I can summon myself

Chapter 421 You are thinking about eating peaches

Dexter looked up at the looming kingdom of God in the sky, his voice full of disappointment: "Take the God of Destiny as an example. Even if the kingdom of God collapsed and the throne was split in two, it never thought about the cause of all this. In fact, it was not the group of outsiders from Earth. The invasion of these players into the Azure Sky World was just a superficial phenomenon. The real reason was that the Heavenly Dao of the Azure Sky World could not keep up with the progress of this era."

"As the product of the Heavenly Dao in the world, these gods not only did not try their best to make the Heavenly Dao of the Azure Sky World grow and evolve, but instead, they consumed each other and calculated each other as in the past. For their own selfish reasons, they openly and secretly resisted the outsiders' technologies and plans that could allow the Heavenly Dao of the Azure Sky World to grow."

"In order to continue to survive until the Azure Sky World perishes because it can't keep up with the times!"

Dexter's eyes were full of hatred for these high and mighty gods.

It is these children of the Heavenly Dao of the Azure Sky World who, in order to maintain their status of being high above the clouds and looking down on all living beings, deliberately joined hands tacitly to hinder the self-evolution and self-leap of the Heavenly Dao again and again.

There are obviously earthlings and the Heavenly Dao of earthlings as samples. But they can't even copy homework, don't want to, and try their best to attack.

So far, the Azure Sky World is in a chaotic state of endless internal fighting. This is absolutely intolerable for Dexter, a top talent in the Azure Sky World.

The reason why he brazenly made trouble with the reason of Mo Qianxing, the daughter of fate. He wanted to rely on external forces to break the chaos of the stagnant Azure Sky World and seek opportunities for change.

Now, the opportunity has come.

Bai Chen in front of him is the variable he has been waiting for all his life.

Mysterious background, powerful person.

At hand is a burial world Xuan vine that scares the gods of the Azure Sky World.

If he could take this opportunity to join Bai Chen, he would get the opportunity he had always dreamed of to change the Azure Sky World.

"Boss, with your vision, you can naturally understand that the Earth's Heavenly Dao is inherently more superior than the incomplete Heavenly Dao of the Azure Sky World, which can never be perfect no matter how it evolves and perfects."

"Therefore, there is no need to worry that the evolved Heavenly Dao of the Azure Sky World will pose any threat to the Earth's Heavenly Dao."

"Secondly, the spiritual energy strength of the Azure Sky World is far higher than that of the Earth, and the spiritual energy resources of the Azure Sky World are also quite rich. You need us who have been abandoned by all the gods and regarded as thorns in the eyes and flesh by billions of creatures. Except for you, there is no other force that can be relied on to go all out to expand the territory and collect resources for you here."

"Third, although we have been demonized, , but not a murderer with blood on his hands, and there is no possibility that he will affect your reputation. "

"Fourth, the way of destiny penetrates into the hearts of all races in the Azure Sky World, and no one understands the long river of destiny better than me, Dexter! As long as you accept us, you will have hundreds of thousands of core believers who are no less theoretically than the Destiny Sect. No matter what you want to do in the Azure Sky World, with our loyal subordinates who are guided by the long river of destiny and gathered around you, you can achieve your goals in the simplest, most convenient and most efficient way. "

Dexter said word by word: "I personally and all the high-ranking members of the sect are willing to offer our souls to you!"

Archbishop Belon opened his mouth wide.

Princess Holly of the Azure Sky Empire also couldn't keep calm.

The two grass elves looked at the black-robed people of the Dark Destiny Sect with the eyes of a madman.

"In the Azure Sky World, even slaves don't need to hand in their souls."

Officer Jiang sighed.

Alan, the short and fat bald man, sang the same tune to educate Bai Chen, a newcomer: "Only those war beasts that are used as war machines will adopt the soul clause that even the gods cannot cancel when there is no other way to control them, and return part of the war beast's soul to the controller."

Dexter, a seed of the God of Destiny, actually chose to offer his soul to join Bai Chen.

Is the order of the Azure Sky World really going to be reshuffled?

Whether it is Jiang Ganshi, the representative of the earth forces like Alan, or the natives like Archbishop Belon and Princess Holly, even Grigori, a tree spirit who doesn't look like he has a brain, no one thinks that Bai Chen will give up the opportunity to get the entire Dark Sect of Destiny at his fingertips.

Once Dexter succeeds in selling his sect, he will turn from a blasphemer into a mad dog under Bai Chen.

For Bai Chen, who has the Burial World Mysterious Vine that can make the gods fear as a trump card, there is no doubt that he can easily descend on the Azure Sky World with the momentum of a mad dragon crossing the river.

At the very least, he will treat this place as a back garden and make a lot of money.

At worst, it will change the existing order and become another giant-level force in the Azure Sky World.

What everyone least wants to see is Dexter's idea of ​​changing the way of the Azure Sky World.

If this guy really uses Bai Chen as a trump card.

If he forcibly changes the way of the Azure Sky World.

Even the gods in the sky will never tolerate this situation.

Holly, the eldest princess of the Azure Sky Empire, looked at Jiang Ganshi.

Melinda also kept winking at Allen.

Archbishop Belon was even ready to let his men communicate with the gods in the sky immediately.

At this time, Bai Chen spoke.

"Dexter, you are dreaming."

"Are you mentally ill? Do you think that surrendering your entire sect can make up for the war you old bastards used to plot against us behind our backs and destroy the top of the dead volcano on the dead volcano island with your broken claws?"

Dexter and a group of high-ranking members of the sect were stunned.

Archbishop Belon and other representatives of various forces who were afraid that the order of the Azure Sky World would be changed were surprised and happy.

Bai Chen said coldly: "What does the Heavenly Dao of the Azure Sky World have to do with our Misty Rain Academy? You are still playing tricks at this time."

"Do you really think we are fools and can't see your evil intentions?"

"The so-called surrender is just to send us to the gods in front of you to take the blame."

"Let us bear their pressure, and you continue to make trouble and subvert the Heavenly Dao order of the Azure Sky World?"

"Are you really thinking about eating peaches?"

Bai Chen turned his head and said to Jiang Guanshi, Allen, Archbishop Belon and others: "They belong to you. As long as you give them compensation that matches their value and the value of the Dark Sect of Destiny, then Dexter and his gang and their territory are at your disposal!"


Archbishop Belon was overjoyed and even forgot that he had no authority to make the final decision on this matter.

"Bai Chen, I will never let you go even if I die!"

Dexter, whose little abacus was exposed by Bai Chen, was ashamed and angry. After he let out a long roar, all the black-robed people in their group surged with golden spiritual energy.

"Watch out, Holy Asylum, they're going to explode!"

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