I can summon myself

Chapter 151 The deeper meaning of the quotation

Please tell me what it is like to open your eyes and be greeted by a pair of ponytails whose appearance is completely unclear under the mosaic-level resolution of a pair of big sunglasses and a big mask, calling the owner with a hoarse voice whose throat has been worn by sandpaper. What is it like?

"My dear, please return the product immediately and leave no negative reviews!"

"Put on your pants immediately. Boys must protect themselves when they go out."

"Thank you for the invitation. I'm criticizing the stars. I just got off the tractor."

"Hurry up and summon the big iron stick to fight the Holy Emperor version of yourself, and use the dog's head to save your life."

Bai Chen was interrupted by countless teasers from all over the world.

Bai Chen finally recovered from the inexplicable situation of being called his master by a pair of ponytails when he opened his eyes.

"Senior Brother Tian Gang, what's going on?"

After Tian Gang briefly stated the identity of the other party.

Bai Chen finally understood who she was.

"Don't call me master."

"Okay, Master."


Liu Juedai pretended to take off her sunglasses and mask.

Bai Chen silently waved his hand to stop her.

"Senior Brother Tian Gang, what's the matter?"

Bai Chen didn't understand why Tian Gang used the black iron punk suit on Yun Jing to contact him.

Due to lack of time and manpower, the communication module on the Black Iron Punk suit did not add the appropriate encryption module, but a public broadcast.

Before setting off, Bai Chen reiterated this point to Tian Gang.

If something happens to Airport 5, it is better to use Cloud Whale to recharge the Talking Grass network which lasts for ten hours and one minute of talk time.

But now Tian Gang uses the communication module on the Black Iron Punk suit.

Bai Chen's face changed slightly, and he instantly remembered that since it was a public broadcast, wouldn't it mean that the people in the command center also knew about the news that Liu Juedai volunteered to be a maid.

Sure enough, there was a series of footsteps outside his door.

Immortal King Bai Chen said firmly: "Senior Sister Zuo Miao is walking at the front, followed by Mo Qianxing and Zhu Huan."

"And among the group of seniors including the foodie senior, there is also the errand girl Wu Huang'er."

Bai Chen opened the door silently.

Just as Immortal King Bai Chen judged from the details.

Senior Sister Zuo Miao led a group of girls into the large single room partitioned off by Bai Chen's exclusive tail fairing.

"Let me see how your little maid, the second lady of the Liu family, looks like?"

Zuo Miao came to Bai Chen's laptop.

Big sunglasses, big mask, mosaic quality.

This made Zuo Miao and others frown.

"Junior brother, the camera module of the Black Iron Punk suit is too bad."

Zuo Miao pouted.

At this time, three more people appeared around Tian Gang.

He used a loud voice that was afraid that Airport 5 could not hear him, and said loudly: "Junior brother, let me introduce to you, this 17th-level sky-type defender, Mr. Wei Changkong, is matched for you by the Genius Center of the Eastern Earth Psionics Association. Send security guards!”

"This beautiful lady, named Shi Qingqing, is also the exclusive liaison for you at the Genius Center."

"Professor Li Shishan, a senior expert on the Yunhai Biosphere of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association, is still here for you."

"Now Ms. Shi Qingqing is willing to wrap up all your pills for the Dongtu Psychic Association. We would like to ask you if you can sell them?"

Tian Gang couldn't help but wink at Bai Chen.

With a look of embarrassment, he wanted to use public broadcasting to let everyone in Airport 5 know that his junior brother had an exclusive guard sent by the Eastern Earth Psychic Association, and that his junior brother's pills were also intentionally covered by the Eastern Earth Psychic Association. .

Backed by the behemoth of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association.

Any unscrupulous person who wants to take advantage of Bai Chen's little pill must carefully consider whether his head is strong enough.

In addition, the Dongtu Psychic Association endorsed Bai Chen, which gave him the basis to sell it at a sky-high price.

It can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone.

"Forty standard points per minute based on duration."

The price given by Shi Qingqing exploded like thunder.

Everyone who heard this number opened their mouths.

The so-called standard points are the internal tokens of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association.

Only points can be exchanged for rare resources in the association's internal treasury that are never circulated on the market, such as rare delicacies and special psychic equipment that represent the strongest psychic technology in the East.

Therefore, although the official exchange rate of the association per standard point is one point to one hundred stardust, the value of standard points exceeds this ratio.

Each standard point on the market can be redeemed for at least 125 stardust.

Forty points is equivalent to a sky-high price of five thousand stardust per minute.

Moreover, it also saves Bai Chen the handling fee required to convert Stardust into points.

The actual value of forty points is actually more than five thousand stardust.

“A good deal!”

Zuo Miao said to Bai Chen silently.

Mo Qianxing and Zhu Huan also nodded.

Knowing the importance of standard points, they believed that the conditions given by Shi Qingqing were quite sincere.

But for those users who just want to get Baichen small pills.

The price Shi Qingqing gave was like a bolt from the blue, making them all dizzy.

Using precious standard points to redeem it meant that even if they raised the price to the market exchange price of 5,000 per minute, they would not be able to get Bai Chen's pills at the same price.

What shocked them even more was the determination Shi Qingqing showed.

That is, she will buy Bai Chen's pills at all costs.

If combined with Tian Gang's introduction to the three of them.

A super bodyguard with a seventeenth level of control.

A dedicated contact person.

Obviously, Shi Qingqing, who represented the East Earth Psychic Energy Association, used a sky-high price to purchase points, which showed the firm belief of the East Earth Psychic Energy Association's Genius Center in winning over Bai Chen.

Understand this information.

The teachers and students of the Jiangnan Region on the Jiangnan and Gonggong Federation all had complicated expressions.

Compared to the Bear bombers, the Yanyu Academy bumpkins who didn't know what the East Earth Psychic Energy Association's Genius Center was.

They represented the strongest strength in the Jiangnan Region and knew the value of the Genius Center very well.

"The cradle of the strong in the East."

"The training camp for human controllers is the largest source of students."

"Only the top students among the top students and the geniuses among the geniuses are qualified to enter the vision of the Genius Center."

"The greatest honor of our colleges is to discover and train students who are qualified to enter the Genius Center."

"Except for a few of the famous geniuses in the Jiangnan region who come from families and sects, most of them are favored by the Genius Center and have soared to the sky since then."

"It can be said that the Genius Center is the holy land that we dream of."

What embarrassed these Jiangnan people was that the three-person team sent by the Genius Center had nothing to do with them.

This super institution accommodated all the talented peers of the East.

They came for the Yanyu Academy, which they thought was not in the mainstream, not sociable, and ran away after pretending to be cool.

This made them, who thought they were the elites among the elites in the Jiangnan region, completely unacceptable.

But Shi Qingqing's offer was an ironclad fact.

No matter how jealous, envious, or unwilling they were.

They had to admit that Bai Chen from Yanyu Academy was valuable in the eyes of the Genius Center.

That is to beat all the people in Airport No. 5.

Whether it is the Jiangnan academic genius on the Jiangnan.

Or the other academic geniuses outside Jiangnan City in the Jiangnan District of the Gonggong Federation.

In the eyes of the Genius Center, not even a hair of Bai Chen can compare.

The teachers and students in the Jiangnan District have mixed feelings.

And the three major clusters outside the Jiangnan District are silent at this moment.

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