I can summon myself

Chapter 139 It’s time to take care of yourself

A raging fire was burning around the outfitting platform at the foot of the extinct volcano.

The cloud whales dragged the thunder mica in an orderly manner and flew slowly over the flames. After two or three rounds, the fungus clusters that were larger than their bodies shrank directly into fungus blocks the size of the cloud whale's bear child Hale.

The cloud whales piled the fungus blocks at the mouth of the extinct volcano and cycled back and forth.

"This thing is too watery."

"It's even more watery than those guys who write psychic online novels."

"It smells pretty good, with a smell of barbecue oil."

"It's definitely not edible, otherwise the foodies at Yanyu Academy would have started it long ago."

The baking work went smoothly.

After confirming that the Liu family and their Western coolies were capable of doing this job.

Bai Chen walked to the front of the thunder spirit beehive.

Senior Sister Zuo Miao held the big iron stick tightly and followed Bai Chen step by step, fearing that a group of thunder spirit bees would suddenly get out of the beehive and attack him.

"Senior sister, don't worry."

"The Thunder Spirit Bee is a very fragile insect with extremely high environmental requirements."

"Once they leave the Thunder Mica Bush, they will all die within an hour."

"There won't be a single living Thunder Spirit Bee in these hives now."

Bai Chen punched the gray hive.

A magical scene happened.

Although Bai Chen's punch directly opened a hole in the hive as big as his fist.

But in less than thirty seconds.

The wound created by Bai Chen healed two-thirds.

One minute later.

The hive was restored to its original state.

"The beeswax of the thunder spirit bee and the oil-rich thunder spirit mica are fused into an oil-wax mixed structure with a certain self-healing ability under the action of thunder spirit energy."

"Self-lubricating, highly durable, and extremely resistant to high temperatures, this material is the best lubricant."

"Whether it is our robotic arm or the psychic engine with a harsh working environment, it can be used to replace the special lubricants we currently purchase from Dongtu Petrochemical."

"Not only that, it is also a good material for auxiliary cultivation for thunder and lightning dual-system awakeners."

Bai Chen took an alloy kitchen knife from the foodie senior sister.

A 2*2 meter large hole was cut on this 20-meter-long, 2-meter-diameter long strip of honeycomb.

A bunch of long-dead thunder spirit bees fell out of the honeycomb with a clatter.

"Can it be eaten?"

The foodie senior sister thought that this thunder spirit bee, which is the length of an adult's calf, must be crispy when roasted.

"It can't be eaten by humans."

"Unlike the protein body of most land insects, its shell has a very high oil content."

Bai Chen bent down and picked one up.

Pulling off one of its legs, gray fat flowed out of the cut.

The foodie senior frowned and shook her head.

Xiao Cai, who smelled the smell, crawled out of Mo Qianxing's pocket.

"Hiss, hiss."

It stood on Mo Qianxing's shoulder and kept jumping around.

"For insects, its fat structure is special and very easy to digest. It has a very high unit calorie and is an excellent source of energy for insects."

"So the insect food made with the Thunder Spirit Bee is one of the best general insect food in the awakening stage."

Bai Chen handed the Thunder Spirit Bee to Mo Qianxing.

Mo Qianxing took it, and Xiao Cai couldn't wait to jump onto the body of the Thunder Spirit Bee, and ate it like corn.

With the help of everyone, Bai Chen laid the beehive flat on the volcanic rock ground.

Two meters a section, after cutting off two-thirds of its length.

A rich, refreshing sweetness with a strong aroma of wine spurted out from the cut.

"Thunder Spirit Honey, a natural adjuvant."

"One of the rare cultivation auxiliary drugs without drug resistance."

"From the quasi-awakener to the quasi-controller, no matter which spiritual power is awakened, it has the effect of increasing the activity of DNA chains, calming the mind, and increasing the duration of cultivation."

"As long as it is taken continuously, it is equivalent to a permanent BUFF that increases the effect of cultivation by 5%."

A voice of cold breath.

"This effect is quite strong."

"Every hundred minutes is equivalent to the effect of 105 minutes."

"Three thousand minutes of cultivation a week is equivalent to 3,150 minutes. If you do nothing, you will have two and a half hours of equivalent cultivation time. In a year, you will have more than 100 hours of cultivation time than practitioners of the same level!"

"There is no drug resistance. We can keep using it before we become controllers!"

The teachers and students of Yanyu College thought quickly and calculated the benefits that Thunder Spirit Honey could bring in the blink of an eye.

"Good stuff!"

"The key is that it has no drug resistance."

"It smells pretty good too."

"The Thunder Spirit Bee is full of treasures, and Bai Chen has a keen eye!"

"Cloud Sea Ecosystem Resource Point 000001, a real good start!"

Even though the teachers and students have gradually gotten used to the surprises brought by Bai Chen.

But the look in their eyes when they look at Bai Chen is still full of happiness and relief.

Yanyu College has a Bai Chen.

It is the greatest luck in their lives.

"Bai Chen, does this Thunder Spirit Honey have any additional functions?"

A college boss looked a little embarrassed.

"Additional functions?"

Bai Chen found that the boss's hairline was really touching.

He said thoughtfully: "It seems that it can't grow hair."

Puff, the teachers and students laughed.

The bald postdoctoral fellow with a shiny bald head laughed the most happily.

He said to the boss who was both his teacher and friend: "Brother, there is no hope. If we are not bald, how can we become stronger and go further on the road of academic tyrants?"

"Too much hair will hinder heat dissipation. If we cannot dissipate heat effectively, the speed of the brain will have an upper limit, so the efficiency of the brain is closely related to the amount of hair. This is the scientific basis for being extremely smart."

"The higher the degree of evolution, the less hair humans have."

"This is the direction of human evolution."

Bald postdoctoral fellow Wang Botang said seriously.

The boss's eyes twitched, and he said to Bai Chen with a smile: "Student Bai Chen, you misunderstood."

"It's not my hair."

"I want to ask, can the honey of the thunder spirit bee nourish yin and strengthen yang?"

"Strengthen yang???"

The eyes of the teachers and students became even more weird.

Speaking this in public, this boss is too impatient.


"It's not easy for Principal Wu."

The boss looked heavy.

Everyone immediately imagined the scene of Wu the old monster being forced to plow the land by a group of controllers holding whips.

"The old principal should take some supplements."

Everyone said seriously.

"I have a recipe."

The Immortal King Bai Chen said seriously: "It is for the Fairy World Macho Club."

"It is most suitable for old working cattle like Wu Laoguai."

Bai Chen nodded: "There is a kind of honey pill that can strengthen the yang."

"Then we should protect the thunder spirit bees now, so as not to be eaten to extinction!"

"That's right, now we should set up a project of artificial domestication and breeding."

The male academic masters started the academic discussion mode.

The foodie senior sister gently poked Bai Chen's shoulder.

"Junior brother, can it beautify the face?"

The senior sisters gathered around, even the carefree senior sister Zuo Miao was no exception.

"I, don't ask me, I'm just a straight man."

Lan Xing Bai Chen doesn't understand these things.

"Immortal King Bai Chen, you are a cross-dresser, you must have these recipes."

"Sorry, cross-dressing is the highest honor in the fairy world, not my personal preference."

"I don't have the recipe for the Thunder Spirit Bee to beautify the face."

Facing their burning eyes.

Bai Chen had an idea: "Can it beautify the face? Does it have more functions? It requires in-depth research by senior sisters. I 100% support senior sisters to set up relevant topics."

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