I can summon myself

Chapter 277 What is Heaven's Way

"The way of heaven is a collection of basic rules of the universe when the world was born."

"With the emergence of life, the way of heaven has been contaminated with the breath of life. From a simple collection of rules, it has become a chaotic body affected by the breath of life."

"When the life level of a world increases and the number of creatures begins to grow, these mixed and irregular life breaths will gather into streams and flow into the way of heaven, and the way of heaven will grow simultaneously."

"As time went by, Tiandao naturally responded by classifying the breath of life. The breath of life that can accelerate the growth of Tiandao has become Tiandao's favorite type."

"In order for more of this kind of breath to appear, Heaven will give back to the owners of these breaths, the creatures with the potential to emit these breaths. This is the so-called harmony of Heaven and Dao, and Heaven's response."

"Being the darling of Heaven does not mean how amazing their real talents are. In the final analysis, it is purely the breath of life they exude, which happens to meet the standards for accelerating the growth of Heaven. To put it simply, it is just feed that meets the appetite of Heaven."

Pfft, Wu Qingmei almost spit out the happy water.

Old Huang and Er Huang, who also came to join the class, had their eyes widened.

Wei Changkong's eyes twitched.

The titled Machine King, Mr. Chong, who had no emotions, even blushed and covered his face.

Tiandao promulgated the title for him, not because he is handsome, nor because he is talented and good at making pills, but because his attributes are exactly what Tiandao needs for his growth, so he got the title of Legend.

Wang Da Chong's face turned red with embarrassment: "Brother Bai Chen, am I so unbearable?"

Bai Chen shrugged: "No, why do you think so?"

"No matter what the reason is for Heaven to choose you, you can be recognized by Heaven in a world, which is the most powerful talent in itself. Why do you feel unbearable?"

"Although the reason why Tiandao chose you is a bit realistic, no matter what, Tiandao's feedback has really improved your compatibility with the earth. How can you say it is unbearable?"

"The selection mechanism of Heaven is like this. Whether it is chaos or consciousness, choosing a creature that is beneficial to you cannot be said to be a mistake in any case."

Wang Da Chong let out a long sigh of relief.

"That's good, that's good."

Bai Chen waited for him to return to normal before continuing: "Old rulers, ancient gods, no matter how many names there are for such creatures, one thing is certain, whether it is the earth or other worlds, as ancient gods , is definitely the former overlord of that world.”

"During this period of hegemony, it was unimaginably close to the way of heaven during that period."

"It can be said that every existence of the old overlord level has left a deep imprint on the way of heaven."

"As time goes by, the years change, and the ancient gods withdraw from the stage of history and fall into a deep sleep."

"It can be said that their evolution speed cannot keep up with the speed of environmental changes, or that they are getting further and further away from the way of heaven. But what remains unchanged is that the imprints they leave in the way of heaven will never change with time and space. And dissipate."

"Take the other side of the Arctic Circle as an example. The reason why it remains indescribable and indescribable is the result of the influence of heaven."

"Even if it is incompatible with the current era, as a former overlord, as long as it wakes up, the mark it left in Heaven will play its due role, and it will naturally restore its position as the darling of Heaven."

A flash of surprise flashed in Wu Qingmei's eyes.

Lao Huang and Er Huang also murmured clearly: "No wonder there is such a fierce commotion on the other side of the Arctic Circle, but we don't even know what it is. It turns out that it is not how powerful it is when it just wakes up, it is purely the earth. God’s care.”

"Listening to what you have to say is better than ten years of reading."

After a pause, Bai Chen continued: "The geniuses in the Genius Center, no matter what their talents or physiques, have one thing in common, that is, they are all the darlings of the earth and heaven."

"They are deeply favored by heaven and have left their own messages in heaven."

"Once they are used to deal with the ancient gods, they will be known by the ancient gods who are still favored by heaven."

"Because the former overlords' understanding of the way of heaven was far superior to that of geniuses."

"The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy are different."

"The qualifications are so poor that even the Heavenly Dao will not pay attention to him. Let alone the God of Slaughter, the Heavenly Dao will not give any warning until the 40,000-meter sword slashes the long river of the Heavenly Dao."

Wu Qingmei finally understood why Bai Chen insisted on bringing along the teachers and students of Mist and Rain College.

The way of heaven is a domain that the ancient gods are familiar with.

If you want to block the perception of ancient gods in this field, the more genius you are, the more side effects it will have.

As for the foodie senior, a scumbag with no qualifications at all and no bird in heaven.

On the contrary, it is impossible for the ancient gods to discover the danger from her through the way of heaven.

"Brother, what about you?"

Wang Da Chong discovered a problem.

Logically speaking, classmate Bai Chen is a more dazzling existence in the way of heaven than the geniuses at the Genius Center.

"My bloodline is special. In front of Heaven, I'm just like a foodie senior."

Bai Chen put the blame on his own bloodline.

The Strange Object Keyboard can even summon Zhen Dao and Bai Chen. Tianda, the highest set of rules in the world, does not need to have any connection with Bai Chen.

When he got the Strange Object Keyboard and summoned Blue Star Baichen, even the messages he had left on Earth and Heaven were all erased by the Strange Object Keyboard.

Bai Chen, who was invisible in front of the Earth Heavenly Dao, could dig a trap for the Ancient God without any worries.

He didn't have to worry that the Ancient God would sense the trap he set from the Heavenly Dao.

Of course, even if the factor of the Heavenly Dao was excluded.

The Ancient God was also an absolute super-powerful person at the level of a mythical god.

To solve it, Bai Chen still needed to make careful preparations.


Wu Qingmei said in surprise.

"Since the ancient gods can find out the evil intentions of the geniuses in the genius center through the way of heaven."

"Then they must be able to find out the calculations of the anti-heaven myth bosses in the center."

Bai Chen nodded as a matter of course: "Yes, your judgment is correct."

"When the anti-heaven myths on Earth want to deal with the ancient gods, they will definitely be known in advance by the other party."

"Why is the City of Ten Thousand Spirits better at dealing with the ancient gods of Earth than the East and the Western Alliance?"

"The reason is very simple, that is, the anti-heaven myths from the City of Ten Thousand Spirits do not correspond to the way of heaven completely on Earth."

"No matter how strong the ordinary ancient gods of Earth are, they cannot leave their marks in the way of heaven in the City of Ten Thousand Spirits. Naturally, facing the attack of the anti-heaven myths of the City of Ten Thousand Spirits, they will not respond calmly as if they knew the calculations of the anti-heaven myths of Earth early."

Wu Qingmei's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Student Bai Chen, we should remind them."

Bai Chen shrugged: "That's what we should do."

"But the moment the big guys in the genius center calculated the ancient gods, the other party may have felt the danger from the way of heaven."

"We should remind them to be careful of the acting skills of the ancient gods."

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