I can summon myself

Chapter 296: Great Vision

"Lao Huang, Er Huang? Are you moving bricks?"

Hydria's parents just got off the flying saucer and saw Lao Huang and Er Huang, who were wearing safety helmets and reflective vests and cutting keels at a workbench next to the outfitting platform.

"Hai Hu Zi, sister-in-law."

Lao Huang greeted them, and his movements were not affected at all.

The bearded man looked thoughtfully at the Bear bomber fixed on the outfitting platform behind them.

Is this the cool, powerful, good "mount" that can bomb fish and play games that even the descendants of Basatan don't love for his precious daughter? From a human perspective, this big guy does look majestic and majestic.

"Who is Bai Chen?"

The shadow girl looked around.

There are not many humans on this aircraft except for the vampires flying up and down like butterflies and a group of fishmen acting as porters.

"Boss Bai Chen is not here."

Hydria walked towards the Bear bomber and called out to the vampire leader Mace, who was still wearing a flashy black leather jacket under the scorching sun: "Ask Sally, where is Boss Bai Chen?"

The vampire leader picked up the portable microphone and asked for a while.

Sally's mechanical voice came from the headset: "Boss is now in the psychic heart inside the dead volcano."

The so-called psychic heart is the name Bai Chen gave to the core area of ​​the black iron matrix located at the ember position that covers the entire dead volcano island.

"Uncle Lao Huang, Uncle Er Huang, I will take my parents to find Boss Bai Chen first."

After saying goodbye to Lao Huang and Er Huang, Hydria took her parents to a passage at the foot of the dead volcano.

The closed door of the passage slowly opened.

A giant elevator of about 200 square meters appeared in front of the family of three.


The man running towards the elevator made Hai Huzi's eyes condense.

He recognized this little old man who looked like a retired old man.

"Mr. Wang Dachong, the emotionless pharmaceutical machine?"

Wang Dachong raised his head, his face full of astonishment.

He was completely unable to confirm the strength of the bearded man in blue scale armor.

The woman shrouded in a shadow made him feel alert that she was in great danger.

Just as he was about to subconsciously inform Sally, Hedria poked her head out of the elevator control console.

"Old Wang, are you also going to the Heart of Psychic Energy to find Boss Bai Chen?"

"No, I'm going to the spiritual material warehouse above the Heart of Psychic Energy."

Wang Dachong walked in.

"Who are they?"

"My parents."

Hedria's answer made Wang Dachong suddenly realize that it was no wonder he had never seen these two people. It turned out that they were the parents of the blue-skinned girl.


Wang Dachong's expression froze.

Hedria, the daughter of the deep ocean, her parents were a pair of powerful and heaven-defying myths in the deep ocean.

In other words, the pair standing in front of him who couldn't tell their origins at all were actually two heaven-defying myths?

"Old Wang, Old Wang."

Hydria waved her hand in front of Wang Dachong.


The emotionless pharmaceutical machine looked confused.

"We have arrived at the warehouse."

Hydria pointed at the wide-open elevator door.


Wang Dachong instinctively walked out of the elevator.

"My dear girl, you call him Old Wang?"

Hai Huzi asked puzzledly.

"Yes, he is the old brother of Boss Bai Chen, so I call him Old Wang."

Hai Huzi and his wife have not figured out the relationship between Bai Chen and this titled legend.

The elevator reached the bottom.

As the elevator door opened, a scorching breath hit them.

The shadow girl exclaimed.

"This is the smell of the Flame Demon!"

"This dead volcano island actually hides a Flame Demon of the ancient god level?"

Hai Huzi's expression changed drastically.

How could he have thought that this mysterious island was actually the territory of the Flame Demon?

"Boss Bai Chen, is there a fire demon here?"

Hydria's voice echoed in this space paved with black iron substrates, each of which was engraved with regular circuits.

Bai Chen, wearing short-sleeved shirts and shorts, walked out from behind a "wall" made of black iron substrates.

"There are only fire demon embers here, no fire demons."

Hydria turned her head and smiled to her parents: "Now you can rest assured, there are only fire demon embers, no fire demons."

Seabeard's sharp eyes fell on Bai Chen's face.

He is very handsome.

He has an upright posture and a strong self-confidence that nothing is a problem.

But why can't he feel any spiritual fluctuations on Bai Chen?

The unbelieving Seabeard released a power of the anti-sky myth level, and his pair of black and white eyes turned into a sapphire-like blue.

The unique pressure of the anti-sky myth came out of his body and swept towards Bai Chen.

When this breath, which deliberately controlled the power but still possessed the anti-sky myth level spirit, entered the five-meter range of Bai Chen.

Seabeard found that his temptation disappeared without a sign.


The Shadow Girl interrupted his impulse to continue the temptation.

"I see Chaos in you?"

The shadow on the Shadow Girl dissipated.

The person who appeared in front of Bai Chen was a dark, half flesh and blood, half shadow, cool woman.

"The Shadow Demon Clan?"

Bai Chen revealed the mysterious identity of Hedria's mother.

"Son of Chaos?"

Shadow female Tara Shadow couldn't help but examine Bai Chen. She sensed in Bai Chen the most original power of chaos in this world.

"My dear, this Shadow Demon's understanding of the void is too superficial."

"The void is divided into seven layers. She only sees the second layer of chaos now."

"The Shadow Demons are ancient creatures spawned by the power of shadow. Where there is light, there is shadow. They are almost as old as this universe."

"However, such an ancient ethnic group has only reached the second level of understanding of the void."

"My dear, this earth is too young and new."

Lanxing Baichen said melancholy.

Bai Chen shrugged: "If you really think so, then just think of me as Chaos."

A black light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the shadow female Tara.

"The Son of Chaos is qualified to be the son-in-law of our Shadow Clan."

She raised her hand, and the shadow instantly blocked the elevator door.

"Good girl, come on."

She said to Hydelia who looked confused.


Hydelia didn't understand why her old mother was so crazy.

"Go up, push him down."

Tara's words made Seabeard feel bad all over.

"Tara, are you crazy?"

"You know what you're talking about?"

Tara frowned: "Of course I know what I'm talking about."

"A man who possesses the most primitive chaotic energy of the earth's heaven. If I hadn't been married to you and couldn't do anything, I would have done it first."

Seabeard immediately received a critical hit of 99999 points.

Blue light flashed around him.

A dragon aura spread from him.

There was a dull thud.

A black fist composed of pure shadow energy descended from the space crack that suddenly appeared above Seabeard's head. Before he even had time to react, he was knocked to the ground by Tara's shadow fist.

"Daughter, don't be embarrassed."

“Reproduction is the cornerstone of all living things.”

"It has been a long time since our shadow lineage saw new blood from the Chaos bloodline."

Tara waved her hand.

Hydelia drifted towards Bai Chen involuntarily.

"My dear, this shadow demon actually wants to use you as a breeding tool?"

"She is really discerning."

Lanxing Baichen's voice was full of gloating.

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