly at Krao's swollen eyes.

"It's okay, just a beating."

"My Krao is still the most handsome guy!"

The black iron punk suit on it once again emitted a constantly changing RGB special effect.

The cloud whales, who had finally calmed down, had the urge to beat it up again.

"Let's start the test."

Bai Chen saved Krao with just one sentence.

When it came to business, the cloud whales also stopped laughing and became serious and focused.

The black iron punk suit provided by Bai Chen was not only a layer of decoration with charm +999 and cool +999.

It was also the first multifunctional equipment designed specifically for the cloud whales in the history of the earth.

Moreover, Bai Chen said that it can be used to explore the distributed modularization of psychic fluctuations and life fluctuations in the outer layer of the subspace, with the Bear bomber as the core, and can cover a mobile node of 100,000 square kilometers of airspace.

Each set of Xuantie Punk suits contains many functions such as detection, communication, networking, and computing.

It can turn the Cloud Whale Trail Group into a big net and collect all the information in the net.

The Cloud Whales can also get endless details that they have never paid attention to before, and with the help of the suit, they can upgrade from the primitive way of communication that basically relies on roaring to the network sharing Cloud Whale Internet in one step, and enter the technological era where Cloud Whales can also surf the Internet.

This is a super equipment that can greatly enhance the degree of cooperation between the two sides.

A quarter of an hour later, Bai Chen returned to the command center of the Bear bomber.

"Krao, are you ready?"


"Then, let's start."

Bai Chen's voice fell.

Krao rushed to the direction of the subspace.

"Yunjing Network is activated."

"No. 00001, Krao is online."

A small light dot representing Krao appeared on the screen of the command center.

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