I can summon myself

Chapter 270 Dai Xin

"Brother, stop making trouble."

"The reason why we told you about classmate Bai Chen is not to recruit him to hunt the ancient gods together."

"If Bai Chen's conclusion comes true, do you have any plans in this regard?"

Even now, Fang Ziqiang and his fellow archaeologists are very unhappy with Bai Chen, the guy who made them embarrassed in front of Aunt Extinction.

But that doesn't stop them from agreeing that Bai Chen does have a few tricks up his sleeve.

If Bai Chen's inference was wrong, several laboratories of the Genius Center in the Arctic Circle would definitely suffer serious losses due to emergency evacuation.

But if Bai Chen's conclusion is correct, he can save everyone at the genius center.

This is the reason why the big bosses know that it is absolutely impossible to convince the association based on inference alone, but they still choose to trust Bai Chen to issue the retreat order.

For Fang Zihan.

If Bai Chen's inference comes true, what they are facing is definitely not the honest ancient god shown in the current intelligence, but the bastard of the ancient god who appears to be respectful but secretly wants to make a big news.

If only.

Even if he is Fang Zihan, he is a professional combat type who defies the myth of heaven. He absolutely couldn't bear the instant attack by the ancient god-level ruler of the old days who had already returned to normal.

Cold sweat oozed from Fang Zihan's forehead.

Fortunately, he ran here and figured out the whole story.

Fortunately, he knew the magic of classmate Bai Chen.

If you were really stupid and took your men to the Arctic Circle to sit down and talk with this sinister and cunning ancient god.

That would be great fun.

"I, Fang Zihan, will always remember this favor from classmate Bai Chen."

"I will go back immediately to adjust the plan and say goodbye!"

Just when Fang Zi returned to the association headquarters in the cold wind and turbulent weather.

In the Arctic Circle, employees of Dai Xin Atmospheric Observation Laboratory came to Dai Xin's office.

The old lady Dai Xin, who has silver hair but is full of energy, is packing up her most important atmospheric experiment records.

"Teacher, do we really need to make an emergency retreat?"

"Didn't that Ancient God sincerely express his intention to negotiate?"

"If we leave now, the observation opportunity we have worked so hard to prepare for for half a year will be wasted."

"Even if there is something wrong with that ancient god, it is two thousand kilometers away from our laboratory. We have time to retreat."

The members of the Genius Center, who are called employees but are actually disciples of Dai Xin, are very dissatisfied with the emergency evacuation order sent by the Genius Center.

"Sit in the back and tell us who are on the front lines of the Arctic Circle!"

"That's right, there's no reason for an emergency retreat!"

"Teacher, is the Genius Center really not messing around this time?"

For a time, the office was filled with their dissatisfied voices.


The old lady Dai Xin, who had always been kind-hearted, became really angry.

Her wrinkled face was covered with frost.

"This retreat order comes at the right time."

"Even if there is no order from the Genius Center, I will issue an order for forced evacuation in the name of the head of the Arctic Circle of the Genius Center!"

"This time we are not facing unpredictable weather but we can always find patterns."

"They are not competitive competitors who know the ins and outs."

"It's the Ancient God, the real Ancient God, the ruler of the old days who has been sleeping for countless thousands of years and suddenly wakes up: the Ancient God!"

Dai Xin's angry voice echoed in everyone's heart.

"It cannot be seen directly, it cannot be described, it cannot be grasped."

"The joint inspection team from Harvard, Columbia, and Massachusetts colleges has used their team destruction to prove the consequences of despising this ancient god."

"But you are actually aggrieved by the losses that an emergency evacuation will cause?"

"You only have one life. When you die, you are truly dead."

"Do you want me, an old woman, to watch you follow in the footsteps of the Harvard gang and become the food of this ancient god?"

"Pack up your things immediately and retreat within three hours."

"Immediately use the public channel to send the highest level warning to the Arctic Circle, requiring all employees of the Genius Center in the Arctic Circle and all Dongtu teams in the Arctic Circle to board the leaving transportation within three hours."

"If someone wants to disobey, the employees of the Genius Center will be removed immediately. Other teams outside the Genius Center will tell them that if they disobey the order this time, as long as I am in the Arctic Circle on behalf of Xin for one day, they will not be able to make a living here again!"

The employees were stunned by their teacher's determination.

"Teacher, is the situation really that bad now?"

Facing the inquiry from the disciple he loves most.

Dai Xin's face was expressionless: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you pack your things?"

Everyone rushed out of her office.

A quarter of an hour later, an ultimatum for emergency evacuation sounded on the public channel.

The entire Arctic team was shocked by the determination shown in the letter of Mr. Dai Xin.

"The old lady is angry."

"It seems that the situation is really not good this time."

"Don't seek death, just grease your feet and run away."

"You can only have DPS if you are alive."

"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, tell important things five times."

All teams at the Genius Center in the Arctic Circle have activated emergency evacuation plans.

Most of the team were making a living in the Arctic Circle, and they knew how powerful this myth-defying old lady who had been in the Arctic Circle for a full thousand years was. They also turned their heads and headed towards the nearest exit channel, preparing to withdraw from the Arctic Circle.

Of course, as Bai Chen expected, people die for money and birds die for food.

There are still a small number of people who choose to continue to move forward to the area where the ancient gods are.

In this regard, even Dai Xin could only sigh helplessly.

Just as the laboratory team of the Genius Center boarded the emergency evacuation aircraft one after another.

Van Zyk, De Rose, and A Mei, the local snake Simpson in the Arctic Circle, these three heaven-defying myths came to the door of Dai Xin's laboratory together.

"Madam Dai, is the current situation so bad that we must retreat?"

Simpson looked puzzled.

"I don't know, but I can't risk the lives of the people of Dongtu."

Dai Xin frowned, she felt something was wrong.

"In other words, you don't actually know what's happening now?" Simpson had a weird smile on his face.

"Simpson, what do you mean?"

Van Zyk stared at Simpson with a gloomy face.

De Rose pointed at the white light flashing in Simpson's eyes in surprise.

"What's in your eyes?"


"How dare you call the great master's gift a thing?"

Simpson's hands exploded from his shoulders without warning.

Two snake-like blood-red tentacles spurted out from the broken part of his shoulders.

Van Zyk and De Rose were caught off guard and tied up tightly by the blood-red tentacles.

The top of the tentacles instantly drilled into the lips of the two heaven-defying myths.

The next second, white spots appeared in their eyes exactly like Simpson's.

"Now it's your turn, Madam Dai!"

The three heaven-defying myths surrounded Dai Xin with a grim smile.

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