I can summon myself

Chapter 319: It’s not a bug, it’s the resentment of the Arctic Circle

"Is this the second wave of bad luck?"

The people who hurt each other made Bai Chen feel ridiculous.

They were so unlucky to be visited by bad luck again.

"Hydria actually knows Yan Shuishui."

"The foodie senior sister is so hostile to the second female host with a foul figure."

"The bald senior and his gang of singles are all steel straight men who can't stand sissy and neutral style. No wonder they can't find a girlfriend."

"Mo Qianxing is really greedy for your body."

Blue Star Bai Chen commented one by one.

The people who were enveloped by this second wave of bad luck obviously showed their nature under the influence of this special indescribable force.

The Immortal King Bai Chen frowned.

"My Lord, why do I feel that it is not just bad luck?"

"Since the Arctic Circle's Wrath came to the ancient city under the sea from the subspace channel according to our plan. Including you, everyone's emotions are a little abnormally excited."

The more the Immortal King Bai Chen thought about it, the more strange it felt.

Ominousness can make people unlucky in various ways, but what does ominousness have to do with nature?

What made him even more surprised was the performance of the purple-skinned elf, Yan Shuishui, and the three female hosts.

As soon as they entered the range of the dead volcano island, they were shrouded in ominousness.

They reacted to interactions with Hedria and others.

If Anastasia, who was already seriously injured, was suppressed by Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing and turned pale, it was understandable.

How could a succubus who could beat a hundred foodie senior sisters be so stupid as to let the foodie senior sisters hang a towel woven by ominous red hair that looked creepy at first glance around her neck?

Long Yi's performance was even stranger.

He actually took the ominous red hair-wrapped pen handed over by Wang Botang, changed his cold face, and signed his name on these muscular men with a smile.

Even if all these can be explained by the weirdness of the way of heaven in the dark.

There is another big bug that cannot be explained by the way of heaven in any way.

"My Lord, the three of them were in the Arctic Circle just a moment ago, and now they have come to our extinct volcano island."

"Although the fishman patrol squad is a loophole in our defense."

"But even if Long Yi and the other three female hosts, with an average IQ of 250, came up with this perfect plan of sticking to the fishman and sneaking in, how did they cross the Arctic Circle to our place in such a short time, a physical distance of more than 100,000 kilometers, and just happened to come with Yan Shuishui?"

You know, even if the teachers and students on the extinct volcano island were shrouded in ominousness, Sally was still paying attention to the fluctuations in the subspace, especially the nest of ancient gods in the direction of the Arctic Circle.

So far, there has been no abnormal space psychic energy.

It can't explain why the three of them crossed more than 100,000 kilometers like a sky-drop system and joined Yan Shuishui.

The ease of watching the excitement on Bai Chen's face disappeared.

In his mind, he replayed scenes after scenes since the Arctic Circle's wrath arrived at the underwater ancient city.

"I seem to have been tricked, too."

"Although the Great Void Cultivation Method and the Wonder Keyboard blocked all the obvious attacks, this unknown opponent took a roundabout way, changing the entire environment by changing the behavior patterns of the people around me, so that I was unconsciously affected by the environment it deliberately created, and indirectly fell into the trap."

Bai Chen took a deep breath.

The result of being affected was that many details that should have been noticed were directly ignored.

After the negligence, the ancient god cleaner Bai Chen on the other side of the Wonder Keyboard could not make a completely correct judgment, and eventually missed this unknown opponent.

Fortunately, the Immortal King Bai Chen discovered it in time.

He still had a chance to remedy it.

Bai Chen input his current discovery into the Wonder Keyboard with his mind.

The next second, he received the response of the ancient god cleaner version.

"This is not a bug, this is the Arctic Circle's Resentment."

"Resentment and anger are a pair of twins that complement each other in terms of emotions."

"Anger comes from resentment, and resentment comes from anger. Usually, they are based on each other and complement each other."

"The true identity of the ancient god in the Arctic Circle should be the Arctic Circle's Resentment and Anger, the twin ancient gods."

"But for some reason, the Arctic Circle's Anger took away all the light of the Arctic Circle's Resentment, and the illusion that there is only one ancient god, the Arctic Circle's Anger."

"Not only you, but even I was deceived by this Arctic Circle's Resentment."

"I thought it might be that the spiritual energy environment of your Earth, which is now in a state of recovery, cannot support resentment for the time being. The Anger twins woke up at the same time, and only the Arctic Circle's Anger woke up first, And the Arctic Circle's Grudge is still dormant. "

"But I was wrong. Although the Arctic Circle's Grudge, which can only rely on the Arctic Circle's Wrath and the Red Haired Unknown, has not yet recovered to the level of a mythical god in terms of absolute strength, it does exist, and it is on the dead volcano island, leading a series of ominous attacks that you have seen. "

"The two flame elves and the three female hosts are probably the targets it carefully selected from the beginning. "

"The stubborn flame elves are all self-important. Yan Shuishui, who came as a foreign aid to the City of All Spirits, came with a kind of pride to save the earth, but was repeatedly slapped in the face by you as a mysterious dealer. The Arctic Circle's Grudge took advantage of her resentment and began to influence her invisibly. "

"The three female hosts are the same. "

"As public figures carefully selected by the Wanling City foreign aid team to guide the emotions of billions of people, they are the best targets for emotional ancient gods."

"The Arctic Circle's resentment can take root in their sea of ​​consciousness without even expending any power."

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Bai Chen's eyes.

Blue Star Bai Chen and Immortal King Bai Chen also calmed down at the same time.

The mysterious unknown is indeed terrifying.

But since the ancient god cleaner has already determined the existence of the Arctic Circle's resentment.

Then the next step will be much simpler.

"I have 145 solutions specifically for cleaning up this Arctic Circle's resentment."

Ancient god cleaner Bai Chen said fiercely.

Even if Bai Chen was indirectly affected by the environment, there was not much specific loss.

But he still felt ashamed.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow."

The sound of the cat came from the strange keyboard.

It was the fat cat looking for Bai Chen.

"The Shit Shoveler is not here now, but since you are the original body of the Shit Shoveler in another parallel world, then this Supreme Creator of Heaven, the Cat Star, cannot watch you being pitted by an Arctic Circle Grudge without any reaction."

"If one claw can't kill it, then another claw."

Bai Chen felt a strange power surging in the Qiwu keyboard.

A button on the keyboard instantly appeared with a furry, chubby paw print.

Bai Chen only needs to move his mind.

The psychic claws offered by Fatty Cat can be materialized in this world.

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in Bai Chen's ears.

"Boss Bai Chen, what do you think of my ability?"

"Am I qualified to work for you?"

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