I can summon myself

Chapter 409 What are they doing?

"I heard that there was a problem on the Dead Volcano Island."

The "old friends" of Wu Laoguai gathered again in the encrypted channels of the three clusters.

"It's not just a rumor, it's a real problem."

"Although the Dead Volcano Island can only see the light column now, the witnesses from our academy who flew out of the subspace at that time said that they saw a claw falling from the sky and grabbing the iconic dead volcano pass of the Dead Volcano Island and throwing it towards the subspace. Since then, no one has appeared on the Dead Volcano Island, even the daily SB250 group, no one from Yanyu Academy has ever spoken or shown up."

"Now it seems that the rescue has not been affected on the surface, but this is the biggest problem in itself. The Dead Volcano Island must have encountered a big problem, so it is so quiet and unreasonable now. You know, all the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy are graduates of the foul-mouthed department."

"It's ridiculous that they are silent now."

The confidential channel fell into silence for a while, and then the voice of an "old friend" who regarded Wu Laoguai as a thorn in his side was heard.

"If it was just Wu Laoguai who was thrown a hundred thousand miles away by the mysterious claws, I would definitely lie on my back and use my five limbs to celebrate, but if something really happened to the Dead Volcano Island, I can't gloat at this moment."

"Yes, Wu Laoguai is really a dog, but we are all human beings. No matter what, the Dead Volcano Island has rescued our colleagues and students. I can't be happy now."

"It doesn't matter if Wu Laoguai dies eight or ten times, but what if there is a problem with the Dead Volcano Island and I want to go over to help?"

"Even if we go over, they may not pay attention. Even if they pay attention, how can we deal with the terrifying existence that may split the top of the Dead Volcano into two with one claw? It's really a headache."

At this time, the black iron matrix of the Dead Volcano Island lifted the visual invisibility.

A dead volcano with only half of the mountain left entered the field of vision of the three major clusters.

"The mountain pass is gone?"

"The news that they are in trouble is actually true?"

"What level of existence can take away the crater of the dead volcano when all the big guys in the Genius Center are on the dead volcano island?"

"Let's go over and take a look."

All the aircraft that saw this scene chose to fly to the dead volcano island at the same time.

A wave of space spiritual energy appeared near the dead volcano island.

The California Consortium's jump aircraft carrying the last batch of god-level essence also appeared in the airspace of the dead volcano island.

Seeing the dead volcano without the mountain pass.

Jobs and the directors of the California Consortium all had complicated expressions.

"Speaking of it, this Yanyu Academy is also unlucky. It was not easy to enter the sight of various forces on Earth as a savior with the support of the East Earth Spiritual Energy Association. Who knew that an ordinary Mo Qianxing was actually targeted by the mysterious forces of the Blue Sky World with indescribable and ineffable gods as their backstage."

Jobs sighed.

It was not a pity that the old scumbag Wu Laoguai died with a thousand cuts, but when he saw the dead volcano island that Yanyu Academy had worked so hard to build turned into this horrible state, he did not feel much pleasure.

Instead, he felt that no matter how hard humans tried, they were still vulnerable to those indescribable and ineffable existences, like a candle that could be extinguished at any time.

"No matter what, Wu Laoguai is defeated, and that magical classmate Bai Chen can't resist the cross-world attack that the Azure Sky World has been planning for who knows how many years."

"But we must not only deliver the last shipload of goods, but also express a friendly attitude as much as possible."

"That's right, now is the time to help them when they are in trouble."

"As long as the dealer boss behind Yanyu College is gone, they will have a chance to make a comeback. If we look down on them with a gloating attitude and stab them in the heart, we can vent our anger at being blackmailed by them, but we will be hostile to the legendary dealer boss, which is not in line with the purpose of our California consortium to make money in harmony."

"On the contrary, using on-time delivery to show that our reputation has not been affected by Wu Laoguai and Bai Chen's heavy losses, and using friendly and sincere comfort to show that we empathize and do not add insult to injury, it is possible to resolve our previous grievances with them so that we can truly cooperate with the dealer boss!"

For the face of being refreshing and the little money in the pocket, these directors and Jobs chose the latter without any prior agreement.

Anyway, Bai Chen and Wu Laoguai, who were causing trouble, were already in danger and basically finished.

But the dealer boss was still there, and he might rush to the dead volcano island in front of him to stabilize people's hearts after receiving the news.

They didn't want to lose the opportunity to cooperate with the dealer boss for a moment of pleasure.

The jump aircraft slowly approached the dead volcano island.

Jobs and the directors also showed solemn and sad emotions on their faces.

Even fellow villager Walter and his Compound V regiment changed into the mourning color of the Hollywood acting masters who came for emergency training.

"There are people on the half of the mountain!"

"It's the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy who stayed on the island."

"Wait, what are they doing?"

Through the porthole, all the aircraft close to the dead volcano island saw a scene that they could not understand at all.

The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy on the half of the mountain were not only not crying and wailing, but on the top of the flattened half of the mountain, they set up sun umbrellas and barbecue grills to have a party.

Selfies of selfies, barbecues of barbecues, sunbathing in the bright sunshine.

He didn't feel any sadness at all because of the disappearance of the extinct volcano, Bai Chen, Wu Laoguai and others.


The eyes of Jobs and other directors were filled with confusion.

Fellow fellow villager Walter and his Compound V battle group also looked at the relaxed and smiling teachers and students of Mist and Rain College on the mountaintop with some confusion.

The three major groups, the "old friends" of the old monster Wu, even looked at these teachers and students of Yanyu College who were chatting, laughing and partying on the top of the hill where the old monster Wu died unjustly with crazy eyes.


"Totally incomprehensible."

"Forcing a smile? It's not like this."

Poppies, Maggie and other fellow Jiangnan people on the Jiangnan and Gonggong Union looked at the scene of a large party on the extinct volcanic island in disbelief.

Suddenly, the colorful light pillars rising from the extinct volcano became thicker.

Follow the direction of the colorful light pillar.

The passage opening on the subspace barrier also began to expand.

"Is there a big guy coming out?"

As Jabs finished speaking.

Colorful lights lit up in the passage that expanded to several hundred meters in diameter.

"Why do I think this Shamate RGB looks so familiar?"

Jabs muttered.

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