I can summon myself

Chapter 263: One Pot Can’t Hold All the Pots


When the sun rose from the sea level, the hairless national treasure team flew out of the snake-haired Type 5 where Bai Chen was on time.

Their bare bodies are covered with thin iron bars as thick as a few fingers.

The only use of these items made of black iron is yes, RGB.

The national treasure team, exuding colorful and shining light, began their daily life.


Iron Chin got into a tent, and the sound of jumping around among the awakened seniors suddenly came from the tent.

"Damn Phantom Chicken, go away!"

"my eyes!!!"

"Don't peck my belly."

After waking up all the seniors in the tent.

Iron Chin walked out of the tent triumphantly.


The national treasure, which looked like an LED light bar, got into the next tent.

A quarter of an hour later, the national treasure team, which successfully woke everyone up, flew around the extinct volcano island under the angry gazes of the teachers and students, and then collectively returned to Bai Chen's tent.

They need to take a nap.

"Classmate Bai Chen, take care of your birds!"

"It's so crazy that you put glowing strips on the hairless national treasure!"

"Wake us up and let them run back and purr with your little maid. Is this what humans do?"

The resentment of teachers and students seems to be substantial.

"Didn't I tell you, if they disturb your rest, just give them a good beating."

Bai Chen said seriously.

Since arriving on the extinct volcanic island, these four national treasures have completely let themselves go.

Perhaps it was influenced by the embers of the Balrog.

Perhaps it was the stimulation brought about by the gradually awakening DNA chain of heaven-defying myths in their Phoenix bloodline.

The four crested ibises, who were never well-behaved babies, have become more and more uninhibited and free-willed.

Especially after Little Fart Dragon Ao Twelve arrived.

They feel that there is a dragon to grab the shit shovel, and they use various ways to show their presence all the time.

It's not like Bai Chen hasn't thought about educating him.

However, these crested ibises are very ghostly.

He only looks for trouble with the seniors, then turns around and runs to act cute in front of the seniors.

If Bai Chen really wanted to take care of them, Senior Sister Zuo Miao would be the first to refuse.

Moreover, they never make any mistakes in front of Bai Chen that make him angry.

Bai Chen couldn't find a reason even if he wanted to.

The seniors looked miserable.

Academy senior officials like Wu Laoguai also had troubles that they couldn't express.

"Beat him?"

"To put it lightly."

"It is true that we have collectively upgraded after eating the god-level essence, but how can we upgrade as fast as these four national treasures?"

"We are scum with no qualifications at all, but these four are Phoenix bloodline that can be transformed into Phoenix chicks. We awaken one DNA strand, and the worst of these four can awaken three."

The gap between people is just bigger than that between people and paramecium.

The gap between humans and birds makes the seniors even more desperate. In front of the national treasure team, they are not even as good as bacteria.

"Classmate Bai Chen, you can't just watch them be so arrogant and frivolous, and act so wantonly."

"Our talents are far inferior to the national treasure, but can't we use psychic technology to make up for it?"

"Junior, if you don't have the god-level essence, didn't you use various eggs fried from fried fish to exchange them for us from the trading platform of the Cloud Whale Group to get small pill materials that can awaken two or three DNA strands? Can you bring it with the god-level essence? use?"

"We were bullied miserably by these four phantom chickens."

The seniors burst into tears.

"In that case."

"All right!"

Bai Chen came up with the plan he had already prepared.

Originally, he planned to wait until the teachers and students had adapted to the improvement brought by the god-level essence, and then he would use his body-tempering method that could not be stewed in one pot.

But now since they took the initiative.

Bai Chen decided to use it three to five days in advance.

"Junior, don't forget us."

The voice of the foodie senior appeared in the chat channel.

"Don't worry, everyone has a share."

After breakfast.

Bai Chen, surrounded by teachers and students, came to the fish frying area where he had previously tested the fish frying platform.

"Sally, incorporate this reef into the shield of the dark iron matrix."

As the psychic shield expands silently.

The sea surface of the reefs, which originally undulated with the waves, gradually became calm.

"Men on the left, women on the right, neither men nor women in the middle."

"Build three dark iron pools here. Each pool is forty meters in diameter and can accommodate two hundred people."

Bai Chen pointed to the reef area: "The pool is elevated about one and a half meters above the reef to facilitate the laying of fuel pipelines."

"Fuel line?"

The old wizard said in confusion.

"That's right, turn this reef area into three stoves, and the black iron pool is the pot on the stove."

"And you are what is stewing in the pot."

Bai Chen said lightly.


"Junior, are you going to cook us?"

"We are not Elder Tang. We really can't live forever if we eat it."

"It's so scary."

The teachers and students looked scared.

Bai Chen grinned in cooperation: "That's right, I'm going to cook you and feed it to the little dragon."

Teachers and students were fighting.

"I don't eat human flesh. Chief Twoleg, please don't accuse me unfairly."

Ao Twelve said that he would never take the blame.

"The body tempering method cannot be stewed in one pot."

"First, integrate the resources obtained in exchange for the large group of cloud whales into the Black Iron Pond."

"Then take a medicinal bath and send the essence of these spiritual materials into your body under the action of water and heat."

"It can greatly improve your body functions."

"With the divine essence, one is for the inside and the other is for the outside, which will comprehensively improve your comprehensive abilities."

The seniors were overjoyed, and they stared fiercely at the national treasure team looking for seafood in the reef: "Can we beat them up like this?"

Bai Chen shrugged and did not answer the question.

The crested ibis gave the bitter and vengeful seniors a contemptuous look.

Neither male nor female is in the middle.

It is obvious that they are neither male nor female.

That evening.

Three giant black iron pools and the fuel nozzles below have been built.

After testing three pots of water and confirming that everything is working properly.

Bai Chen began to mix the ingredients.

With the help of Lao Huang, Er Huang, Wei Changkong, and the emotionless pharmaceutical machine king, Da Chong.

Three piles of green and evil spiritual materials were piled into three small hills in the pot.

Bai Chen raised his hand, and three ordinary stainless steel cans filled with god-level essence appeared in front of him.

"One hundred kilograms each time, to ensure that two hundred people have five hours of body tempering time each time."

"Every six times is a stage."

"Each stage can simultaneously improve everyone's physical fitness to the level after awakening one or two DNA chains."

"Three stages, and finally fully match the four to six DNA chains awakened by everyone."

Bai Chen signaled Brother Tian Gang to ignite.

With the start of the fuel nozzle.

Under the three 40-meter diameter pots, a faint blue flame ignited.

The catalytic matrix on the wall of the black iron pot also bloomed with the brilliance of spiritual energy at the same time.

Under the dual effects of temperature and catalytic matrix.

The mountain-like spiritual materials began to break and disintegrate, and finally melted into a pot of green grassland-colored medicine juice.

Wu Laoguai was the first to stand on the springboard leading to the pot.

"Isn't it just turning green?"

"Turning green will make you stronger, what are you waiting for?"

He took the lead and jumped into the pot, which was already cooled but still had a high temperature.

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