I can summon myself

Chapter 279 How many ancient gods do you think there are in the Arctic Circle?

"Mr. Gordon, is it you again?"

"Your work experience is really rich."

"Among the two thousand Western coolies, you are the only one who has lived in the Arctic Circle."

"Are you going to be a spy there too?"

"Well, a cook who doesn't want to be 007 would not be a good Gordon."

The bricklayers A, B, C, and D, who were taking a new assignment from Bai Chen, gave a thumbs up to Chef Gordon, who also ran to Snake-haired Type 5 to report to Bai Chen.

This person's work history is truly amazing.

A ghostly place like the Arctic Circle, No. 5 Deep Ocean Market, where over 100,000 people would not be able to find a place to visit, Gordon actually worked there for fifteen years.

"Cowhide, real cowhide."

"The man who spied in the Arctic Circle."

"The association's 007s are all over the world."

"Which company has the best espionage skills? Chef Gordon has to do his job."

After a while of teasing, A, B, B, and D left Bai Chen's workshop with a new task.

Gordon walked in with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, I am really not a spy. I am just a purgatory kitchen cook who occasionally provides information to the Eastern Earth Psychic Association."

"sit down."

Bai Chen motioned for Gordon to sit down.

He opened the refrigerator and pushed Ao Twelve aside who was sleeping in the refrigerator. He took out two cans of happy water and threw one to Gordon.

Gordon took it hurriedly.

His panic-stricken mood became much less tense as Bai Chen threw the happy water at random.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, the reason why I left Purgatory Kitchen is very simple. I don't think staying in Purgatory Kitchen will be of much help to my cooking skills, so I chose to be a backpacker and collect food from all over the world, just to verify my New ideas in cooking require a lot of stardust.”

"After spending all my savings, I chose to work in the field for the Eastern Earth Psychic Association. I used my knowledge from all over the world and the information I found in various ocean-going fleets in exchange for the funds I needed to continue studying cooking skills."

"I have not received any 007-level professional training nor do I have any spy skills. I am just an information broker who collects information and sells it for money, a part-time information broker."

Gordon honestly revealed his identity.

"My dear, he didn't lie."

Anyone with evil intentions can't hide the details of Immortal King Bai Chen.

"What cooking skills have you developed?"

Bai Chen took a sip of happy water and said curiously.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, your method of handling those deep ocean creature eggs has inspired me a lot, but no matter how hard I think about it, I can't integrate the inspiration generated from it into my cooking skills, and I am even more confused."

“I don’t know whether I should continue my eclectic approach as a chef or choose a specialized route starting from deep-ocean fisheries near extinct volcanic islands.”

For the first time, Gordon confided his feelings to an outsider like Bai Chen.

He left Purgatory Kitchen thinking he could carve his own path.

But wasting half his life not only failed to determine his path, but also made him confused about the future.

Although his cooking skills have become more and more pure over the years.

But the awakening of DNA strands happened decades ago.

Gordon is now in a bottleneck like a headless chicken.

"Follow your heart."

Bai Chen said lightly.

"That's all it can do."

Gordon took a sip of happy water.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, during my fifteen years in the Arctic Circle, I basically visited all the human strongholds there."

“And I get a lot of information from my fellow chefs.”

"For example, the polar training camps in Mao Xiong, for example, Amei, you can read the gossip about Simpson, the myth-defying powerhouse who wrote Liu Beiwen, or the enduring Arctic legends in the laboratories of Dongtu stationed in the Arctic Circle. "

"I know a little bit about the actual distribution of power in the Arctic Circle."

Gordon, who didn't know what was happening in the Arctic Circle, thought Bai Chen wanted to know about the situation of a certain force in the Arctic Circle.

But he was wrong, very wrong.

"How many ancient gods do you think there are in the Arctic Circle?"

Bai Chen said seriously.

Gordon stumbled and almost fell off his chair.

"Ancient, ancient god?"

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, are you talking about ancient gods like the Old Ones?"

Gordon's eyes widened in shock.

Are there ancient gods in the Arctic Circle?

Is Bai Chen serious?

That's not right.

To take a step back, even if there really is an ancient god-level old ruler in the Arctic Circle.

How did Bai Chen, who was on an extinct volcanic island hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, know this?

Gordon's eyes were filled with questions.

"On the other side of the Arctic Circle, the Three Defying Myths and hundreds of fur bears with them have been eaten. Amei, you see, it also caused the death of Lord Dai Xin, and also caused the retreat of all humans in the Arctic Circle."

Gordon was stunned by the news Bai Chen said.

"Old Madam Dai Xin has fallen?"

Bai Chen nodded to confirm, and Gordon's eye circles suddenly turned red.

"When I first arrived in the Arctic Circle, I worked as a cook in Mrs. Daixin's Atmospheric Laboratory."

"Although she is a legend, she never puts on airs in front of everyone. Instead, she is kind and amiable, just like an elder in the family."

Gordon's shoulders couldn't help but tremble, he choked with sobs, and tears shone in the corners of his wrinkled eyes.

Bai Chen handed him a pack of tissues.

It took a long time for Gordon to recover from the grief and anger of Dai Xin's death.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, I will tell you everything you want to know."

Gordon said word by word.

Bai Chen brought him to the 3D virtual projection of the Arctic Circle in the garden.

Gordon pointed to the big red dot two thousand kilometers away from Dai Xin's laboratory and gritted his teeth and said, "Is this the target?"

Bai Chen nodded: "Although the current intelligence is that Van Zyk, De Rose, and Simpson, the three heaven-defying myths, let Lord Dai Xin release the life cage, but I think the fall of Lord Dai Xin is inseparable from the ancient god in the red dot."

"But from all the information I have collected."

"The ancient god in the red dot is not enough to fully explain why the psychic fluctuations in the Arctic Circle subspace are a whole order of magnitude lower than the psychic fluctuations on the dead volcano island."

"So, I asked you how many ancient gods do you think there are in the Arctic Circle."

Bai Chen looked at Gordon seriously and said, "Let's start with the weirdness and ominousness in the Arctic Circle."

"Mark the mysteries and legends of the Arctic Circle that you know on this 3D modeled virtual projection."

Gordon nodded solemnly and began to tell Bai Chen everything he knew.

Fifteen hours later, Bai Chen asked Wei Changkong to send Gordon, who was thirsty and exhausted, back to the camp.

He stood in front of the projection with a bunch of question marks, communicating with Blue Star Bai Chen and Immortal King Bai Chen.

"The weirdness of the Arctic Circle is more than I thought."

Bai Chen murmured.

"Apart from those isolated hallucinations that appear after staying in the polar regions for a long time, there are dozens of strange situations that can be verified with each other, and the directions where they appear are all over the Arctic Circle."

Blue Star Bai Chen looked like the Arctic Circle was the nest of the ancient gods.

"My Lord, your Earth has a big secret."

Immortal King Bai Chen had never seen such a strange situation where the ancient gods gathered together.

"Sally, retrieve the geological movement data on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean."

Bai Chen said to Sally.

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