I can summon myself

Chapter 418 Burial, Burial!

The more Dexter wants the Temple of Destiny to go all out against Bai Chen, the less likely he, Archbishop Veron, will fulfill his wish.

Archbishop Veron raised his head and was about to say a few words as the person in charge of the headquarters of the Temple of Destiny.

The unknown man possessed by Dexter suddenly sneered: "God said that everything is an arrangement of fate."

"The dispute between the Temple of Destiny and Bai Chen cannot be delayed by Beron if you want."

"Bai Chen's female companion, Mo Qianxing, is not only the daughter of destiny for my lord, but also the daughter of destiny for the God of Destiny, and even the daughter of destiny for the entire destiny system of the Great Blue Sky World."

"When I figure out Pomo Qianxing's identity."

"The line of fate has closely linked Bai Chen and the Temple of Destiny!"

"You, Archbishop Veron, want to use words to stabilize the other party and clear up the entanglement of fate. You are too naive."

"My disciples, as well as the destiny believers in the Temple of Destiny, it is no longer the time when the Blue Sky World can be a turtle behind closed doors."

"The long river of destiny has accelerated its flow."

"No one can escape the power of fate."

With these words, the unknown man possessed by Dexter burst into flames.

Just when everyone thought that the blasphemer had once again abandoned his clone and was about to escape successfully.

Bai Chen took out a dragon bone card unhurriedly.

"It's far from civilization in the countryside. If you open your mouth or shut up, it's what God says."

"Those ant natives who are like chickens and dogs, think they are their destiny?"

"The entanglement of fate? You frogs in the well who don't know how high and thick the sky is, how big the universe is, and how vast the void is, how qualified are you to control the fate of Mo Qianxing?"

"You insects who don't know spring, summer, autumn and winter, how do you know that my fate is up to me but not God?"

"The person who can determine a person's destiny is not the god of bullshit destiny, but himself."

The aura of Bai Chen, the cleaner of the ancient god Bai, came out from Bai Chen's body.

The gods are wailing, the ancient gods are sobbing.

He threw the dragon bone card into the sky.

A green shadow emerged from the card.

This is a translucent seed about the size of a thumb.

Psychic energy from all directions poured into the seeds crazily. The originally illusory seeds gradually solidified and finally materialized into the blue sky world.

With a crackling sound.

The seeds fall apart.

A small vine sapling, thinner than a morning glory, hatched from the seed.

Its roots turned into two thin legs, and the green main stem was its body. Its hands are composed of soft branches on both sides like ordinary vines.

With the continuous injection of spiritual energy.

Its head finally solidified.

As the little eyes dozens of times smaller than a mung bean opened.

It grinned, opened its small white teeth as white as broken rice, and said its first sound to the big blue sky world: "Yeah, yeah."

It was just such a sound that was subtler than a meow.

But it caused the entire world where the City of Destiny is located to change color.

The sky cracked.

The phantoms of countless gods and kingdoms appeared in the sky above their heads.

One after another from the thousands of kingdoms of gods, real eyes fell on this little vine seedling that broke out of the card.

"Yeah, yeah!"

Little Tengmiao suddenly raised her head.

The two main roots flicked, and the small body, which was only half a meter long, flew into the sky.

With the clicking of its little white teeth.

The eyes of the gods that focused on it were actually bitten into pieces by it.

Not only that, when these fragments of gaze are swallowed whole by it.

Its body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Bury the world, bury the world!"

Little Tengmiao's small eyes emitted two inexplicable rays of light that, although very small, were enough to bury the entire blue sky world.

"God of Destiny, I'll fuck you, the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the Destiny God System!"

"The Mysterious Mysterious Vine that is said to be able to swallow a whole world was actually attracted by your followers!"

"God said that even if you see someone being buried, you have to run away with a bucket."

"You actually provoked this ancestor, damn the God of Destiny. Are you afraid that we won't die fast enough?"

"The gods are wailing, the ancient gods are crying. This ancient god named Bai Chen was slaughtered by the stranger, the god, can fill the big blue sky world!"

The gods above the clouds looked at Bai Chen and his little vine seedlings with fear in their eyes.

If we say that the outsiders of the Earth back then were just relying on the advantage of the Earth's heavenly law, relying on old sinister tactics, and gradually encroaching on the big world of the blue sky.

At this moment, Bai Chen and one vine seedling are enough to bury the entire Blue Sky World.

The gods communicated silently.

The whispers of gods rang in Director Jiang’s ears.

"Let this person stop, you don't want to see the world of Blue Sky completely buried by this vine seedling."

The shrewd and steady Officer Jiang suddenly lost all his stability.

Allen, a short and fat man with a bald head who was originally looking at the excitement, staggered and almost lost his balance after receiving the whisper from the god.

How could such a cute little vine sprout scare the gods to such an extent?


What a joke.

Can it bury the great blue sky world?

Melinda's thoughts changed rapidly, and she suddenly understood everything.

"Bai Chen, you stay here not just to watch jokes and see the reaction of the Temple of Destiny."

"It's more about waiting for someone like Dexter to jump out."

"After you finish singing and I come on stage, after all the forces emerge, you can catch them all in one fell swoop!"

Melinda's eyes were full of horror.

She had only seen Wu Laoguai deliberately disgusting her brother Jobs and the first level of the California Consortium.

Dexter, a veteran, only saw Bai Chen's audacity to stay here to see the reaction of the Temple of Destiny, the second level.

But Bai Chen's real intention, which she suddenly realized now, was to watch all the monsters and demons jump out with a smile, and then use this strange little vine seedling to take away the fifth level in one wave.

Such a calculating ability is too terrible.

How many good deeds did Wu Laoguai, the father of this child, do for his ancestors to attract Bai Chen to the Misty Rain Academy.

At this time, the nameless man who had been half burned grew his burned body again.

As if time was going back, the bearded Dexter appeared on the nameless man again.

But this time, the gods forced him to use the supreme magic to escape halfway, and he was reversed back to the state of a blasphemer possessed by an unknown person, and he no longer had the prestige of a dignified pope.

The Dark God of Destiny said it very clearly.

If he couldn't make Bai Chen take back this little vine seedling.

Before the death of the Azure Sky World, the Dark God of Destiny would be the first to take the lead and work with the gods to let him, who had caused this incident, taste the real wrath of the gods.

Not only that.

All the genes and bloodlines related to Dexter in the Azure Sky World, disciples and friends, will be completely annihilated in this world with him.

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