I can summon myself

Chapter 333: Arrogant and self-indulgent

"Be more domineering." Bai Chen said to the new commander who was about to let the Western Alliance delegation land first on a first-come, first-served basis.

Originally, he didn't want to go to Airport 5 to show off his power, but the genius center bosses supplemented his idea and determined that the best effect could only be achieved if he came in person.

Therefore, Bai Chen came to Airport No. 5 with the old monster Wu who led the Yanyu Academy army.


The new commander stepped on the accelerator of the flying saucer.

Under the stunned gazes of Airport 5 and the Western Alliance delegation.

The Yanyu Academy team completely ignored the rules of take-off and landing, acted unreasonably, and occupied the landing channel first.

"Get out of the way, I'm not responsible for being hit or killed, no matter what!"

The new commander, who consciously entered the state of a domineering old driver, yelled in the public channel.

The pilots of the Western Alliance delegation quickly pulled up their aircraft and had to make room.

The representatives in the aircraft watched with unswerving expressions as the Misty Rain Academy team rushed towards the No. 5 airport take-off and landing site one after another.

Gu Shao, the duty chief, and the staff at Airport 5 were a little at a loss.

The Misty Rain Academy they had in their minds was not as domineering and free-spirited as it was in front of them.

Is it really because they have the support of the legendary dealer boss that they collectively swelled?

The three major clusters hovering in the distant airspace and other teachers and students couldn't help but curl their lips. They despised the Misty Rain Academy team who was chattering in the public channel.

"The villain succeeds!"

"Isn't it great to have a big dealer?"

"I was just talking about how it was possible for Yanyu Academy to suddenly turn from a humble scumbag into the protagonist of this period. It turns out that it's not how awesome they are at all, it's just a big dealer who fell from the sky."

"As expected of a big shot who can slaughter the fury of the Arctic Circle, if he just misses a little bit of money, the bunch of guys from Yanyu Academy who have no qualifications will be able to take advantage of him."

"I hate it, I wish I could replace it!"

"I'm so angry. God is so ignorant. Why don't we have such a cool dealer in our college?"

The resentment of the teachers and students on board the three major clusters, Jiangnan and Gonggong Union, soared into the sky.

The little native dog in front of Bai Chen narrowed his eyes in contentment.

The dog's face was full of satisfaction at having eaten a feast.

"The guys from the three major clusters who have dealt with us have no hesitation in believing the story about the dealer who was hired by the genius center boss. In the sinkhole of the boss."

The old monster Wu looked pleased with himself.

"Junior brother, it's our turn."

It felt like the aircraft had stopped firmly at the landing site.

Zuo Miao put on big sunglasses on Bai Chen's face.


The bare and hairless national treasure team looks like a human being.

With Zhu Huan's help, they hung special brown glasses on their heads.

Wang Botang sprayed a dollop of hairspray on the palm of his hand and smeared his barren forehead brighter than a light bulb.

The foodie senior raised her chin with her head held high.

As the doors of the aircraft opened at the same time.

The troops from Mist and Rain Academy walked out one by one with arrogance.

Colorful and colorful, all dressed up with personality, they all look arrogant.

Everyone's face is full of arrogance and domineering, and people with backgrounds can be extremely eccentric.


"I really want to punch each of these sluts."

"What are you doing? Your nostrils are raised to your forehead?"


The staff at Airport 5 were overwhelmed by guys from Yanyu Academy who were not as big as them.

As a transportation hub, it's not like they haven't seen all kinds of arrogant people.

But even those true, heaven-defying myths, second, third, fourth and fifth generations are at most arrogant themselves and their friends are arrogant.

Wherever they are, like the guys from Yanyu Academy who are dragging them out of the sky, everyone is so arrogant.

No, not just people.

The national treasure team with sunglasses and muscles standing like a human with wings on their backs.

A tubula is a little country dog ​​who has stepped out of the style of a mythical boss.

He also has gray-white eyes and a green body, making him look like the best little dragon in the world.

These non-human beings, who looked very immodest at first glance, stepped off the aircraft with a swaggering step.

Even through the portholes, everyone in the Western Alliance delegation hovering over the take-off and landing field could feel the smell of their rivalry.

"These four weird muscular birds without a single hair are actually the crested ibis, the national treasure of the Eastern Territory?" De Rong, the leader of the super controller of the Van Zik family, almost had his eyes bulging out of his sockets.

"This Eastern Earth Dragon cub actually has five dragon claws. It is a pure-blooded descendant of the Dragon King!"

Amei, look at the jealousy in little Simpson's eyes.

Piero, the temporary worker of the De Roset family, looked over and over again at the Arctic Circle Hate with the keel card and dog tag hanging around its neck, but was still unable to confirm its identity.

After the five witches dressed in European-style palace robes, the representatives of the Western Alliance's mythical legend, discussed in a low voice, the leader of the witches, Eve, said firmly: "This is an Eastern pastoral dog, a little yellow dog commonly known as a native dog."

"It can transform a crested ibis with plump wings and smooth lines into a hairless strange bird with muscles, and it can turn an ordinary little country dog ​​into a first-level controller dog. It is obvious that this dealer is a big boss. He is an expert in biology!”

"Being able to get the five-clawed young dragon to Yanyu Academy proves that he has an absolutely lofty status within the Dongtu Dragon Clan!"

"I think of the Dongtu Dragon Tribe as having always had the habit of transforming into humans to travel and live in the East."

"I tend to think that this mysterious dealer boss may be a powerful Eastern Dragon Emperor."

"Only the Dongtu Dragon Clan has the ability to quietly deal with the resurrected ancient god on the other side of the Arctic Circle who is named the Fury of the Arctic Circle by the Dongtu people."

"Furthermore, only immortal species like the Dongtu Dragon Clan have the time to study human equipment before the age of psychic energy."

"Do you still remember the big firecrackers that drew the wrath of the Arctic Circle? Now, whether it is the Eastern Land or the Western Alliance, except for a very small number of people who like this ancient thing, most of them will not be full. Go ahead, use Dongfeng, Militia, Baiyang and other retro couriers to deal with the ancient gods."

"On the other hand, creatures like the Dongtu Dragon Clan, who are not strange no matter what they do, are more likely to produce such a large pile of missiles to attack the ancient gods."

"However, to see if it is what we speculated, we have to see if we can find relevant evidence from these proud little peacocks at Mist and Rain College."

The representatives of the Western Alliance kept nodding.

"Being arrogant and domineering means they don't keep their mouth shut."

"It's good to be a nouveau riche. It's easier to deal with the nouveau riche who go wild when they succeed than those old bastards."

A sharp light flashed in the witches' eyes.

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