I can summon myself

Chapter 393: Weird and weird, why pretend to be a riddle teller

Bai Chen found that Jabs and his fellow Californians seemed to be mentally controlled by the old wizard.



Jabs nodded.

"Thirty thousand tons of god-level essence is not enough!"


The old white director nodded.

"Fifty thousand tons of god-level essence, this is done."

"Okay, but we don't have so much god-level essence in stock. Can we pay 10,000 tons at a time and complete the payment within fifteen days?"

At this time, not only Bai Chen, but also the old monster Wu, the teachers and students of Yanyu College, and the mythical boss of the Genius Center were also stunned by the submissive attitude shown by Jabs like a nodding maniac.

Wu Qingmei looked at Jobs and the directors of the California consortium with a serious face: "Do you know the consequences of cheating in front of us?"

Jabs replied solemnly: "Fifty thousand tons of god-level essence has settled the conflict between the California Consortium and Yanyu Academy due to the subspace rescue. Fifty thousand tons of entry-level god-level essence according to the Eastern Earth Psionics Association's standard within fifteen days is a lot." transported to the extinct volcanic island.”

"This is the California Foundation's guarantee. We will never damage the reputation of the California Foundation's Two-Headed Bear, and we dare not go back on our word in front of everyone at the Genius Center."

Witnessed by the Genius Center and Duan Debiao’s lens.

Jobs and a group of California consortium directors collectively signed their names to the settlement.

When it was Bai Chen's turn, he keenly noticed that although these Californians were facing him, their eyes couldn't help but look at the teachers and students of Mist and Rain College behind him.

Their eyes were darting around, as if they were delirious after drinking too much fake wine.

But Bai Chen still discovered their real target, Mo Qianxing.

Whether it was Steve Jobs or the director of the California Foundation, their eyes fell on Mo Qianxing's face far more than others.

Full of doubts, Bai Chen picked up the signature pen and wrote his name on the settlement agreement drawn up by Macbeth and Sally.

"We reconciled!"

Jobs put the settlement into space equipment.

In the next moment, he regained his momentum as the chairman of the California consortium.

He glared at Old Monster Wu, his voice full of arrogance: "Old Monster Wu, I used to think that you, with a Mediterranean afro, wanted to be my brother-in-law and take advantage of our California consortium. It was already a dream. Oh, I didn’t expect you to be more whimsical than I thought!”

The old wizard's eyes were full of question marks.

Jabs was even more proud, and he looked at Bai Chen condescendingly.

"Enjoy the little time you have left. Fifty thousand tons of god-level essence can cut off the relationship between the California Consortium and Misty Rain Academy. I am willing to pay for this money!"

"This time, not even the Eastern Earth Psychic Association can save you."

"If you dare to commit suicide, you will definitely die."


Jabs laughed. Although 50,000 tons of god-level essence made him feel heartbroken and heartbroken, after Melinda's vision revealed the earth-shattering news, he rejected all opinions and resolutely denied the choice of forming an alliance with Misty Rain Academy.

"The old wizard and the magical classmate Bai Chen, I, Jiabus, are looking forward to your finale. Some people in this world are really not able to bridge the gap between the two parties with their hard work and the so-called big dealer." ”

"These 50,000 tons of god-level essence can be considered as the paper money that I, Jobs, sponsored in advance to give you!"

A dark shadow flashed.

The old wizard's thermos cup hit Jabs hard in the face.

"You are so weird, why are you pretending to be the Riddler!"

"A settlement has been reached, but now it's time for personal grudges."

As the old wizard finished speaking, a ray of red light shot from the distant statue of the Stitch Monster.

Once illuminated by this light, the controller-level spiritual energy fluctuations on Jabs' body instantly disappeared without a trace.

"Come on, the old wizard is so bald, you are just a ninth-level awakened person, but you still want to break the controller-level body of my Jabs?"

Jabs took off his suit, revealing his solid muscles.

The old monster even boldly took off his jacket. Jabs was stunned by Qiu Jie's muscles, which were like a mini version of Ao Twelve.

"Call you the Riddler!"

The old wizard punched Jabs on the hooked nose.

Jabs suddenly had a nosebleed.

"Call you yin and yang weird!"

The old wizard flew up and hit Jabs hard on the calf.

Jabs could no longer maintain his balance.

"Old Witch, you old bastard, your physical strength is not at the level of a ninth-level awakener!"

The old wizard sneered: "How can a weakling like you, who can't see the situation clearly, understand the mystery that cannot be stewed in a pot?"

His knee, which was harder than steel, pushed hard between Jabs' legs.

After a muffled sound, Jabs's face was distorted and no longer humanoid.

"Fuck Fuck!"

Jabs hugged the old wizard tightly.

The two of them suddenly became gourds on the ground.

Grabbing the hair, buttoning the eyes, greeting the fifth limb, you come and go, I can't help but kill each other's vital points.

No one found the illusion of Melinda on the California consortium's aircraft and couldn't help but shake her head in disappointment.

"Jabs, my stupid brother, after all, the jealousy in your heart has affected your mind."

"But now that you have made your choice, don't regret your choice."

Melinda's illusion quietly turned into smoke.

Half an hour later, the directors of the California consortium, who had left behind the first 10,000 tons of god-level essence, dragged Jabs, who was like a dead dog, and led fourteen members of the Compound V Chapter, including Walter, a fellow countryman besides Macbeth, to board the Boarded the California consortium's aircraft.

In front of Bai Chen, they launched a jump directly and left the subspace.

"Quantity, correct."

"Quality, impeccable."

Sally's test results rang in Bai Chen's ears.

"My dear, this is very strange."

"I thought that Jabs would take the opportunity to cause trouble, but it turned out that it was just the Riddler who asked for a beating because of his bad mouth. In the end, he honestly started delivering qualified god-level essence in accordance with the settlement agreement."

Lanxing Baichen said in confusion.

Bai Chen shrugged his shoulders and found that no matter the old wizard with a bruised nose and face, the teachers and students of Yanyu College, or the giants of the Genius Center who were witnesses, they were all the same as him. No one knew what Jabs said about the Riddler at the end. Show what the hell you are talking about.

Mo Qianxing, in particular, looked confused and confused. She didn't even know that she had been paid close attention to by the California guys like Jabs.

"Forget it, just make sure the cat's paw button can be pressed on the Strange Object Keyboard at any time."

Bai Chen didn't bother to waste his brain cells.

There is really going to be some inexplicable situation.

Just slap it with the cat's paw and you're done.

Confirm rescue within the warp, all within the control of the Statue Stitch.

Bai Chen returned to the extinct volcano island with Duan Debiao's live broadcast team, who had finished shooting the internal material of the subspace.

Just entered the extinct volcanic island range.

The alien boss, the bookish boss, and the melon-eating boss who landed on the island for the first time had very exciting expressions on their faces.

"The strength of this psychic energy is not inferior to the top training room at the Genius Center Headquarters."

At this time, a spiritual wave came from a tent on the island.

"Bai Chen, I want to talk to you."

The God of Fighting Liu flew in front of Bai Chen.

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