I can summon myself

Chapter 240: Bragging also requires logic

"The person behind the control of this fish-man army has joined our Misty Rain Academy."

"So, whether it's fishmen, human pirates, bones, or miscellaneous fish. They have now become one of our men."

Wang Botang's words were like a bombshell exploding on the public channel.


"Are you kidding me?"

"are you serious?"

"We were fighting desperately against the fish-men army while we were frying fish rings, but you, Mist and Rain Academy, quietly took out the person behind the fish-men army?"

"Although the gap between people is greater than that between people and Huskies, there must be logic in bragging."

"Where's the evidence?"

Be it the Jiangnan people on board the Jiangnan Gonggong Union, or the teachers and students from other districts in the three major clusters.

The first reaction after the shock was disbelief.

The total number of fishmen, human pirates, bones, and miscellaneous fish exceeds two thousand.

And in the vast deep ocean, where the murlocs are at home, it is a restricted area for humans.

There was not even any abnormality on the extinct volcanic island. Without any trace of battle, Yanyu Academy, under the leadership of Bai Chen, captured the so-called behind-the-scenes person?

Even if Bai Chen really couldn't measure his variables by normal human standards.

No matter how many variables you change, you must follow the most basic logic.

"Who's behind this?"

Maggie asked sharply.

Wang Botang looked at Bai Chen.

Bai Chen nodded to him.

It is impossible to hide the existence of Little Pit Dragon for a long time, because there is a humanoid self-propelled live broadcast like Wu Qingmei's clone. Ao Twelve has long been in the sight of the Genius Center and the Eastern Earth Psychic Association.

More importantly, Bai Chen never thought about hiding.

After discussing with the old wizard and other college bosses.

Everyone agreed that the existence of the Little Fart Dragon could be revealed.

We can promote Misty Rain College through the words of the teachers and students in each major district on board the three major clusters, Jiangnan and Gonggong Union.

In addition to being an egg washer, Little Pilong is also a living sign.

Bai Chen needs to make Misty Rain Academy a familiar existence to everyone so that it can recruit more students and increase its strength.

"The person behind the scenes is here!"

The live broadcast of Zuo Miao carrying the limp little dragon into the command center appeared on the big screens of each aircraft.

Teachers and students in all districts were shocked by the existence of the little dragon.

"Cold snake?"

"What a damn cold snake!"

"Look at these horns, these scales, this dragon's head, the dragon's nose, the dragon's whiskers, the dragon's body, and the dragon's tail!"

"And the ones on the dragon's claws, one, two, three, four, five, five dragon toes!!!"

"Dragon, it's a dragon, the Eastern Dragon!"

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m going to burst!!!”

The idea that the person behind the command of the fish-men army was the Eastern Dragon was enough of a fantasy. The fact that the Misty Rain Academy managed to get this behind the scenes so easily was even more legendary.

The faces of teachers and students from all districts who saw this scene were filled with shock and disbelief.

"The Eastern Dragon Clan, a descendant of the Dragon King, how could Yanyu Academy capture it without any warning?"

"This is a dragon, not a dragon, and certainly not a cold snake!"

"It's true that bear bombers can fry fish, and it's true that Bai Chen's Cloud Whale friends are very good at fighting. But to say that they can capture a pure descendant of the Eastern Dragon King without anyone knowing, This is not only illogical, but also inconsistent with reality!”

"Misty Rain Academy does not have the strength to capture the descendants of the Eastern Dragon King!"

They were completely unable to accept the fact that Mist and Rain Academy had captured Little Pit Dragon.

"Move a few times!"

Zuo Miao poked Xiao Pilong's body.

The little dragon opened his eyes, and his gray-white dragon eyes were full of reluctance.

But in the end, he swung his tail in front of the camera.

"This arc, this way of movement!"

"These eyes and this posture are absolutely impossible to fake. This is definitely a genuine descendant of the Eastern Dragon King."

As the little dragon swayed, the work card on its chest also came into the sight of the three groups and others.

"Egg washer, Ao Twelve?"

Read the information on the badge clearly.

The Eastern Dragon Clan expert from the Imperial City's Sky Eye who had confirmed the identity of the Little Fart Dragon fell onto the deck.

"Wash, egg washer?"

"Damn it!"

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling on the deck because a dragon was shot in my knee!"

"Who can tell me why Yanyu Academy is so awesome?"

"You caught a dragon and used it as an egg washer?"

"By the way, what is an egg washer? Do you wash nuclear eggs?"

At this moment, no words can express the shock in their hearts.

The Eastern Dragon, the ancient totem in the hearts of the Eastern people, is a mythical creature that has reappeared on the earth in the era of psychic energy.

Just like that, he appeared in front of everyone as the captured behind-the-scenes person and now the egg washer of Yanyu College.

"Little Pit Dragon, tell me what's in your dragon's nest?"

The little Pilong gave the foodie senior a big roll of his eyes.

"Hey, egg washer Ao Twelve, it seems you haven't understood your situation yet."

The foodie senior sister signaled Zuo Miao to throw the little dragon to her.

Zuo Miao smiled and shook it.

The little dragon was thrown towards the foodie senior sister by her.

"What does dragon meat taste like?"

The foodie senior opened her mouth, showing her small white teeth.

The little Pit Dragon twisted his body and deviated from the direction.

In a completely anti-gravity posture, he floated to Bai Chen's seat.

"Chief Twoleg, you saw your people molesting me!"

Little Pilong pointed his paw at the foodie senior and complained to Bai Chen.

"I did not see it."

Bai Chen said calmly.

The little fart dragon pursed its mouth and fell on its back in front of Bai Chen to express its dissatisfaction.

At this time, the command center sounded a reminder that Sally had arrived at the dragon's nest.

"Confirm again, is this the location?"

The bald postdoctoral fellow called up the dragon's nest map.

The little fart dragon nodded, with a sly look in his eyes.

How could these two-legged beasts think they could find Shining in its nest.

Then they would definitely be disappointed.

"Release the unmanned submersible."

Bald Wang Botang entered the working state.

"The live broadcast is turned off."

The Mediterranean afro and white coat witch who has never changed for thousands of years turned off the live broadcast.

The teachers and students of various regions woke up from their dreams, but when they wanted to contact the Bear bomber again, they found that the Yanyu Academy, which pretended to be cool and ran away, was directly offline.

Ignoring the shouting of the lemons in the public channel.

As the submersible slowly descended to the dragon's nest.

What appeared in front of everyone was a lush seaweed forest.

"My nest is deep in these seaweeds."

"Inside the nest are kelp and seaweed, and soft bodies like octopus."

Little Fart Dragon looked helpless, this is how poor this Lord is.

"Turn on the dragon-type psychic detection matrix on the submersible."

Bai Chen's words made Little Fart Dragon's calmness disappear without a trace.

The next second, a prompt sounded on the big screen that dragon-type psychic energy was detected.

"Wow, Bai Chen, you are so awesome!"

"Sure enough, what you said, Little Fart Dragon's nest is full of aquatic products that have been transformed by it."

"Little Fart Dragon kelp, Little Fart Dragon seaweed, Little Fart Dragon octopus?"

"It seems that our Yanyu Academy has a specialty that contains dragon-type psychic energy."

The teachers and students were very excited.

Little Fart Dragon once again fell on his back in front of Bai Chen.

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