I can summon myself

Chapter 250 There are too many things to move

Bai Chen walked into the statue.

This is a large passage ten meters high.

With the sound of his footsteps, the lights automatically turned on.

Bai Chen raised his head and found that the passage was very complete, with no traces of secondary excavation. When it was built, it was a complete square structure ten meters high and ten meters wide.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

The old fish man pointed to the inside of the passage.

"The treasure house is at the end of the passage?"

Turk couldn't help but nod.

"You won't go in, can't you resist the weirdness deep in the passage?"

Even though he was half drunk and half awake, there was still a strong look of fear in the old fish man's dead fish eyes.

"Okay, you can stay here."

After confirming that the other party was not lying, Bai Chen agreed to the old fish man's request to stay here.

"I'll go explore the road first."

Wei Changkong looked serious.

Bai Chen nodded.

Wei Changkong walked towards the depths of the passage.

"What's weird?"

Zuo Miao said curiously as he pulled out the big iron rod.

The old fish man couldn't help but dance.

One moment it was arranged in an S shape, and the other moment it was arranged in an M shape.

The sharp-toothed body looks particularly funny under its hard-working performance.

This time, even Bai Chen, the Immortal King of Details, couldn't understand whether this guy was drunk and crazy or was trying to express something.

Fortunately, the sound of Wei Changkong's returning footsteps sounded in the passage again.

"Indescribable, indescribable."

He thought for a long time and didn't know how to describe it.

"The only thing that's certain is that there is no danger."

Bai Chen and his party followed him into the passage.

In less than three minutes, the first indescribable thing appeared in the white light.

This is a strange sculpture carved into the side wall of the passage.

There is no sense of beauty at all, it definitely does not meet human aesthetic standards, and it has a strange energy that can pollute the spirit.

The psychic defense matrix on everyone silently activated itself.

Everyone felt relieved.

"It's so scary. I was affected by it just by looking at it."

"No wonder the old fish man is scared to death."

"Fortunately, we have junior Bai Chen."

Teachers and students gasped.

Without the psychic defense matrix, they would definitely be attacked.

"I feel like this thing can ignore levels."

Wei Changkong said seriously, even if he is a master of seventeenth level and has undergone special psychic defense training, he dare not say that he can really resist the strange energy emitted by these dead statues.

Once the mind is invaded by them unknowingly.

The outcome is self-evident.

"No wonder the fishman king didn't deploy any defense at all."

"This passage itself is the best defense."

"But how can they, the fish-men, resist this indescribable and indescribable mental pollution attack?"

Mo Qianxing asked puzzledly.

"The brain circuits are different."

"Humans can never know what a husky is thinking, let alone a fish-man."

Bai Chen shrugged and continued to move into the passage.

Everyone laughed.

"Then again, these statues are really ugly."

“It looks very independent, not like they’re used to tell a story.”

"The lights, the statues, the echoes inside the passages, the aborigines of this ancient city feel like they are masters of psychological suggestion."

"Absolutely. The statue alone can cause mental pollution. The owner here is definitely a master at manipulating people's hearts."

"But times have changed."

"The power of psychic technology is beyond the imagination of the antiques."

The passage was filled with the cheerful laughter of teachers and students.

An hour later, Bai Chen and his party arrived at their destination.

At the end of the passage is a giant warehouse one hundred meters long, wide and high.

A fishy smell of sea filled the air.

"There are no lights here, and our flashlights and other psychic products cannot be used."

"But fortunately, we can use the most primitive candles and oil lamps."

Wei Changkong took out a pair of metal rods, walked towards the candle he had left before, rubbed it to create sparks and ignited it. Finally, there was a little light in this dark warehouse.

Then he distributed candles and oil lamps to everyone.

Although it was still quite dim, he could already clearly see the surrounding five meters.

Bones, minerals, metals, kelp, seaweed.

The huge warehouse was like a garbage dump, which made everyone frown.

"What are these things?"

Zuo Miao took a big iron rod and poked a big bone in front of her that was taller than her.

It feels harder than steel.

"Hiss, hiss!"

Mo Qianxing held Xiao Cai in his hand and shouted excitedly: "Xiao Cai told me that these things have powerful spiritual energy fluctuations and a strong breath of life!"

"They are definitely part of the body of the powerful creature that the high-level controller started with!"

Bai Chen nodded and pointed to the big bone in front of Senior Sister Zuo Miao: "This is the keel of an adult dragon."


"It's done, it's done!"

"Although these things are very original, if they are all of the same level as the keel, it will be a great harvest."

"Dragon bone is not a stinky cheating thing like dragon eggs. It is a strategic resource of the Eastern Earth Psionics Association. It can be used as a weapon, and can be sliced ​​into dragon bone matrix substrates. Even if it is broken, it can become the best dragon. Because of the amount of food consumed by the pet, it is sold at a sky-high price."

"A giant dragon is full of treasures, especially its dragon bones."

"If there is a complete set of skeletons, the Eastern Earth Psionics Association can even process it into a dragon puppet with powerful combat capabilities!"

Wei Changkong said excitedly.

What is in front of everyone is the skeleton of a whole warehouse.

Bai Chen raised his chin and couldn't help but look at this huge warehouse. Even if we use all the space equipment we have, we won’t be able to move much.

"Let's go back first."

"The power of the fishmen must be mobilized."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to empty this warehouse."

Not only that, but you also have to return to the Bear bomber and bring all the space equipment here to eat so many dragon bone treasures.


Everyone followed Bai Chen back to the entrance of the passage.

"Turke, call all the murlocs here."

Bai Chen said to Lao Turk.

What answered him was the old fish man's deep purr.

Bai Chen shook his head speechlessly and walked out of the statue.

Mo Qianxing started the live broadcast again.

I saw everyone with empty hands.

The big guys at the Genius Center were stunned.

"No signs of battle, no injuries, no attrition."

"There seems to be no sign of being controlled by the ancient gods."

"Did they find nothing?"

The bosses were puzzled.

Bai Chen picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Old thief Wu, please reply if you hear me."

Yes, the old monster Wu gave himself the bandit name of the old witch thief.

"Baitou, what's going on?"

The strange old wizard was sitting in the middle of the street with his majestic sword.

He crossed his legs and looked at the murloc team setting up a black iron matrix on the street with a smile.

"Come here."

The old weirdo suddenly became nervous.

"King Mogo Mogo has so much stuff that we can't move it."

The old wizard suddenly jumped up from his chair.

The bald senior and the foodie senior felt their hearts skip a beat. Could something have happened?

The old weirdo smiled like a child who was hundreds of years old.

He waved his hand: "Gather, everyone gather."

"Baitouer said there are too many things and they can't move them!"

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