I can summon myself

Chapter 142 Decided to sell the pills

"Selling honey pills?"

"Inappropriate, inappropriate."

The college bosses couldn't help but shake their heads.

"Classmate Bai Chen, we are not worried about face issues. The main business of Yanyu College is shoveling shit in Yanyu City and dealing with all the filth. As long as we can make legitimate money, we don't care whether we are embarrassed or not."

"The problem is, whether it's small pills, mead, or honeycomb wax, they are all your formula, Bai Chen."

"They are all your intellectual property and your private property."

"How can we ask you to pay out of your own pocket just because the college is financially strapped right now?"

The bosses were very pleased with Bai Chen's suggestion of selling honey pills to make money and buying labor from the Deep Ocean Market.

But as they said, public is public and private is private, so there is no reason to use Bai Chen's intellectual property to subsidize the college's funding gap.

"Your financial expert named Li Yan can come over with the second batch of teachers and students to calculate your contribution, Bai Chen. We will never let you suffer."

At this time, Zuo Miao looked at Bai Chen: "Shenyang Market only accepts cash?"

"Yes, Deep Ocean Market has regulations that do not accept any settlement method other than cash and barter."

Liu Erwu, who was listening, said respectfully.

"That's good. We still have to sell the honey pills, and the money we make from them can be considered a loan from the academy to Junior Brother Bai Chen."

"This debt will be repaid when the second group of teachers and students come over."

Zuo Miao proposed a compromise.

Now that we know about the existence of Deep Ocean Market, there is no reason not to go shopping and buy something to replenish the productivity that is now in short supply.

The college bosses are right, Lei Lingfeng products are indeed the intellectual property rights of their juniors.

Then let the college borrow Bai Chen's money through lending.


"Let the old principal pay the IOU."

"Interest is calculated as normal commercial loans."

The big guys think Zuo Miao's method is good.

"Is it just a safety issue at Deep Ocean Market?"

The big guys also want to go and have a look.

But they are worried, what if something goes wrong in the deep ocean market located underwater?

Although cloud whales are very strong, they are creatures in the sea of ​​clouds after all and cannot enter the water at all.

And underwater is the home of the Deep Ocean Market.

Not to mention having to enter the opponent's submarine.

"Deep Ocean Market has existed for more than three thousand years and has a very good reputation. I have never heard that they have a dark history of attacking customers."

"Every deep ocean market has high-level controllers of level 18 or above. The fifty kilometers surrounding the market are a safe zone where no action is allowed."

"If Your Excellency Bai Chen invites our friends from the Cloud Whale to sit in the sky, they can come down to respond as soon as possible."

"Of course, just in case, your college had better prepare a security team for Mr. Bai Chen to protect your safety in the market."

Liu Erwu knew very well the importance of Bai Chen's gold thigh.

In any case, even though Deep Ocean Market's performance over the past three thousand years has been well-received, Bai Chen's safety is still the most important issue.

"The only thing we can do is find the old principal."

Far away on the extinct volcano island, the college bosses couldn't use their connections in Yanyu City to hire suitable bodyguards.

"I'm going to make a batch of honey pills right now so that Senior Brother Tian Gang can take them with him when he goes to Airport No. 5 for business tomorrow morning."

Tian Gang not only had to communicate with the old principal and tell him about the situation here, but also took on the important task of organizing the second batch of teachers and students of Misty Rain College.

Now I have another mission to sell small pills.

However, he himself was very happy with it.

This was originally a good opportunity to train myself.

Not to mention working for Junior Brother Bai Chen.

The envy in the eyes of these guys, the bald postdoc, is about to solidify.

Who doesn't know that working for one's junior brother is a great opportunity to become one's junior brother's thick thigh pendant.

Tian Gang will never betray Bai Chen's trust.

"Junior brother, how much does the small pill cost?"

The only thing he wasn't sure about was the price of the pills.

"As long as the effect is good, don't worry about the thickness of the wallets of those at Airport 5."

"Just those households in our Jiangnan region who just need to farm and have difficulties in farming can wrap up this batch of small pills."

"Maybe it can also attract large-scale purchases from the Eastern Earth Psychic Association."

The bosses said firmly.

In the age of psychic energy, as the intensity of psychic energy increased, the basic cosmic rules of the earth also changed.

Those little blue pills of the past don't work in a psychic setting.

All of humanity is looking for the little blue pill of the psychic age.

Because this is not only about personal experience, but also closely related to the continuation of human reproduction.

Although humans themselves have now adapted to the psychic age, the fertility rate, which was once so low that it was close to the extinction line, is also increasing year by year.

But the pursuit of the little blue pill in the age of psychic energy never stopped for a moment.

If Bai Chen's honey pills are really effective.

Don't worry about how much you can sell it for.

No matter how high the price is, even the poor households in Airport 5 who just need to farm will not hesitate to empty their wallets to buy it.

The bosses have no doubts about Bai Chen's abilities.

Unfortunately, the current situation is really not suitable for them to experience it personally.

Otherwise, where would the people from Airport 5 get their turn?

"By the way, classmate Bai Chen, if the effect is too good, it's best to dilute it."

The big guys wink.

Early the next morning, Bai Chen handed two boxes of pills to Tian Gang.

"Senior brother, those with big thumbnails can take care of 60 minutes, and those with big little fingernails can take care of 30 minutes."

"Empty words, mixed with water, mixed with wine, or drank together with evil potion."

"There are no restrictions."

"As long as you don't eat more than ten pills at a time, it won't do much harm to your body."

"Three hundred pills per box."

Then, he took out two more food-grade plastic bags.

"Each bag contains fifty pieces, which is a 120-minute super cup."

"Senior brother, give one bag to the old wizard, and keep one bag for yourself."

Tian Gang took it gratefully.

"Junior brother, I'm not polite."

Bai Chen watched Tian Gang get into the No. 2 lifeboat.

He had just returned to the room when the voice of the senior on duty came from the loudspeaker above his head.

"Junior Bai Chen, something happened on the extinct volcano island."

Bai Chen came to the command center.

The big screen was live broadcasting the scene of Liu Fenghua and her guards chewing on the Thunder Spirit Beehive.

They were transformed into insects, lying on the hive that the teachers and students of Yanyu College had just separated from the thunder mica bush, ruthlessly tearing the shell of the hive with their teeth.

Despite having the lip pierced by the sharp edge of the shell.

With their faces covered in blood, they continued to eat without mercy.

The teachers and students looked helpless.

The survivors of the Liu family didn't know what to do.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, this..."

After hearing the news, Liu Twenty-five was dumbfounded as he watched his eldest lady pick out a Thunder Bee from the broken hive with her teeth.

After three or five mouthfuls, this giant bee insect, which was as long as an adult's calf, had only its fist-sized head left.

"Let them eat."

Bai Chen sighed.

There is no doubt about the appeal of Leiling Bee Insect Food to the insect system.

It was very difficult for them to persist until now after being turned into insects.

But this also shows that the existing reason in their bodies retains more than Bai Chen expected.

This is a good thing.

Because the more reason there is, the less severe the insect transformation is, and the easier it is to reverse it.

"I don't know if the Deep Ocean Market has materials to reverse insect transformation."

"I don't know if Butler Liu is looking for the things on his list."

"I hope these brave people can be relieved one day soon."

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