I can summon myself

Chapter 190: Teaching

Song Nian left depressedly.

Hydelia watched with a smile as Bai Chen prepared two large barrels of primary recovery potions based on Lei Ling honey on the spot. She proudly flew out of the extinct volcano island carrying these two barrels of fifty liters of "salary".

"The seven-headed soul-sucking mother worms add up to at least 1,500 eggs. Each egg can produce at least two kilograms of facial cream. The total amount is three tons." Zuo Miao counted on his fingers and felt that Hydelia was not that attractive. It's disgusting, but it's a bit silly and cute.

Black Stone hesitated to speak.

In the end, he did not express his unreasonable request for Bai Chen to treat Song Nian.

He is simple, but not stupid.

"Studying medicine can't save you from brain problems."

"No matter how powerful the medicine is, it can't cure the demon in his heart."

The familiar senior, who looked very artistic, patted Hei Shitou on the shoulder.

"Hey, where's your little maid?"

Mo Qianxing looked for a long time but didn't find Liu Juedai.


Iron Chin raised a paw and pointed at Bai Chen's tent.

"She's in there?"

The national treasure team nodded in unison.

Seeing Zuo Miao's unswerving expression, Bai Chen smiled and said, "Senior sister, we can't really treat her as a maid."

"Forget it, I don't care."

Zuo Miao curled her lips.

"Senior Wang Botang, has the pond for treating soul-sucking insect eggs been built?"

The bald post-doctor nodded: "It's done. It will be built next to the mirage psychic matrix according to your request, junior."

"Okay, let's start now."

Bai Chen rolled up his sleeves as he walked.

"This thing is not difficult to deal with, but it is more cumbersome."

"Senior Wang, please find a few interested seniors to join us later."

"Black Stone, you can come over and do it together."

The key to dealing with the Netherflayer Eggs is the Emberlands.

The rest are all side details that are of little use outside of this context.

Bai Chen doesn't mind spreading the specific techniques.

He didn't want to do it alone with fifteen hundred eggs.

Hei Shitou's dark face was full of excitement, and he looked at Bai Chen with gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

"My dear, this black boy is much more pleasing to the eye than Song Nian."

Lanxing Baichen admired it.

With concerted efforts, these eggs were also sent to the mirage psychic matrix created by visitors from another world inside the extinct volcano.

Here, the Liu family and Western coolies have been sent away according to Bai Chen's request, and the houses of visitors from other worlds have also been completely demolished.

There is nothing but this matrix on the volcanic platform.

"Put all the eggs in the pool."

"Throw it away as you like, come back as you find convenient."

Bai Chen casually threw the first one closest to him into the processing pool made of dark iron substrates next to the matrix.

"Just throw it away?"

asked a senior who was doing delicate work in Wu Laogui's laboratory.

"Yes, the creatures in the Yunhai ecosystem have something in common."

The twenty or so seniors present quickly took out their own notebooks.

"That's because their eggs are particularly durable."

"Take soul-suckers as an example. Even if these eggs are thrown from the gap on the top of an extinct volcano to the foot of the volcano where the outfitting platform is located, they will not crack."

"So to deal with them we must use the power of psychic energy."

Bai Chen pressed his right hand on the pool.

A stream of void spiritual energy followed the finger and entered the matrix within the black iron base plate.

The psychic operation diagram of this 10-meter-long and 5-meter-wide matrix suddenly appeared in his mind.

"No. 2333, No. 3444, No. 6553, 6554, these four black iron base plates are not aligned."

"In addition, some text on substrates No. 742, 3555, and 4899 has not been completed."

Wang Botang quickly wrote down the numbers Bai Chen said.

"I'll have someone bring the spare substrate over right now."

Bai Chen returned to the topic: "When spiritual energy penetrates into the soul-sucking insect eggs, the hard egg shells will gradually soften."

"When it becomes soft enough to be similar to real football, we can move on to the next step."

Bai Chen explained the entire process in detail.

"The core principle of dealing with soul-sucking insect eggs is to use spiritual energy to cause the soul-sucking insect eggs to metamorphose (change their form) and degenerate (change their nature)."

"If you need it, you can use this project to publish a hundred papers."

The seniors laughed.

"The purpose of writing a thesis is to gain qualifications, and to gain qualifications is to find a good job that can make a living."

"Now that I have you as a junior, we will follow you and we won't need any academic papers at all."

They are not idiots. Junior Bai Chen’s thighs are thick and hard. Wouldn’t it be nice to hold them? Why sacrifice the near for the far.

The atmosphere was joyful.

Black Stone looked at seniors like Bai Chen with envy.

Although his teacher Mo Deqiang's pharmaceutical machine also has many disciples, and there are also many senior brothers and sisters who are close friends with him.

But it is impossible to be as relaxed and happy as before.

"Junior Bai Chen, what will the appearance of the extinct volcanic island look like in the end?"

Wang Botang asked curiously.


"Yes, will it be possible that the miraculous work of nature can cut off the entire top of an extinct volcano?"

"Erect an RGB exterior wall and it will look like the brightest island in Channel 5?"

"The style of Airport 5 is not bad either. The giant cylinder raises its head to the sky, like a big stick growing out of the deep ocean!"

“Cyberpunk style is also good!”

"The futuristic style of science fiction can also be used."

Everyone is full of longing for the future of the extinct volcanic island.

Bai Chen smiled and said, "I haven't considered the appearance or layout."

"Anyway, I'm only responsible for completing the psychic matrix covering the extinct volcanic island. I don't care about other specific layouts."

He is a pragmatist, a straight man like Blue Star Bai Chen, and Bai Chen the Cat also doesn't have much artistic talent.

As for the Immortal King Bai Chen.

The Fairy World is deeply influenced by the Boxing Emperor, and Bai Chen doesn't want to turn the extinct volcanic island into a future boxing holy land.

"My dear, you are discriminating."

Immortal King Bai Chen thought quietly.

"I can't help it. It's not your fault, but let's not talk about the aesthetics of the fairy world."

Bai Chen spread his hands.

"We decide?"

The bald postdoc's voice was full of surprise and surprise.

"Yes, you can discuss it."

In the final analysis, Bai Chen neither wanted to draw a picture, nor move bricks, nor did he want to summon the construction boss Bai Chen to take this matter on him.

"My dear, actually you just want to be lazy."

Lanxing Baichen smiled.

"That's right. Wouldn't it be nice to use the bomber to go fishing during this time?"

Bai Chen takes it for granted.

That day Wang Botang spread the news to everyone that Bai Chen intended to leave the exterior layout of the extinct volcanic island to the academy for design.

The old wizard and the college bosses all looked up to the sky and screamed.

"Old dogs have a few teeth too!"

"It's time to show off your skills."

"Isn't it just to design an appearance?"

The big guys are gearing up.

Something embarrassing happened.

It's easy to say it.

It’s not difficult to turn it into a drawing.

But the gap between the drawings and the plans is still 10,000 design dogs, drawing dogs, and construction site dogs.

Although most of the big guys are the most promising biological dogs in the era of psychic energy, even the old monster Wu can't turn the appearance and layout he came up with into a reliable plan.

When nothing can be done.

A certain college boss rolled his eyes: "I have an idea."

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