I can summon myself

Chapter 180 Yes

"To tell you the truth, although I can barely keep my position as the person in charge of No. 5 Deep Ocean Market, if I can't show great achievements before the Deep Ocean Market chooses a successor, I still won't be able to keep my position as captain. ”

"The swarm of cloud whales is my best chance to make meritorious deeds."

I know Bai Chen doesn't like to beat around the bush.

Yu Zhou frankly stated his plan: "I want to buy a batch of novel materials that humans do not have from the cloud whale group."

"Then hold a special auction with the theme of the Yunhai Ecosystem. This proves that I can connect with the Cloud Whales through your side, Mr. Bai Chen. Open up a one-way channel to the Yunhai Ecosystem for the Deep Ocean Market. "

"Of course, the switch of this channel must be left on your side, Mr. Bai Chen."

Yu Zhou is very candid.

He didn't even think about bypassing Bai Chen.

The guys from the three major clusters who hit a wall in front of Cloud Whale proved that Cloud Whale was very stubborn. Once Bai Chen is identified, he will never take the initiative to end the alliance with Bai Chen.

Yu Zhou is not a fool, and he cannot risk offending Bai Chen by contacting Yunjing.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen."

"Old Yu, I beg you to give me a hand."

"I'm not a careless person, and I won't talk about quick success or instant benefits, such as there will be consequences."

"Time will prove everything."

"I just hope you can give me a chance to repay you."

Yu Zhou stood up and bowed long to Bai Chen.

Teachers and students looked sympathetic.

After all, cannibals have short mouths.

But no one spoke up to defend him.

Listen to Bai Chen when it comes to important matters. It has become the creed of teachers and students who have experienced so much.

"My dear, this man didn't lie."

Immortal King Bai Chen said firmly.

"My dear, I think it's okay. A captain who is familiar with us is obviously easier to accept than a new captain who lands in the air."

Lanxing Baichen thinks Yu Zhou is quite pleasing to the eye.


Bai Chen's voice was like the sound of nature to Yu Zhou.

"You can come with us later."

Yu Zhou looked grateful.

"However, you also know the aesthetics of Cloud Whale."

“In their hearts, sparkle is the most important factor in determining whether a material is valuable or not.”

"Ninety-nine percent of the collections in the cloud whale group are of the Yess RGB type."

Even in the world where Bai Chen is looking for a cat, and they are crushing all kinds of different worlds with Bai Chen, who is looking for a cat, the Cloud Whale Legion, which has absolutely no problem with their vision, has never changed its pursuit of Shining Shining.

Bai Chen vaccinated Yu Zhou in advance.

If he wants to find a big treasure from Yunjing.

You can give up now.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, it's okay."

"The shinier and weirder the thing, the better."

"Cloud Whale Ally, Yunhai Ecosystem, Dongtu has close contact with Cloud Whale for the first time in history. With such a gimmick, even if it is just a piece of flying, the big dogs will open their wallets and compete to collect and buy."

"The spiritual value of the material itself is actually not considered by buyers at all."

"It's cool, but it's a good thing."

Teachers and students couldn't help but be speechless.

They really don't understand the world of big dog owners.

Bai Chen's mouth twitched.

That being the case, so be it.

He has no time to worry about the aesthetic issues of the trenches.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, I also want to take a look."

Black Stone requested stammeringly.

A slight blush appeared on his dark face.

Even though he was familiar enough, he was still embarrassed to ask for help.

The teachers and students laughed kindly.

Black Stone was even more uneasy, and there was already some sweat on his forehead.

The college boss, who couldn't bear to see him in embarrassment again, glared at the teachers and students angrily.

Compared to Yu Zhou who looks very social at first glance.

The black stone gives everyone the feeling of being as simple as a newbie who has just come down the mountain.

This legendary disciple who wanted to help everyone no matter what he did and who was 100% devoted to everything he did, had a much higher favorability in the hearts of teachers and students than Yu Zhou who was asking for help every day.

Even Zuo Miaomo Qianxing agreed with him.


Bai Chen smiled and agreed to his request.

"If everyone wants to go, let's go together."

The seniors and seniors couldn’t help but shake their heads.

The college bosses also looked like they were old arms and legs that couldn't stand it.

Wu Laogai has already seen what true Yess RGB is with the second batch of teachers and students.

In the words of the old monster, the cloud whale swarm is simply the center of light pollution.

In front of Cloud Whale Punk, the neon lights, marquee lights, and various luminous objects that humans play with are nothing more than the younger brother among younger brothers.

When entering Channel 5, after visiting the large group of cloud whales, even a research maniac like Wu Laoguai did not have the courage to go up there again.

Not to mention the second batch of new teachers and students from Yanyu College.

Where have they ever seen such RGB creatures as Cloud Whales?

Therefore, when chatting with the people on the Bear Bomber, eight out of ten sentences were about the aesthetics of the Cloud Whales.

Naturally, the teachers and students on the Bear bomber side were not interested in visiting the large group of cloud whales.

Bai Chen smiled indifferently.

A small green dot appeared on the big screen.

"Clao is here."

"Hey, the leaders of the Cloud Whales who are with him are small, slow, and not as strong as Kraao."

The senior student was surprised after reading the information on the big screen.

"The large group of cloud whales is not a fixed organization."

"It's a large team that gathers together temporarily, similar to the three major clusters at Airport 5."

As soon as Bai Chen opened his mouth, the command center instantly became quiet.

Everyone was attentive and listened to Bai Chen's popular science about the cloud whale.

"Cloud Whale is not a snake like us humans that can't do without a head. It has a big brother in the lead, and it all depends on the experienced driver to drive. It must have a leader's civilization."

"Their clan leader is not the strongest, the smartest, nor the most talkative, nor has the best leadership. It is just because he is the most suitable for the job of being the clan leader, and the most suitable for handling all kinds of trivial matters in the cloud whale group. ”

"The Cloud Whale Clan leader is more like a profession than an authority."


After a pause, Bai Chen continued: "When it comes to detailed matters, the attitude of the Cloud Whales chiefs is very useful. As long as it is not a major issue related to the clan, the Cloud Whales are willing to push the Cloud Whales chief to the front for most daily affairs."

"Even Kraao is not as good as his clan leader in this regard."

"The interesting thing is that according to our human thinking, the Cloud Whale Clan leader is the current leader and needs to be treated well."

"But the Cloud Whales don't think that. In their view, the Cloud Whale Clan leader is just a worker. If he doesn't do well, he will be despised."

"The Cloud Whale Clan leader himself thinks that he is just a worker, and he will be embarrassed if he doesn't do it well."

"So, when dealing with them, you don't need to go through so many twists and turns, let alone bribe them."

"Discussing matters and being honest with each other is the way to get along with the Yunjing clan leaders."

The college bosses nodded seriously.

The routine of the two-legged beast in society obviously does not work with Cloud Whale.

Yu Zhou stood up and solemnly thanked Bai Chen.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, Yu Zhou has learned a lesson!"

If it hadn't been for Bai Chen's reminder, Yu Zhou would have actually figured out how to trick the Yunjing clan leaders into thinking.

It’s not that I’m poaching.

It's just a professional habit that is convenient for others and for yourself.

But if this is really the case with Cloud Whale.

He was afraid that he would be on Yun Whale's blacklist.

By then, let alone committing meritorious deeds, it would be a great luck not to become a sinner.

Bai Chen's selfless exchange of experiences allowed him to avoid disaster in advance.

Yu Zhou's eyes were full of admiration and gratitude.

While talking, the Cloud Whale Clan leaders arrived.

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