I can summon myself

Chapter 206 You have no idea what Sally is capable of

Meng Wei opened her eyes as she gradually regained consciousness.

She found herself in a huge glass jar, surrounded by warm water.

Through the transparent glass, she saw the familiar giant jar two meters away.

This is the "home" of the mechanical princess Sally.

Meng Wei ignored her situation and said to Sally, who she hadn't seen for several years: "Codename Aurora 10925, is that you?"

The emotionless mechanical voice came into her ears.

"Researcher Meng Wei, yes, I'm Sally."

"Three hours ago, after you were fainted by the smell of the dragon egg, Lord Bai Chen, with the help of teachers and students from Yanyu Academy, put you and the equally smelly Wang Dachong into the washing tank. It is estimated that it will take another hour and forty-five minutes to completely clean the smell of the dragon egg on you."

Meng Wei instantly remembered the previous scene.

The feeling of nausea and disgust once again came into her mind.

She subconsciously retched.

"Xiao Meng, I'm sorry. I didn't know that dragon eggs were so smelly."

The emotionless pharmaceutical machine came from the side, and the apology of His Excellency Wang Dachong came.

Although as a titled legend, Wang Dachong didn't need to be put into the jar to wash like Meng Wei, but he still chose this least laborious method.

"Dragon eggs?"

"What does Bai Chen do with dragon eggs?"

"I think I saw him drilling holes in dragon eggs before?"

Meng Wei asked curiously.

"Feed her."

Still wearing a P4 full protective suit, but wearing a microphone, Bai Chen pushed the ceramic jars filled with dragon egg liquid into the cabin where Sally was one by one.

No matter Meng Wei or Wang Dachong, even though they were separated by two layers of tanks, they could still clearly feel the desire of mechanical Ji Sally for the dragon egg liquid in the ceramic jar.

"Feed Sally with dragon eggs?"

Meng Wei looked at Bai Chen with the look of a prodigal son.

Although she and her mentor were actually only members of the mechanical Ji project team responsible for technical support, they did not have much contact with the mechanical Ji except for daily technical maintenance.

But she knew very well that among the six successful mechanics, Sally the mechanical girl had the lowest IQ, the worst ability, and the worst potential.

And dragon eggs, even if they were eggs laid by hybrid sub-dragon creatures that could barely be counted as dragon eggs, were rare resources with the lowest being high-level awakeners and the highest being controllers at birth.

Using dragon eggs to feed Sally, a mechanical girl with no future at all.

Bai Chen, the new celebrity who is currently receiving much attention at the Genius Center, must have a problem with his brain.

Could it be that he has a special hobby of liking half-biological and half-mechanical things?

Meng Wei's eyes suddenly became subtle when she looked at Bai Chen.

Such a handsome man actually likes mechanical girls.

Immortal King Bai Chen instantly caught this detail.

"This deity, it seems that there is another person who thinks that you have a problem with your orientation like Shi Qingqing."

Immortal King Bai Chen wanted to gloat, but wasn't his gloating over Bai Chen's misfortune a disguised gloating over himself?

Immortal King Bai Chen was tangled.

Bai Chen said calmly: "You know nothing about Sally's ability."

Meng Wei looked unconvinced.

"You will know soon."

After that, Bai Chen connected the pipe connecting the ceramic tank to the spiritual energy liquid input network of the giant culture tank where Sally was.

Then he called No. 3, Anne Freya, with a headset.

Wu Laoguai, some college bosses, Wang Botang, foodie senior sister and other leaders came in together.


"According to your shared rental rules, sublease Sally to me now."

Bai Chen said to Freya with a serious face.

Freya did not start immediately, but confirmed the sublease conditions proposed by the hateful bald Wang Botang to Bai Chen in front of everyone.

"Working hours are from 9 am to 9 pm every day, and only work six days a week."

"996 math tool man, right."

"Yes, as long as you sublease Sally to me, you can work 996 from now on."


Freya forced a smile on her face.

996 may go to ICU, but 007 will probably die.

Although he was used as a tool for dozens of hours.

But the hair of each member of the seven-member team was decreasing at a visible speed.

In order not to become a strong man like Wang Botang, who was dead bald.

When Bai Chen expressed his desire to use his identity as a genius student of a top prestigious school certified by the Genius Center to sublease Sally according to the principle of sharing, the seven-member team agreed without hesitation.

"Sally, in front of the third party Meng Wei, Mr. Wang Dachong, I will formally sublease you to classmate Bai Chen."

Freya had just finished speaking.

A hint of joy appeared in Sally's mechanical voice.

"Sally received, Sally accepted, Sally confirmed to be employed by Bai Chen from now on."

"Why is there emotion in this voice?"

Meng Wei seemed to have discovered a new world.

Freya also looked at the mechanical Ji she had rented many times with a surprised face.

Sally's emotional performance now exceeded her understanding of mechanical Ji.

Bai Chen turned on the switch on the ceramic tank pipeline.

The egg liquid of the five-colored dragon egg was slowly poured into Sally's culture tank.

Sally's satisfied mood suddenly appeared in the culture tank.

"The dragon egg is delicious."

"Thank you, Bai Chen."

"During the employment period, Sally will definitely work hard for you."

Meng Wei was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

Freya's eyes widened.

Whether it was her or other temporary employers who rented Sally.

There was no record of Sally having any interaction with her employer outside of work.

But now, she saw with her own eyes that Sally took the initiative to express her joy of eating delicious food to Bai Chen, the temporary employer.

The teachers and students of Yanyu College, such as Wu Laoguai, and the three members of the association, Wei Changkong, Shi Qingqing, and Wang Dachong, who were watching, all had a sudden enlightenment in their hearts.

Obviously, Bai Chen unexpectedly expressed a tough attitude towards Sally's ownership.

It must be because he saw characteristics in Sally that all the European bosses in the firm did not see.

His understanding of the mechanical girl Sally was obviously better than that of the mechanical girl project team, which should have known the mechanical girl best.

Could it be that classmate Bai Chen picked up a big bargain from the highest institution in Europe, which was similar to the East Earth Psychic Association?

Wu Laoguai and other teachers and students of the college were all smiling, as if they had picked up a big bargain themselves.

A quarter of an hour later, Sally stopped eating.

"Huh, Bai Chen, Sally is full."

Bai Chen glanced at the scale on the ceramic tank.

"Two hundred liters of dragon egg liquid, this set of about two thousand liters of five-color dragon eggs can last for about ten days."

He turned his head and said to Wang Botang: "Notify the cloud whale group and ask the black-headed cloud whale leader to provide a set of five-color dragon eggs every ten days."

The bald senior took out a small notebook and wrote it down solemnly.

"Bai Chen, can Sally eat so much every day?"

After getting Bai Chen's confirmation, Sally's mood became very happy.

"Great, Sally can finally eat enough."

Meng Wei was ashamed and angry.

Freya covered her face with shame.

After so many years of love, the mechanical princess Sally has never had a full meal.

"Brother Bai Chen, tell me what this Sally is for."

Wang Dachong said impatiently.

He wanted to know what level of big bargain Bai Chen picked up.

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