I can summon myself

Chapter 204 Shi Qingqing's Suggestions

"My Lord, could it be that the Europeans left something in Sally's neurons?"

Although there are no brain demons in the fairy world where the fairy king Bai Chen lives, there are also artificial intelligence similar to living beings.

The more neurons a creature has, the higher its IQ is, and the harder it is to control it.

In order to control them, the fairy world will leave a backup in their core neurons when they are young.

The fairy king Bai Chen suspected that the brain demon Sally in front of him was also in this situation.

Lan Xing Bai Chen didn't think so: "Only six of the ten thousand samples were successful, and that was with the help of the technology of the East Earth Psychic Energy Association, which shows that the Europeans have a very shallow understanding of high-IQ creatures like Sally."

"In this case, the possibility of implanting in Sally's neurons like the Fairy World is extremely low."

"I think it is more likely that the Europeans brainwashed the brain demon Sally like a tool person."

"Through intentional induction and subtle influence, Sally was made to believe that she was the property of the European Psychic Energy Management Office."

"If that's the case, it will be difficult to deal with."

Lan Xing Bai Chen was very worried that Sally would regard the Europeans as elders to whom she placed her feelings.

"A juvenile brain demon doesn't have the ability of a mature brain demon to only consider the pros and cons."

"If it doesn't work, you can ask the Abyss version of Bai Chen, the Lord of the Abyss, or the Demon King Bai Chen how to subdue a juvenile brain demon like Sally who has been preconceived by the Europeans."


It is absolutely impossible for Bai Chen to give up.

Even in the larval stage, Sally, with the blessing of the dragon egg feast, can be equivalent to about twenty top-notch math tool people with PhDs in mathematics.

If Bai Chen follows his original plan, he will put her on the Bear bomber as a whole.

This replica of the Blue Star war machine will become a real killer under Sally's control.

Brain Demon Sally can exert all the combat power of the Bear bomber better than the psychic computer group in the original blueprint.

"It would be best if we can get the ownership of Sally through the Psychic Association."

"If not..."

Bai Chen walked out of Sally's cabin.

"Brother Wei, what is the crime of robbing the mechanical girl Sally?"


"Student Bai Chen, are you serious?"

Wei Changkong showed up in astonishment.

"Yes, I must have Sally."

Bai Chen said seriously.

"Ask Shi Qingqing, she is more familiar with this matter."

Wei Changkong led Bai Chen to the cockpit of the Snake Hair Type 5.

Shi Qingqing had just used the communication system of the Snake Hair Type 5 to contact the Deep Ocean Market No. 5.

Bai Chen's claim for ownership of the Snake Hair Type 5, including Sally, was formally notified to the liaison officer of the East Earth Psychic Association stationed at the Deep Ocean Market No. 5.

They will use the communication window to send Bai Chen's request back to the headquarters.

Bai Chen repeated his request: "Mechanical Princess Sally, I must get it."

"What will happen if you force it?"

Shi Qingqing signaled Wei Changkong to close the door of the cockpit.

She said seriously: "Classmate Bai Chen, I have no objection to your hobby, but Mechanical Princess Sally is definitely not as good as the mechanical female dolls produced in Yingzhou."

"Yingzhou talents are professional in this field."

"My Lord, this girl got zero points in reading comprehension!"

"What does she think of you?"

Lan Xing Bai Chen complained.

Bai Chen stared at Shi Qingqing speechlessly: "What are you thinking?"

"Treating the mechanical girl as a puppet?"

"Even if you have a strong taste, you won't want to fuck a bunch of neurons!"

"I want Sally because Sally is more suitable as a mathematical tool than the seven people, do you understand!"

Shi Qingqing's fair cheeks suddenly became hot.

"Bai Chen, I thought you had a special hobby. You ignored the little maid and Mo Qianxing and liked the half-human and half-mechanical mechanical girl."

"Sorry, I was wrong."

Shi Qingqing blinked and looked at Bai Chen.

Bai Chen looked helpless.

I was suspected of having a problem with my hobby?

"You can treat Sally as a psychic computer, a master computer, or something like that."

"She can be installed on a Bear bomber."

Shi Qingqing's eyes flashed with a flash of realization: "Real computer."

"Then pay the deposit directly in the name of Anne Freya No. 3."

If Bai Chen was a little more ruthless, he wouldn't have to pay the deposit himself, but let the seven people pay for it.

"The problem is that Sally thinks she is the property of the Europeans."

"I need more than just ownership, but to get the Europeans to get rid of Sally's perception of her."

Bai Chen's words made Shi Qingqing serious.

"This is a bit troublesome."

"But can't we format it?"

Since it's a real computer, just restore it to factory settings.

Bai Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"No, my first choice is to let Sally change her perception on her own initiative."

Shi Qingqing nodded.

Suddenly, she had an idea.

"I got it."

"Bai Chen, anyway, the Mechanical Ji project has been declared a failure."

"Usually, the European Psychic Management Office will not start this project again until there is a new and powerful reason."

"Their attention to the Mechanical Ji and the project team will be downgraded to a non-important level."

"Then Bai Chen, you might as well buy the entire project."

"As long as Stardust is in place, plus you are a new student that the genius center focuses on."

"For the sake of the association, Europa will most likely sell you this face."

"If you only want Sally and don't need the other five Ex Machinas, maybe you can package the entire project team over there now."

After a pause, Shi Qingqing continued: "I learned about the Ex Machina project itself."

"Originally, this is a big project that has attracted much attention, and we have not hesitated to cooperate with the Eastern Territory Psychic Association."

"The people in the firm have high hopes for the biological version of artificial intelligence and are full of expectations."

"However, the success rate of 6 out of 10,000 directly made the senior executives of the firm who endorsed this project lose face and have to take a back seat."

“The huge amount of resources consumed has also made other project teams in the office extremely dissatisfied.”

"The six successful Ex Machinas have not reached the designed level of strong artificial intelligence at all."

“This project went from being a shining star to becoming a big joke in the office.”

"If we can recover some costs from it, the firm will definitely be willing to package and sell the entire project."

Bai Chen's heart moved.

"Is it okay for the entire project team?"

Shi Qingqing smiled and said: "Yes, here we have to talk about the mechanism of the office."

"A project of this level will fail once it fails."

"Whether it's the host or the temporary intern, everyone who participates in this program will be labeled a loser."

"In a firm where part-time workers require diplomas from top schools and the competition is fierce, if you don't have a legend-level background, you will be able to work there."

“Basically the people working on this project are finished in this field.”

"Today, when any big project requires burning huge amounts of psychic resources, the probability of these salty fish turning around is lower than winning the lottery jackpot."

"And there is also a group of sorceresses and witches in the office."

"They can be said to be quite superstitious."

"In this project, even if it is an irrelevant sweeper."

"They will also regard it as a source of bad luck and bad luck."

"Classmate Bai Chen, you are really willing to take over. Not to mention the researchers of this project, even the cleaning ladies are willing to package it for you."

"Then follow the idea of ​​​​packaging this project and operate it."

Bai Chen said seriously.

Even if you add a thousand casual partners in exchange for the brain demon Sally.

He thinks it's worth it.

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