I can summon myself

Chapter 298: Gathering of Heroes

Tara resisted the urge to immediately turn Bai Chen into her son-in-law again: "Are you so sure that the God-Slaying Team of Dongtu Genius Center will fail?"

"Yes, classmate Bai Chen, you may not know how luxurious the team organized by the Genius Center is."

"A ferocious dragon with horns that shakes the sky, and an absolutely frozen Fang Zihan. You Dongtu, these two fighting type gods, can scare the kids next door to tears just by their names.

"The bomb maniac Joseph, the black giant Martins, these two fighting madmen are not good at each other as you see."

"Gattuso the Slaughterer, Lily the One-shot Sniper, Renee the Melee Mage, and if Ivanov the Terrible Ivan is also included, there are four combat-type God-defying Myths sent by Europa."

"Eight full-time combat types, six all-around types, three professional support types, plus a few top academic types from top academies."

"It can be said that the Dongtu Organization's God-Slaying Team is one of the most powerful."

"Moreover, I also saw the shadow of the City of All Souls' foreign aid from the current global live broadcast."

Seabeard was very curious. Why did Bai Chen think that he could take away the ancient god of the Arctic Circle from such a powerful team, and let this indescribable, indescribable existence at the level of the old overlord obey his will honestly? He used him as a tool god to run to the ancient undersea city, and died together with him on the other side of the ancient undersea city.

"How about we make a bet."

Bai Chen, who is harmless to humans and animals, smiled cutely.

At the same time, heroes gathered in the Unnamed Islands in the northernmost part of Yingzhou.

From the Eastern Land, Amei, look, twenty or so mythical powerhouses from Europa have gathered together.

"After using global live broadcast to influence the way of heaven with billions of melon-eating emotions, from the current point of view, neither the five deep-ocean myths at the entrance of the Bering Strait nor the ancient god in the Arctic Circle have noticed that we are gathered together. here."

"Therefore, the method of global live broadcast is successful. It can blind the way of heaven and prevent the other side of the Arctic Circle from confirming our true intentions. The emotions of billions of melon-eating have given us the perfect opportunity to approach it in a swagger and then kill it unexpectedly. Chance."

The ferocious-looking Long Hantian glanced at the faces of each strong man with cold eyes. When he looked at them like this, everyone's faces felt a tingling sensation.

"This man-dragon boss is much stronger."

A girl with colorful hair, each hair pointing straight to the sky, look at the leader, the bomb maniac Joseph, muttered.

"It's whatever you say."

Ivanov sighed loudly.

"What is the specific plan?"

Zha Lili, a strong aunt carrying a sniper rifle with a caliber thicker than her forearm, said impatiently.

"There is no specific plan." Fang Zihan, who was responsible for the detailed explanation, said calmly.


"Slayer God, you don't even have a specific plan?"

"Is your genius center out of your mind?"

"As the strongest force in mankind, the Eastern Earth Psionics Association is so unreasonable?"

The heaven-defying myths started making noises.

Dissatisfaction is written on the faces of every Western League legend.

They responded to the call of the Genius Center of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association and gathered together, preparing to use their fists to reason with the ancient god in the Arctic Circle, making him understand that now is the era when humans have the final say.

Ke Xingxing rushed over with a large number of banned legends and geniuses from various forces like Han Feng.

As the deputy commander-in-chief, Fang Zihan actually told them that there was no specific plan to kill the gods.

Fang Zihan said calmly: "The City of All Spirits has encountered a total of 174 ancient god-level old rulers on the Earth and their space nodes, which are on the same level as those in the Arctic Circle."

"In these one hundred and seventy-four direct confrontations with the ancient gods, forty-six times there were specific plans, forty-five times they failed, and one hundred and ninety-three heaven-defying mythical human rations were given to the opponent. "

"In encounters without any plan, we succeeded seventy-two times out of ninety-five."

"There are thirty-three face-to-face negotiations left. Fifteen negotiations with predetermined goals failed 13 times, and eighteen negotiations without specific goals at all achieved the desired results."

"So, even with the global live broadcast as cover, even if we temporarily blinded the eyes of the other side of the Arctic Circle."

"Once we come up with a specific plan, it is still likely to be discovered by the other party in a way that we and the City of All Souls cannot yet understand."

"So, there is no specific plan or any specific goal. Only by adapting to circumstances can we truly hide the truth from the other party."

Fang Zihan expressed the reason without expression.

"Is this data from the City of All Souls?"

Renee, who was carrying a black iron rod that looked like an enlarged version of a large iron rod, confirmed.


Long Hantian affirmed.

"All right."

The God-defying Myths accepted it.

Since they are the guides of the City of All Souls, the highest holy land of mankind, they have no reason to object.

Fang Zihan took out a map of the Arctic Circle.

"We divided the entire Arctic region into three layers, centered around the Arctic Circle."

"The two thousand kilometers beyond the Arctic Circle are the frontline battlefield."

"Once the battle begins, we must keep the four Heaven-defying Myths in a group, with at least one dedicated combat expert in each group to prevent them from being defeated individually."

"No matter what the circumstances, all under the myth of heaven are not allowed to enter the first-line area."

The heaven-defying myths nodded in unison.

Be it the super-class controllers or the titled legends, they are not allowed to participate in the battles of the mythical level.

"The role of you controllers is to build a defense line on the spot after we start the battle. You don't need to limit the Arctic Circle to the front-line battlefield. You only need to arrange a psychic matrix specifically used to slow down its speed according to the attributes displayed by it after the battle begins."

"And geniuses like Han Feng follow the titled legends to watch our front-line battles from afar. It's worth it as long as you can understand the fighting methods of the mythical level from it."

"For this reason, your range of activities is from 2,000 kilometers to 10,000 kilometers. This is the second layer."

"If, I mean if the strength of the Arctic Circle is far greater than our God-killing team."

"Whether it is the mythical in the front-line battlefield or the controllers watching from the second line, the only task of everyone is to buy time for the geniuses to retreat and the third layer 10,000 kilometers away."

"Before we wipe out the team, we will never allow the Arctic Circle to reach the third layer area 10,000 kilometers away. Do you understand?"

Fang Zihan said seriously.

"I don't think this situation will happen."

"If it really happens, even if it explodes, I will not let the Arctic Circle set foot on Alaska."


The myths of the heaven-defying answered with the same seriousness.

"Okay, let's disband."

Long Hantian ended the last meeting before the God-Slaying Team entered the Arctic Circle.

Fang Zihan received a notice from the logistics staff in his headset.

"Sir, your express delivery has arrived."

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