I can summon myself

Chapter 242 Weird Sigh

"Sally, broadcast the sound of the dragon's nest under the sea."

Bai Chen frowned.

The sound collected by the submersible sounded in the command center.

The undercurrent flows through the underwater jungle, and the various creatures shuttle through the kelp and seaweed.

It sounds like nothing unusual.

Suddenly, a very low sigh appeared in the loudspeaker.

Although there is no content, the meaning of these sounds is completely unknown.

But there is no reason, except for Bai Chen, Zuo Miao, Mo Qianxing, Baldy, Foodie, and Wu Laoguai.

Everyone else has a weird feeling of hair standing on end.

"Sally, immediately turn on the mind defense matrix, not only the one on the Bear bomber, but also the one I installed for you on the Snake Hair 5."

"At the same time, start the encrypted transmission communication system."

Bai Chen found that Sally was still silent.

He quickly took over the supreme control of the Bear bomber.

The mind defense matrix and the encrypted transmission communication system were started, and the order to start the mind defense matrix was issued to the Snake Hair 5.

Five minutes later, the weird sigh disappeared in the loudspeaker.

"Boss, it's terrible. Sally was almost affected."

Even though her main body was on the Snake Hair Type 5, Sally was still more affected by the strange sighs than the new commander.

If Bai Chen hadn't reacted in time and made a decisive decision, she, who was far beyond human perception, would have been brought into an unpredictable realm by this sigh.

"Student Bai Chen, what is this? Why do I feel like something is talking in my head?"

"It's obviously an irregular sigh, why do I feel like there seems to be something substantial in these messy movements."

"Even the mechanical girl Sally on the dead volcano island 4,500 kilometers away can be affected. This is too weird."

"Could it be the legendary red-haired ominous?"

The teachers and students patted their chests with lingering fear, and looked at Bai Chen in shock. Fortunately, student Bai Chen reacted quickly.

"It's hard to say now."

Bai Chen began to control manually.

While he transferred the information of the mental defense matrix to the big screen, he controlled the submersible to climb, and after leaving the entrance of the Dragon's Nest, he began to collect more detailed data in the Dragon's Nest area.

The data on the big screen is very stable.

"There is no problem with the dragon's nest."

Bai Chen confirmed.

The little dragon looked confused, not pretending.

"What are you talking about?"

"How come I didn't hear anything."

"You are a mirage dragon. Mirage dragons are not only masters of manipulating people's hearts, but also have strong defense against attacks on the mind."

Bai Chen turned his head and said to the vampire leader Mace, who also heard nothing: "Install the communication buoy on the cable connecting the submersible. After confirming that it is working properly, cut off the connection between the fish frying platform and the submersible, and throw the communication buoy down."

"Yes, boss."

Mace strode to the fish frying platform.

"The mission of exploring the Dragon's Nest is over."

"We have to find out the source of this weirdness now."

"Sister, get ready and deploy a sonar array every 100 kilometers."

"Senior Wang Botang, immediately formulate an outer spiral route centered on the coordinates of the Dragon's Nest."

"So far, we don't know what this sigh is."

"But it's definitely not a good thing."

"If the Old Ones at the level of the Ancient Gods are awakened from the resurgence by the advent of the subspace, then we will be in big trouble."

It can affect Sally at a distance of 4,500 kilometers.

No matter what the Ancient God is, it is not an existence that Bai Chen and Yanyu Academy can deal with now.

Wu Qingmei's clone was more serious than ever: "Classmate Bai Chen, are you sure?"

"I hope I won't be right."

Old Huang and Er Huang of the Genius Center looked at each other.

Like Wu Qingmei, their faces were full of solemnity.

After launching 30 sonar matrices.

Sally calculated the direction of the source.

"The sigh comes from the ancient underwater city of the fish king Mogomogo!"

Bai Chen shrugged.

"It seems that our plan to receive the spoils from the underwater ancient city has to be interrupted."

The teachers and students sighed depressedly.

"However, the good news is that according to the data of the strange breath, our mental defense matrix can completely resist the current influence of the sigh on us."

"Let's go and take a look."

The Bear bomber accelerated towards the direction of the underwater ancient city.

"Bai Chen, what do you think there will be in that place?"

Wu Laoguai asked curiously.

"It's hard to say."

"Sighs, whispers, murmurs, basically any ancient god-level Old One sleeping in the deep ocean will do it."

"The current strength of this sigh shows that it is still a long time before the ancient god wakes up. The person in the underwater ancient city is most likely to be stimulated by the subspace psychic energy and react instinctively."

"So we can still sneak over and take a look now, and throw some sonar down to collect information."

"In addition, the little fart dragon controlled Mogomogo to take away most of the fishman army, which also provided us with great convenience."

"At least we don't have to face the fishman divine magicians in the underwater ancient city who were affected by the sigh of the ancient god, because all the divine magicians were brought to the waters of our dead volcano island."

The little fart dragon's attack on the fried fish rings accidentally greatly reduced the number of fishmen affected by the sigh of the ancient god.

Greatly improved the safety of everyone's trip.

Bai Chen decided to go to the sea area where the underwater ancient city was located with confidence and collect relevant information.

"What if it really revives?"

The college leaders were very worried.

It was not easy to gain a foothold on the dead volcano island, and no one wanted to give up.

Bai Chen looked at Wu Qingmei's clone.

"Genius Center, the Psychic Association doesn't want to kill a god to calm down?"

Wu Qingmei was stunned.

Old Huang and Er Huang's eyes widened.

"Kill, kill a god to calm down?"

Wu Qingmei's clone stuttered.

Bai Chen said as a matter of course: "The ancient god-level old ruler is commonly known as the Cthulhu pantheon. Whether it is good or bad, once it wakes up, it will directly break the balance of power in this deep ocean."

"Will the association not summon the anti-sky myths in this deep ocean to expel it together?"

"If it is obedient, then everyone is happy."

"If it regards this place as its own territory and refuses to leave."

"Can the anti-sky myths in this deep ocean tolerate it?"

"While it has not fully awakened, it is the best choice to strike first."

Don't even mention finding the cat Bai Chen, even if it is the Blue Star of Bai Chen, the 233 Earth of Bai Chen, once they find the spiritual pollution such as the sigh, murmur, and whisper of the ancient god.

The first thing to do is to find the source as Bai Chen is doing now, and then summon various anti-sky myths in the area where the source is located to form a team to make it go away.

If it doesn't go away, it will be a battle to kill the gods.

Wu Qingmei looked at Lao Huang and Er Huang.

The legendary brothers smiled bitterly and said, "This is too big a matter."

"We must report to the association and hold an emergency meeting."

Wu Qingmei nodded.

"Student Bai Chen, let's talk about whether to kill the gods first."

"While ensuring your absolute safety, collect as much information as possible about the ancient underwater city."


Bai Chen didn't mind sharing this information with the association.

If the gods really needed to be killed, the association had to take action.

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