I can summon myself

Chapter 257: Heartbeat of the Ancient God

"140,000 kilometers away in the Arctic Circle?"

The leaders of the Genius Center looked half-believing and half-doubting.

Since the beginning of the era of psychic revival, the earth has expanded like a balloon under the infusion of psychic energy, and it has expanded many times more than before.

However, even if they are so powerful as to defy the heavens, they can't sense the existence of another ancient god level 140,000 kilometers away.

If Bai Chen's performance was not too amazing.

The leaders would not believe Sally's judgment at all.

"140,000 kilometers away?"

"Or the Arctic Circle?"

Fang Ziqiang seemed to have heard a big joke.

His colleagues, the real archaeologists, also looked like they were talking nonsense, why are the Bear bombers flying in the sky? Because Bai Chen is talking nonsense in the sea.

"Sally, notify the extinct volcano island immediately and let them prepare for earthquakes and tsunamis."

Bai Chen ordered.

He did not doubt the reliability of the special detection matrix from Blue Star.

Even if it is 140,000 kilometers away.

The giant size of the ancient god-level Old Ones and the power of the mythical level will definitely cause extremely severe earthquakes and the tsunamis that follow.

"Oh, you took it seriously."

Fang Ziqiang curled his lips.

"The changes in the underwater ancient city have been detected."

"Psychic energy fluctuations, and the breath of life is rising rapidly."

"The mental defense matrix is ​​overloaded, the special detection matrix is ​​overloaded, and the Bear bomber has entered a hidden state."

"The submersible urgently activates the camouflage matrix."

"Disguise target: fishman."

The big screen flashed a signal representing extreme danger.

The safety level directly became negative infinity.

One second later.

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A muffled sound came from the direction of the underwater ancient city.

Even with the protection of the mental defense matrix.

Everyone, whether it was the teachers and students in the submersible or the people left behind on the Bear bomber.

Everyone's heart was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and they were dizzy.


The little fart dragon hiding in the refrigerator subconsciously broke the refrigerator and rushed out from the top.

It felt a fear that came from instinct.

Hedria curled up into a ball, and every blue scale on her body stood up because of fear.

The vampires were running around in the cabin.

They felt the great danger from the ancient city under the sea.

The situation of the teachers and students in the submersible was even worse.

They covered their chests one by one as if their hearts were hammered flat.

Even Wei Changkong, who was a 17th-level controller, lost his balance.

In the panic, only Bai Chen, who was protected by the Great Void Training Method, was safe and sound.

"Sally, give me the data immediately."

"Yes, boss!"

Bai Chen's steady voice was like a heart stimulant, bringing everyone back to life.

"Junior brother, what happened just now?"

Senior Sister Zuo Miao stood up again with a big iron stick.

"It seems to be a heartbeat, the heartbeat of the person below."

Bai Chen pointed to the dark seabed outside the submersible.

His voice was transmitted to the meeting room of the Genius Center through the live broadcast of Wu Qingmei's clone.

"The heartbeat of the ancient god?"

"Damn it, this thing down there won't wake up too."

"Old Huang, where is Er Huang now?"

The anti-god myths all looked solemn.

Even though they were broadcasting.

They could feel the huge energy contained in this thump.

"There is no sign of awakening yet."

"From the data, it should be an instinctive reaction to the stimulation of the ancient god 140,000 kilometers away."

"Let's continue to float up."

Bai Chen's powerful words calmed the teachers and students in the submersible.

They sat on the cold deck in all directions, gasping for breath.

"I was almost scared to death."

"Damn it, I thought this thing had discovered that we had taken away its divine essence."

The foodie senior sister, who realized she had leaked the secret as soon as she spoke, quickly covered her mouth.

But it was too late.

Everyone in the meeting room of the Genius Center heard the word divine essence.

"God-level essence? Bai Chen tinkered with it for a long time and actually found the god-level essence?"


"How is it possible? The underwater ancient city has been built for so many years and there are still god-level essences?"

"The fishman, a native deep-sea creature, has not found it, but Bai Chen, a fake archaeologist who really wants to steal the hair of the ancient gods, has found it?"

"Maybe he was lucky and found a few hundred grams or a few thousand grams of god-level essence."

"Even if it's a few hundred grams, it's no less than a warehouse of dragon bones."

The big guys of the myth of the sky felt that even if it was just a little bit, Bai Chen had made a lot of money this time.

Wu Qingmei raised her eyebrows proudly at Fang Ziqiang.

Fang Ziqiang and his real archaeologist colleagues looked extremely ugly.

Finding the god-level essence in the lair of the ancient gods?

Not to mention Bai Chen and his fake archaeologists who know nothing about archaeology, even the real archaeologists like them have never had such a harvest in their lives.

"Does the Misty Rain Academy, which doesn't even have a controller, know what the god-level essence is?"

Fang Ziqiang mocked.


Another muffled sound.

The big screen in the meeting room of the Genius Center went black.

Wu Qingmei found that her clone could no longer bear the pressure of the second ancient god's heartbeat and fainted in the command center of the Bear bomber.

The live broadcast ended.

"I feel so uncomfortable."

"The heart is going to explode."

"Ancient God MMP!"

After the second heartbeat, the teachers and students were in a very bad state.

The little dragon fell directly from the ceiling, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

"Boss, we can rule out those ancient creatures that have not evolved a heart."

Sally, the only one who was not affected except Bai Chen, automatically took over the control of the Bear bomber.

"Three liters of fel energy potion per person."

"Five times for vampires, fifteen liters per head."

"Hydria, and Ao Twelve, send them to the stainless steel tank for boiling fel energy potion."

Bai Chen prescribed a prescription.

Fel energy potion cannot repair the physical damage caused by the impact of the ancient god's heartbeat.

But it can make everyone feel better.

While mobilizing all teachers and students who can move, Sally controlled the Bear bomber to lower its altitude.

When the Bear bomber descended to the sea surface.

The submersible where Bai Chen was happened to surface.

"Get the hyperbaric oxygen chamber ready."

Bai Chen opened the hatch on the top of the submersible.

Under the dual effects of the rapid ascent and the heartbeat of the ancient god, except for him and Wei Changkong, everyone else was more or less injured.


Sally controlled the Bear bomber to lower the hook.

Bai Chen and Wei Changkong fixed it on the outer shell of the submersible.

As the hinges on the Bear bomber started.

The entire submersible, along with the fish-man tied up on it, was dragged back to the fish-blasting platform in the belly of the aircraft.

"Fortunately, there is Sally."

Wei Changkong sighed, if it weren't for Bai Chen's sharp eyes to discover the mechanical girl and forcibly take her away.

Otherwise, under the heartbeat of the ancient god.

They would probably be wiped out on this trip.

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The third heartbeat sounded.

Wei Changkong, who was caught off guard, fell on his back to the sea.

Bai Chen, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, grabbed him.

"And Mr. Bai Chen, you are really a monster."

Wei Changkong spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

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