I can summon myself

Chapter 198 Have you never seen a robbery?

"Sally, activate the authentication matrix on the statue of the girl."

"Yes, Master No. 1."

Mecha Sally, who has the body of a snake-haired girl, is a Mecha that was rented from her own academy by the Dragon Bone Staff Arcane Awakener No. 3.

Ex Machina, a congenital disease, has no human flesh and blood.

The only normal brain is connected to the mechanical body through a psychic brain-computer interface.

At this moment, her brain directly took over the entire aircraft through the interface.

Sally's existence is the Seven's greatest reliance.

The snake-haired girl on the front of the machine shines brightly.

The unique emblem of the Europa Psychic Management Office bloomed in front of the group of seven.


Not only did this emblem not make the Deep Ocean Legion directly in front of them retreat.

Instead, he looked like a predator that smelled something fishy.

The group of seven was surrounded by countless shadows of the deep ocean.

A pair of eyes filled with emotion lit up from the depths of the sea. Their cold gaze locked onto their luxurious aircraft.

"This battle is a bit big."

"Did we encounter a group of deep-sea creatures having a meeting?"

"It doesn't matter, just make it clear."

The aircraft slowly stopped.

The blond young man No. 1 stepped out of the machine and stood in front of the statue of the snake-haired girl.

Don't wait for him to speak.

Hydelia emerged from a cloud of mist without any warning.

"No. 1, this is Hydelia, the only daughter of the owner of this sea area."

The introduction of Italian man No. 2 rang in No. 1's ears.

The corner of his mouth raised the most handsome smile in his life.

Holding one hand on the shoulder, he made an impeccable and ceremonial Europa salute to Hydelia.

"Dear Lord Hydelia."

"I am Adam Jeffries, a seventh-year doctoral student in the Department of Flowers, Birds, Fishes and Insects of the British Academy of Sciences."

"My companions from six other top colleges and I are studying creatures like the Moon Worshiping Angel Butterfly."

"The destination of our trip is the coordinates xyz behind your territory."

Hear the coordinates he reported.

Hydria smiled.

"Moon Worshiping Angel Butterfly?"

Her expression was playful.

"Yes, there are four moon-worshiping angel butterflies in total."

No. 1 did not think that Hydelia's status would value the four human-faced butterflies they had on hand, which were rare in the human world, but not rare in quantity.

Hydelia smiled even more.

One Moon Worshiping Angel weighs one hundred kilograms, four of them equals four hundred kilograms, including the boat and the seven people on it.

That is 480 kilograms of primary recovery potion.

She directly took out a roll of dragon hide rope and threw it to Adam Jeffries.

The blond young man took it blankly.

The voice of No. 3 came to my ears.

"Dragon skin, old dragon's dragon skin!"

"Does she have a crush on you, a pretty boy?"

Adam's heart started to beat faster.

Hydelia is a blue-skinned girl, although her skin is a bit weird.

But she is the daughter of the lord of this sea area after all.

If she really has a crush on me.

Should I obey, obey, obey, or should I be more reserved and obey, obey, obey again?

What will the offspring of a human man and a deep ocean woman be like?

The blond young man felt that he was about to reach the peak of his life.

"Go and tie up all your accomplices."

Hydelia said coldly.

Adam raised his head, his eyes filled with confusion.

Wait, this plot is wrong.

No. 2 and No. 3 came out.

"Lord Hydelia, is there any misunderstanding?"

Italian man No. 2 said in confusion.

"Misunderstanding, what misunderstanding can there be?"

"Have you never seen a robbery?"

"Then, now, robbery!"

Hydelia pulled out a smooth and thick keel-bone stick and pointed it at No. 1's neck with malicious intent.

"Either you be more conscious and tie the dragon skin rope obediently."

"Either I knock you sap unconscious..."

Hydelia's voice.

It made the seven people on the boat feel cold all over.

Compare the hardness of the skull and the keel?

They are not idiots.

And facing the deep ocean shadow army that turned the color of the deep ocean into black.

They don't even have the courage to resist.

Adam raised his hands.

"Dear Lord Hydelia, even if you rob, you must have a reason."

"Yes, I have."

"Four hundred and eighty kilograms of Lei Ling honey water."

Hydelia danced with her dragon bone stick.

"Leiling Honey Water?"

"What the hell is this?"

The other four people also walked out of the cabin.

From number one to number seven.

The group of seven looked at each other.

But racking their brains, no one knows what it is.

"Your Excellency Hydelia."

"Who produced 480 kilograms of Lei Ling Honey Water?"

Adam wanted to find out.


"What are you doing here? Don't you have any points?"

"It's a pity that you don't know anything about your goal."

Hydelia felt a dull pain in the back of her head.

"When it comes to the ranks of old bastards, you seven are just getting started!"

"Hurry up, put on the rope yourself, and skewer the human meat yourself."

"Give you a minute."

"If you haven't tied up your hands and feet in one minute."

Hydelia waved hard.

The keel stick suddenly made a sound of breaking through the air.

"what to do?"

"I'll ask Sally."

The remaining six people used their bodies to block No. 3 behind them.

Number 3 began to communicate with Machina Sally.

"What are the chances we'll escape?"

"Just go ahead and capture him, you can't escape."

Sally's calculations.

Let No. 3's entire body crotch down.

through her frustration.

There were no more flukes for the Seven.

Adam No. 1 picked up the dragon hide rope.

He saw the beginning, but didn't guess the ending.

What was waiting for him was not the favor of the blue-skinned girl, and he reached the pinnacle of his life.

It's just that if the evil person fails, he will be forced to do evil by the old evil person.

"Hydelia, we surrender, but for the sake of our cooperation, can you let us die clearly?"

Number 1 smiled bitterly.

Hydelia was just about to tell them mercifully.

Suddenly a voice without any emotion sounded in my ears.

"We can't say yet, what if they have an accomplice?"

"Xiao Ke, you are right!"

Hydria changed her mind.

"You'll know anyway."

She landed on the aircraft.

Supervise No. 1 to tie up the hands and feet of the other six.

She tied No. 1 and his accomplices together and tied them all to the statue of the snake-haired girl.

"How do you tow this aircraft back?"

Hydelia knocked on the deck of the aircraft with her keel club.

Sounds a bit like Ironhide.

"Punch two holes and drag it back."

Hydelia muttered to herself, causing No. 1 to panic.

Are you kidding me, drilling holes in such an expensive aircraft?

He quickly said: "Our aircraft has an autopilot function."

"Extinct volcanic island, you know."

No. 1's face was extremely bitter.

There are many extinct volcanic islands.

But there is only one extinct volcanic island related to them.

That is Bai Chen's extinct volcanic island.

Combined with what Hydelia said about the old cunt.

The one who caused them to stumble must be the old cunt around Bai Chen.

"After all the calculations, why didn't I figure this out?"

"As long as you have the money, it's okay to hire a few dog-headed military advisors and old bastards."

"Misstep, misstep!"

The Seven sighed in frustration.

Hydelia curled her lips, without any thought of correction.

These seven guys are really stupid.

She couldn't even find a reason to ask for more bonuses.

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