I can summon myself

Chapter 300 Live Broadcast: Talking Reason to the Ancient God Part 2

"Junior brother, they are so fast."

Senior Brother Tian Gang pointed at the Reasoning Team on the big screen, which was rushing towards the Arctic Circle.

At this speed, when everyone finishes dinner, they will reach the third circle 10,000 kilometers away from the ancient god.

"Krao, are you ready?"

Bai Chen picked up the walkie-talkie and said to Krao.

"We are ready, and the express team can launch at any time."

Bai Chen nodded, took a piece of steak from the plate and put it into a cut Baiji bun, and handed it to Wu Laoguai.

Wu Laoguai poured a large spoonful of chili oil on it and ate it happily.

"Junior brother, why did these fish people become literary?"

Wang Botang asked while humming and tearing a grilled rib with his teeth.

"Maybe you sang a few words when you fed them wine?"

Bai Chen took the big lobster held by Iron Chin, pinched the shell and sucked the delicious shrimp brain.

"No, these artistic fishmen are not right!"

In the Genius Center, a female researcher from the Wanling City foreign aid team suddenly jumped up from her workstation.

"The scales on the fishmen don't seem to be the result of their natural evolution, but rather a bit like a matrix?"

She pushed the wooden frame glasses on her nose and drew her findings on the screen of the Genius Center with an electronic pen.

Zhou Wangu raised his chin: "It's a bit unnatural, but if it's a matrix, what matrix is ​​it, and what force left it behind?"

"The fishmen left long ago, they couldn't have come for our reasonable team."

Zhou Wangu looked at the big guys in the Genius Center.

I found that they all had strange faces, as if they knew the inside story.

"At this point, there is no need to continue hiding it."

"These fishmen and the signs hanging around the necks of the East Earth team members were all made by the dealer, and this dealer is the third commander of the East Earth part of the God-Slaying Team you are asking about."

Zhou Wangu frowned and said, "Then where is this dealer?"

The leaders of the Genius Center shrugged: "You will know when the time comes."

The female researcher with glasses interrupted: "So these fishmen are used to scout the ancient god in the Arctic Circle?"


"Is it not to alert the enemy?"

Zhou Wangu's eyes were burning.

"It must not be. If it was, would hundreds of fishmen still be able to leave the Arctic Circle alive and well?"

The news revealed by the leaders of the Genius Center made the City of All Spirits team look at each other in bewilderment.


Zhou Wangu curled his lips in dismay.

The female researcher with glasses said disdainfully: "We in the City of All Spirits don't have the ability to drive hundreds of fishmen to run in front of the ancient god and not be discovered."

"What's more, you in the East?"

"Apart from anything else, your understanding of the ancient god is far behind your genius center."

The faces of the members of the genius center in the conference room suddenly became ugly.

The female researcher with glasses, who was only at the awakener level, stared at these high-level controllers and heaven-defying myths with provocative eyes.


The big guys of the genius center smiled faintly, but had no intention of refutation.

They had seen through the little calculation of the female researcher from the City of All Spirits who wanted to get some words.

"Hundreds of fishmen patrollers, does that mean your dealer is a fishman?"

Zhou Wangu's guess. Bai Chen sneezed several times.

"Junior brother, are you okay?"

Zuo Miao asked with concern.

Bai Chen shook his head: "This seasoning is a bit choking."

Gordon laughed: "This is a new seasoning I found on the floating platform of the Cloud Whale Group. This fungus called suspended spores is located in the deep space of 40,000 meters all year round, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, and growing under the watering of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. What's more amazing is that it can absorb spiritual energy of various attributes into the spores, and finally present different flavors."

"Really? Let me try it."

Sea Beard signaled Gordon to make him a whole plate.

Gordon carefully gave him a few drops like a dragonfly.

Sea Beard put a flowering potato boiled in seawater into his own dip.

"Cough, cough."

He also started coughing.

Suddenly, Long Hantian, who was leading the live broadcast, stopped. At this moment, they were still 17,000 kilometers away from the ancient gods of the Arctic Circle.

"Hello, human friends."

A deafening voice like a huge bell rang in the ice and snow of the Arctic.

"Is this the ancient god?"

"The voice is so loud."

"Damn it, why do I feel a friendly emotion, but I'm just a spectator watching the live broadcast in the southernmost part of the East."

"The power of the ancient god is so terrifying!"

"I love Cthulhu, the Old Ones, I love them."

"When the stars, the stars are your head."

Billions of spectators were excited by the words of the ancient god.

Emotions can be transmitted across the network.

What a powerful and incredible existence.

"Get ready for battle."

Bai Chen put the half-eaten beef tendon back into the bowl.


Hai Huzi's hand, which was stuffing potatoes into his mouth, was suspended in the air.

Lao Huang, Er Huang, Wu Qingmei, Wei Changkong, and Wang Dachong, who were eating seafood hot pot together, put down their chopsticks, and their faces were full of confusion.

"The God-killing Team, there is no way to reason with it anymore."

"Didn't you notice the hypocrisy in this voice?"

Bai Chen wiped his mouth with a towel.

"Sally, start the final positioning preparations."


A siren sounded from the loudspeaker on the extinct volcano island.

The teachers and students who were eating and drinking put down their bowls and chopsticks.

He put on pieces of mini dragon bone cards the size of mahjong.

As the spiritual energy in the card enters the body.

The peaceful live broadcast suddenly showed countless strange scarlet colors that even the twenty or so God-defying Myths on the scene had not noticed.


"Why is my vision turning red?"

"There is something wrong with the voice of the ancient god."

"It's demagoguery."

The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy yelled angrily.

A shadow flashed beside Seabeard.

Shadow female Tara appeared in front of him, Lao Huang and Er Huang with an expressionless face.

The shadow aura on her body dispelled the spiritual power contained in the ancient god's words.

Like the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy, they were shocked to discover the scarlet color of the Arctic scene.

"The Genius Center is using live broadcasts to paralyze the other side of the Arctic Circle, and the other side of the Arctic Circle is also using the way of heaven polluted by billions of melon-eating spirits, which in turn affects the God-Slaying Team."

Bai Chen said lightly.

Wu Qingmei stood up suddenly: "I will use my clone to notify the genius center."

The next moment, Wu Qingmei's clone appeared from the corner in the genius center conference room.

"We were fooled, and the Arctic Circle has already taken action!"


The bosses looked at the big screen in disbelief.

"The joke wasn't funny."

"Although it sounds quite hypocritical."

"But our Tiandao sensing equipment did not collect any abnormalities."

The foreign aid team of the City of All Souls seemed to have heard a big joke.

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