I can summon myself

Chapter 372: Team annihilation

"My dear, this guy wants to kill someone!"

Lan Xing Bai Chen said firmly.

These two fellows with RGB eyes, one mouthful and one ancient god, want to put the blame on the ancient god who does not exist in the subspace.

However, neither he nor Immortal King Bai Chen had any panic about impending disaster.

Not to mention the four genius central bodyguards, Lao Huang, Er Huang, Long Hantian, and Fang Zihan, plus the Seabeard Shadow Demon Tara and his wife who came to help.

The freshly baked Dragon Bone Card in Bai Chen's hand was enough to send the fellow villager and his Compound V battle group back to the west.

Not to mention the illuminated cat paw keys on the Strange Object Keyboard.

If Bai Chen doesn't consider the consequences, he can press a button and the whole world will be clean from now on.

"Sister, give it."

Dealer Bai Chen began to deal cards.

"Qianxing, this is yours."

"Senior Brother Tian Gang, fourth senior brothers A, B, C and D."

"Bald senior, foodie senior, take it."

"Old principal, the last one belongs to you."

Twenty dragon bone cards that were enough to defeat the tenth level of the myth were handed out to everyone one by one by Bai Chen.

They suddenly became high-spirited.

"Group P, right? We can do it too!"

"Fuck you fellow countrymen, fuck the Compound V Chapter."

"You scumbags, suffer death."

With the fake letter card launched.

New titles certified by Tiandao appeared on the aircraft that was rapidly approaching the location of the fellow villagers and others.

"Science Emperor Wu Laoguai!"

"The Green Young God Wang Botang."

"Senior, the foodie who swallows the sky and the earth."

"No god knows how to move bricks A, B, C and D better than I do!"

"Temporary God King Tian Tsuna."

"The Empress of a Thousand Stars is even more blown away by the falling stars like rain."

"The magic stick is in hand, specializing in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!"

These god-level essence-made false cards of mythical level have made the teachers and students of Mist and Rain Academy, who are even less than the masters of the school, become powerful and mythical people in the eyes of fellow villagers and the Compound V Chapter.


The confident expression of the fellow villager disappeared, replaced by the shock of being refreshed in his outlook on life.

"The Great Emperor? Young God? There is also a terrifying existence that swallows the sky and the earth?"

Cold sweat broke out in the palms of the hands of the California flag-bearer who clenched his rifle.

"The myth of moving bricks?"

The strong black man who worked at the construction site to make a living before changing his career to become the captain of California, again thought of the oversized strong men he met while moving bricks.

"Temporary God King?"

The lawyer in a suit and leather suit kept waving a white paper fan and pretending to be cool, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Blowing the falling stars like rain? Can you break the stars with just one hand? This is too scary."

"Shengun, just hearing this name can scare the kids next door to tears!"

The vigilance in the hearts of the members of the Compound V Chapter was raised to the extreme.

The brain of fellow countryman Walter was working to the extreme.

He never expected that one moment they looked like a bunch of weaklings without any control, and the next second they turned into a bunch of arrogant men, a myth that was certified by Heaven to defy the heavens.

How could the Misty Rain Academy in Dongtu be so powerful?

He must find a way to solve this crisis as soon as possible.

However, being forced to carry goods online by the California-based consortium Global Live Broadcast, with the intention of taking away the credit of Misty Rain College, Bai Chen, the savior status, has long been unhappy, and now he is even more angry by the injured statue and the little local dog. Don't give the fellow villagers a chance to think at all.

As he took the lead in injecting psychic energy into the Dragon Bone Card.

A series of mythical ultimate moves that far exceeded the limit that the Compound V battle group could withstand were shot out from the cards.

The palms falling from the sky, the claws tearing apart the space, the breath that dyed the world red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, completely confusing the faces of the fellow villagers and his battle group.

Full of light and shadow effects.

Whether it's Walter with purple lights flying wildly, or the Compound V battle group trying their best to defend.

He didn't even hold on for a second before he was defeated by all the ultimate moves released by Bai Chen's dragon bone cards that could compete with the real Ancient God.

The fellow man and his Compound V team were destroyed in front of the global live broadcast cameras.

The live broadcast screen went black.

The expressions on the faces of Steve Jobs and other directors of the California consortium were darker than the dark scene.

"You can't even last a round and you're wiped out by the team?"

Jabs slumped down in his chair, and no longer saw the high-spirited moment when the global live broadcast started and the superhero store was launched.

Fifteen god-defying fifth-level figures, not fifteen fucking pigs.

Fellow fellow Walter is not a useless waste.

Why was he beaten down like that without even putting up any resistance?

How could the Compound V team, which had accumulated massive resources from the California consortium, be so weak?

He was actually taken away by the little-known Yanyu Academy!

The other directors felt as if they were mourning for their heirs, and they were as depressed as if they had lost their household registers.

A fellow countryman who is unable to do anything and pretends to be the best is like a young man with mediocre qualifications but a sky-high ambition.

With the help of Golden Finger Compound V, he became a mythical powerhouse, and he seemed to have reached the pinnacle of his life.

But just when he and his friends defeated big demons like the Statue Stitch and were about to receive the highest honor in life.

However, the old gangsters from Yanyu Academy kicked them flying, and with just one move, they kicked the fellows and the Compound V battle group from the peak of their lives to the hell.

How can such a result be accepted by directors of the California consortium who have struggled for generations to launch Compound V?

"It's over, it's all fucking over."

"Walter, you big loser!"

"California flag bearer, California captain, suit lawyer, screw you."

As the directors cursed, Jobs raised his head suddenly.

"No, we're not done!"

"We also have Pulan B!"

His words were like a ray of light lighting up the darkness in front of the directors.

"You mean?"

"Our California consortium's best-selling biological dog?"

"As soon as the biological dog comes out, whatever monsters or monsters there are in Mist and Rain Academy, they will all be slapped to death!"

But in the next moment, the light in the directors' eyes disappeared.

"We have the authority, and we have enough reasons to bypass the consortium veterans and directly invite biological dogs."

"We also believe that with the power of biological dogs, it will definitely not be a problem to kill these old bastards from Yanyu Academy in an instant."

"But Jabs, have you ever thought about it. Once a being of the level of a biological dog appears in the world and appears in the eyes of the Eastern people, no matter what the outcome is, the price will definitely not be something that we people can bear."

Jabs shook his head and said: "You guessed wrong. Of course my Pulan B is not a biological dog that is related to the life and death of our California consortium."

"Have you forgotten all the ancestral skills that A-mei, you see, are essential for the consortium?"

"Referring to a deer as a horse, confusing right and wrong!"

"The fact that the fellow villagers were wiped out is not important. What is important is that I can create the truth we need through the media."

"Connect the global live broadcast signal source to our PLAN B, the Hollywood special effects director team!"

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