I can summon myself

Chapter 366: Which monkey hired this fellow villager?

Small world fragments, California consortium headquarters.

All directors sat in front of the big screen in the conference room of Jobs' office and watched the global live broadcast.

When the showy Walter said the rescue had begun with red eyes.

The directors raised their fists excitedly.

"The rescue has begun!"

"The moment of truth has also begun!"

"When our joint expedition team from Harvard, Massachusetts, and Columbia provoked the anger of the Arctic Circle, there was no way back! We must succeed!"

The eyes of the hook-nosed Jobs flashed with a gleam of everything under control.

Especially when the second screen showed the ratings of Bei A Mei, which was as high as 35%.

Thunderous applause from the directors rang out in the conference room.

"What could be more in line with your viewing habits than becoming a superhero and rescuing millions of people from the Lost Zone?"

"Haha, Mr. Walter's appearance is so impressive, it's obvious that he is very much like you!"

"35%, which is five percentage points higher than the maximum 30% we expected!"

"Now, we are more confident of becoming a hit!"

"Although Max, the madman, almost ruined our overall plan, our California consortium is back on track now."

The directors looked at Jobs with admiration and relief.

"Jobs, luckily you prepared the trump card of your fellow countryman Walter!"

"Yes, if it weren't for your fellow countryman Mr. Walter, we would have almost fallen."

"Jobs, you are right. Generally, scientists like the third on Earth are crazy. It is impossible to judge them from the perspective of normal people. For the sake of a bunch of Franklin's artificial god, he, the chief scientist of Amei, actually lost his face and took the initiative to send a god to Baichen, who is obviously an artificial pseudo-genius deliberately pushed out by the Genius Center, to seek cooperation!"

"Humph, this embarrassing thing found Baichen and found Dongtu. What if Dongtu has the ability to contact us in the current time window? If they have the ability to cross the Arctic Circle and a group of ancient gods, they can come to Amei and beat us up!"

"Now this time window of no communication has turned our Amei mainland into a de facto isolated island!"

The faces of the directors of the California consortium were full of excitement.

That's right, the fragile subspace barrier of the Arctic Circle's Wrath lair was created by the East Earth Genius Center for Bai Chen, a popular figure in the East Earth.

Walter, who posed in the global live broadcast, did steal the credit of Bai Chen in the East Earth.

But so what?

Now, Amei can't contact the outside world.

Even if the East Earth is furious, they can't use the inter-regional portal that can only be activated when humans face the crisis of genocide to run to Amei and billions of people to argue for Bai Chen.

With this period of time.

The California Consortium can use all means to brainwash and strengthen the image of the savior fellow countryman Walter.

Even if the East Earth boss wants to hold him accountable in the future.

At most, throw out the crazy scientists of Max, the third general earth, and that's enough.

The pot is on the shoulders of the Ivy League and the third general earth.

Money and influence, the California Consortium makes a lot of money.

As for that Bai Chen.

Whether it was Jobs and the directors present, or his fellow countryman Walter, who showed the image of fairness, justice, and savior in the global live broadcast, no one took him seriously.

"Yanyu Academy, a miscellaneous brand that can't be found on the map."

"Don't waste time on Bai Chen's accident. Dongtu can't come here, can he Bai Chen?"

The directors' energy returned to the ratings.

When Walter in the live broadcast entered the nest of the Arctic Circle's Fury, and then began to drill holes in the subspace barrier on one side of the nest with the red light of his eyes.

The ratings of the live broadcast in the north exceeded 40%.

Jobs picked up the satellite phone.

"All departments, prepare!"

His order instantly spread throughout the headquarters, and the small world fragments were transmitted, and further spread throughout the mainland through the emergency encryption channel of the California Consortium.

The third screen in front of the directors lit up.

When the blocks of the departments symbolizing readiness all turned green.

Fellow countryman Walter, opened a stable channel for him to enter and exit freely on the "indestructible" subspace barrier.

The red light in the eyes of the blond with a big back hair disappeared.

He pointed to the bottomless deep passage and said to the live camera: "This layer of subspace barrier caused millions of people on Earth to lose contact for months. At this moment, it can no longer be an obstacle for us to find our compatriots in the lost contact area."

"I am excited now."

"I am excited that we can enter the unknown subspace soon, and even enter the beautiful new world that collides with the earth in one fell swoop!"

"In addition to excitement, my only thought is gratitude!"

The fellow villager took off his cloak.

His eyes full of justice became tearful.

He held the two-headed bear logo on the cloak carefully in his palm like Xizi holding her heart, and said emotionally to the billions of confused spectators: "I, fellow villager Walter, am not born with the talent of flying and becoming a king as you imagine."

"On the contrary, until I was eighteen years old, I still couldn't awaken even the first DNA chain and become a real awakener."

"You may not believe me, but my dream in this life is to finish community college as a courtesy, and then set up a street stall in California to sell California specialties to the rich people in the East."


The bigwigs at the Genius Center spit out blood. What is this?

"Who is this fellow from?"

In the temporary command center of the dead volcano island, the teachers and students of Yanyu College, who were furious, were also confused by the inexplicable true feelings of the fellow.

Bai Chen scratched his chin and continued to appreciate the other party's performance.

The fellow was like an actor: "It was a bright spring afternoon. I was about to end my 18th year and was about to complete my first year of community college."

"I clearly remember that day after school, I was going to run to the famous tourist attractions in California to learn from the California fellows who were setting up stalls how to make a little money from the pockets of the rich people in the East."

"The person who changed my life appeared!"

Max, with his chest and belly protruding, cooperated and appeared in front of the camera.

"Yes, he is just the third sister on Earth. Look at the chief scientist Max!"

"Do you want to be a superhero?"

The fellow villager uttered a dreamy muttering.

He nodded after answering his own question.

"Yes, of course I want to be a superhero."

Max took out a palm-sized syringe emitting a faint blue light, and injected it into Walter's arm in front of billions of people.

Walter's eyes burst into red light again.

"You are only one dose of Compound V away from being a superhero!"

"This compound is produced by the California Consortium and is available in the Superhero Store under the California Consortium!"

This subtitle appeared in the live broadcast camera.

"This is actually an advertisement!"

Lan Xing Bai Chen said out of control.

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