I can summon myself

Chapter 315 We must find out who the dealer is

"Repaying kindness is a must."

Aunt Zhalili, who had a running horse on her arm, picked up a wine glass.

"The life-saving grace must be repaid."

Bomb Maniac Joseph looked solemn.

Renee's eyes flashed: "Please be sure to tell the dealer who saved us from the fire that we want to pay him a visit to express our gratitude to him."


"The grace of saving a life should be repaid in a lifetime."

Even rough guys like the Black Giant Martins picked up the wine glasses one after another.

Being able to tear the Fury of the Arctic Circle into pieces and physically resisting its final ominous emanation shows how powerful this senior is.

Presumably he must come from the City of All Souls or the space nodes behind the City of All Souls.

Wouldn't it be great if you could take the opportunity to establish a relationship with the big dealer.

Not only must the life-saving grace be repaid, but the repayment must be doubled or tripled.

Only in this way can the boss dealer feel that they are not a group of ungrateful people, and only in this way can the boss dealer's favorability be increased.

A sly smile appeared on Long Hantian's lips.

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, no one knows who.

He knew very well what these people had in mind.

I believe that when they learn about classmate Bai Chen, the dealer’s “big boss”, their expressions will be very exciting.

"When the time comes, I won't be able to scare you guys to death."

Long Hantian muttered in his heart.

Just when the Reasoning team was toasting to the extinct volcanic island where Bai Chen was located from afar.

Yu Zhou led the rescue team from Deep Ocean Market No. 5 and rushed to the extinct volcanic island in a hurry.

At this time, Kraao had already led the armored cloud whales and began to take the unlucky ones who were full of darkness and shrouded in uncertainty, from the wreckage of the Serpent 5, from the collapsed tents, from the food bowls of the dining cars, etc. Fish out from incredible places.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, this is too evil."

Bai Chen, who was safe and sound, made Yu Zhou's hanging heart return to normal. The extinct volcanic island was completely different from an ordinary disaster scene. It looked more like a collection of various tricks to commit suicide. Why are there so few crooked nuts? The scene left Monk Zhang Er confused.

"That's just the unknown."

"Although it won't kill anyone, it will be terrible if it is contaminated."

As soon as Bai Chen finished speaking, the bald senior who was carried into the air by the Black-headed Cloud Whale Clan Leader's invisible psychic hand crashed into the wall of an extinct volcano on the side without any warning.

"Bai Chen, I didn't mean it."

"I don't know what happened, I suddenly lost control."

There was inexplicable fear in the voice of the leader of the black-headed cloud whale. It was clearly under control, but suddenly it felt as if its brain had a short-circuit. When it came to its senses, the bald senior had come into close contact with the hard wall of the extinct volcano. .

The result was that Wang Botang's face swelled up after the impact, as if he had been severely beaten.

"It's okay, this has nothing to do with you."

"Continue with confidence."

Briefly explaining that this was dominated by the unknown, Bai Chen couldn't help comforting the armored cloud whales who were as frightened by the unknown as the leader of the black-headed cloud whales.

When the cloud whales gradually returned to normal, Bai Chen turned his head and looked helpless: "Captain Yu, you have also seen it. No matter what problems arise later, it has nothing to do with you."

Yu Zhou couldn't help but nod. He had learned a lot today.

After explaining the precautions and handing over the rescue mission to Yu Zhou and Crao, Bai Chen returned to Sally's cultivation tank.

This sudden ominous incident directly disrupted his plans.

According to Bai Chen, the cleaner of the Ancient God, once the unknown begins, all those affected by the unknown will not be able to work for at least a week.

In other words, the extinct volcano island will be completely paralyzed in the next week.

"A bit unlucky."

Bai Chen said to Sally.

Originally, he wanted to use the remaining power of the God of Slaughter to rush into the lost area in one go, but now that the unknown was shrouded in uncertainty, no one had the ability to execute it.

This feeling is very bad.

"Let's take advantage of this moment to settle my ownership rights."

Sally pointed out something.

Bai Chen solved the Fury of the Arctic Circle and found the remains of six heaven-defying myths including Van Zik.

As the two major shareholders of the Ex Machina project, the two major families, Van Zyck and De Rosey, have no reason not to sign the final project transaction agreement.

As a psychopath, Sally didn't think this was taking advantage of the situation, but what the two families should do.

If Sally was a little reluctant when she was first captured by Bai Chen, now she just wants to solve the problem of her Ex Machina identity so that she can completely become Bai Chen's brain demon and serve him wholeheartedly.

Bai Chen thought for a while, this kind of interpersonal communication was not his area of ​​expertise.

Neither Blue Star Bai Chen nor Immortal King Bai Chen are all-rounders.

"My dear, shouldn't these two families be more conscious?"

Lan Xing Bai Chen actually had similar thoughts to Sally.

Immortal King Bai Chen agreed: "Usually, these two families should take the initiative."

"Okay, let's wait three days and see how they react."

Bai Chen made a decision.

However, what he didn't expect was that these two companies, or to be precise, the Western Alliance, who learned that the Wrath of the Arctic Circle had been killed, reacted faster than imagined.

"What an amazing dealer."

"He did what the twenty or so members of the Reasoning Team couldn't do."

"We have to find out who he is."

"That's right. If he comes from the City of All Spirits, it's fine. The anti-god myths of the City of All Spirits will not easily interfere with the order of our Earth. We don't have to worry about this dealer staying in the East to cause trouble, but if this dealer comes from the East..."

The anti-god myths such as Europa and Amei who attended the remote meeting collectively showed worry on their faces.

Now the East has already beaten other forces on Earth.

If there is help from this mysterious dealer.

The Western Alliance should not even think of challenging the status of the East easily.

This is absolutely bad news for the anti-god myths who dream of recreating their former glory.

"Probe, we must probe."

"Harvard, MIT, Columbia, and Van Zyke should immediately form a group and visit the dealer to thank him for his revenge. We must find out who the dealer is and where he comes from."

"Not only that, we must also immediately activate the channels in the City of All Spirits to find out the details of the dealer."

The Western Alliance made the decision at the first time.

There is no doubt that they must find out everything about the existence of a powerful ancient god who can deal with the Wrath of the Arctic Circle.

"It's time to move our chess pieces in the East."

"Didn't the Liu family in the imperial capital want to create a second titled legend?"

"Tell them that if the dealer is from the East, as long as they get information about the dealer, we will give them a titled legend!"

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