I can summon myself

Chapter 209 Seamless Integration

Bear bombers over the extinct volcanic island.

"Team A, the students in the calculation team are producing results very quickly now."

"As soon as we submit it, no matter how difficult it is or how large the data is to be calculated, we will definitely get the answer within five minutes."

"Did the computing team collectively drink chicken blood?"

"Or maybe Nine-Nine-Six is ​​a perfect fit for the Seven Math Tool Guys?"

The postgraduate students working under Dr. A were surprised to find that compared to the previous days where they could not necessarily get results even if they pushed them from morning to night, the current computing team seemed to have been completely transformed. Not only was the speed extremely fast, but the accuracy of the data was also improved to a terrifying 100%. degree.

For the brick-moving department that Dr. A is responsible for, everyone's work efficiency has been greatly improved. There will no longer be any delays caused by data delays and data errors that were common before.

The hackers even felt that those guys in the computing team, who all day long looked like they were about to die suddenly before dying, seemed to be suddenly updated and rejuvenated.

6 to the extreme.

"I know this."

"It has nothing to do with the calculation team. The one responsible for calculating and reviewing the results now is Junior Brother Bai Chen's Ex Machina."

Dr. A picked up his thermos cup, unscrewed the lid and poured a full cup of red dates and wolfberry water into the lid.

After Sally came online and took over the data processing task, he immediately verified Sally's reliability. He no longer had to drink evil potions every day in order to maintain his composure and fight against the slow calculation team in PvP. .

Ex Machina not only put an end to the nightmare of being held back by the computing team by the brick-moving department he was responsible for.

He himself can also drink his favorite red date and wolfberry health water.

Dr. A was full of gratitude to Ex Machina and Junior Brother Bai Chen who brought Ex Machina.

"Ex Machina? Is she half human, half machine? A mechanical beauty with a perfect face and a tube stuck in the back of her head?"

"Perfect appearance, enchanting figure, hard enough to lift bricks, soft enough to be cute, and the cold electronic sound has a different kind of charm."

"You can also change your skin anytime, anywhere, change your body shape, seamlessly switch your face, and update your personality randomly. You can have a new experience every day..."

The graduate students who were moving bricks all had their eyes shining with longing written on their faces.

Dr. A finally understood why the rate of singles among his subordinates remained high.

"I'm often incompatible with you because I'm not a big enough girl."

The same scene is also happening in the command center's special detection matrix group, cloud whale node group, subspace research group, extinct volcano island planning and design group, and the personnel group responsible for screening the list of Western coolies in the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market. The data headache department has been repeated over and over again.

Mecha Sally, with her powerful computing power, information processing capabilities, and seamless connections, she has perfectly integrated into the Misty Rain Academy system.

After taking over the responsibility of the computing team, she directly increased the operating efficiency of the entire system by 60%.

over time.

Various departments that have already started to change their work processes for Ex Machina still have a lot of room for improvement in operational efficiency.

The old man Wu and the college bosses and heads of each group who witnessed the interaction between Bai Chen and Ex Machina also experienced firsthand the power of Ex Machina, a creature that was still in the training tank and did not know what it was.

"No wonder Bai Chen is so interested in Sally. Sally has lived up to Bai Chen's expectations."

"A hundred times more perfect than the best Ex Machina you could imagine."

"It turns out that no one understands Ex Machina better than Junior Bai Chen."

"The cost of feeding five dragon eggs in ten days is a bit expensive, but Sally's ability is super strong."

"Fortunately, Wang Da Chong, who has no feelings, and Meng Wei, who has finalized the transfer of all the association's shares in the Ex Machina project team with classmate Bai Chen, have entered the No. 5 channel and returned to the East. Otherwise, if they saw that Sally was so powerful, Mr. Wang Dashong may not cause trouble, but Meng Wei, a member of the project team, will definitely raise the price!"

In the temporary command center on the extinct volcanic island, a voice of joy suddenly sounded.

Ex Machina seamlessly integrates into the system incredibly quickly.

Her contribution to improving efficiency can be seen by everyone.

If Meng Wei, who continues to stay here, understands this firsthand.

Classmate Bai Chen wants to buy out 10% of the shares of the project team owned by the association with a bargain price of 50,000 points, which is nothing short of wishful thinking.

Now, Sally excels. After everyone at Yanyu Academy confirmed it, Bai Chen found a big leak and unearthed Sally, the most brilliant and successful legacy, from the Ex Machina project team that was recognized as a failure.

"I'm curious, are the big guys in the Europa Ex Machina project team all idiots?"

"The Europa Psychic Affairs Management Association, which is on the same level as our Eastern Psychic Association, doesn't review it?"

"I checked and found out that the entire project cost more than five billion stardust, using three titled legends, four top-notch universities, and twelve first-rate and second-rate top researchers. In order to obtain the technology of the Eastern Psychic Association, There are a lot of PYs, but the result is good. They treat Sally as the worst, the most mentally retarded, and the least promising Ex Machina out of 6 out of 10,000."

"But our classmate Bai Chen looked at Sally the first time he saw her. There is no doubt that she is powerful."

"The facts also perfectly prove Bai Chen's vision."

“The most precious treasure to be found in such a large project.”

"Is there anything else in the world that can trouble classmate Bai Chen?"

"It's great to pick up a bargain. Compared to picking up a bargain in front of ordinary people, it's even more satisfying to get the best mechanical girl from the Europa guy's 5 billion project team!"

"Hahaha, Meng Wei promised that she could help Bai Chen get the entire project at a bargain price."

"In the future, if the Europeans know how terrifying Sally is, they will regret it."

"Don't forget the Seven."

"The Seven are also good people. They sent Snake Hair Type 5 to the door, sent Mechanical Girl Sally to the door, and even turned themselves into mathematical tools to the door."

"Bai Chen paid a total of three barrels of 200 liters of Thunder Spirit Honey Water to the blue girl, and got the Moon Worship Angel Butterfly, people, ships, and mechanical girls. Four kinds of gains, big money, big money!"

The temporary command center was full of laughter.

At this time, Bai Chen, who moved to the temporary office of Snake Hair Type 5, received Sally's latest report.

"The data required for the basic psychic matrix of the dead volcano island has been calculated."

"The Bear bomber fish bombing platform has been verified."

"The progress of the screening of Western laborers in the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market is 63.7%."

"The completion rate of subspace modeling in the Cloud Whale Network is 51.2%."

"The three major clusters, Jiangnan and Gonggong Consortium, have a strength estimation completion rate of 47.9%."

The crisp and tender voice of a little girl sounded in Bai Chen's ears.

After reporting the progress, Sally asked curiously: "Boss Bai Chen, I feel that this island seems to be different from other dead volcano islands."

"I feel a fire psychic energy with vitality."

"What is this?"

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