I can summon myself

Chapter 436 Can the Ancient God still run a point?

Two days later, Bai Chen walked out of the portal with confidence.

At this moment, the originally deserted Dongwu Sword Sect is already full of people. Most of the teachers and students who stayed on the extinct volcanic island have come over. Representatives of the indigenous people who have become residents of Baichen's territory have also gathered here.

Coupled with the high-ranking officials of various sects recruited by the Chosen Ones, the Dongwu Sword Sect, which only had a few hundred kittens, actually started to look like a large sect.

A red shadow flashed.

Two 2077 urban-rural fringe-style elves appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Yan Shuishui, who didn't know when he came here, took Xi Nuowei, who was also wearing a devilish hole-in-the-wall outfit, and got closer to a place less than one centimeter away from Bai Chen.

Yan Shuishui was like a husky begging for food, sniffing around Bai Chen.

She looked at Xinuowei with a puzzled look on her face: "No, Bai Chen doesn't have the smell you mentioned?"

Sinoway was about to speak.

Another purple shadow.

Xinda, the purple-skinned elf, held the two of them by their necks, smiled apologetically at Bai Chen, and then directly carried them out of the hall.

"Boss Bai Chen, help!"

Hydelia's voice came from the side. Her bulging belly and the pile of mirage seafood in front of her were used to record information, which fully explained her experience.

"Boss Bai Chen, even the fellow demons in the abyss, can communicate better than them." Nana pointed at the strange-looking Bi Kong Naga in front of her, with a look of despair on her face.

"Ahhhhhh, I'm going to burst!"

Mace, the vampire leader who was also pulled into a penis, kept hitting his head on the stone table.

The natives who looked like green-skinned orcs trembled under his roar.

"Junior brother, the situation of communication difficulties has not improved but has become worse."

Zuo Miao said to Bai Chen.

Originally, she, Tian Gang, Wang Botang, Foodie Senior and others thought that the previous chosen ones were the lower limit of communication in the Big World of Blue Sky.

But when these True Blue Sky World Aboriginals and Aboriginals arrived at the East Room Sword Sect.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that, no matter what, the Chosen Ones who had dealt with outsiders were actually the group of people in the Blue Sky World who were most familiar with the earth's style.

The Chosen Ones who make everyone crazy are actually the upper limit of communication in the Blue Sky World.

And these representatives of the aboriginal people in front of them, although they have the title of wise man, old bastard, etc. in their respective territories, representing the smartest people of their respective ethnic groups.

But when the teachers and students of Mist and Rain College communicated with them, they realized that their brain waves were not on the same channel at all.

"It's almost like the original and Ex Machina discussing psychic powers."

Mo Qianxing's face next to Zuo Miao was full of helplessness.

"I have a plan, but where is the little country dog?"

A quarter of an hour later, a khaki-colored little dog with a black mouth came to Bai Chen's side.

"Let's go back to the extinct volcano island with me."

"Let me test your performance first."

After saying that, Bai Chen directly picked up the scruff of the little native dog and turned back towards the portal.

"Test, test performance?"

"Can the Ancient God still score a point?"

"So how much 3090 is a head of Arctic Grudge worth?"

The teachers and students burst out laughing.

Regardless of whether Bai Chen asked the little local dog to run a score or something else, there is no doubt that Bai Chen clearly thought of a solution.

"Little bitch, you stole so many snacks, please be stronger."

The foodie senior murmured.

Communicating with a group of indigenous people whose worldviews are completely different from one another is simply the biggest nightmare in the lives of teachers and students.

Fortunately, Bai Chen, who is now omnipotent, has found a way to deal with it.

Bai Chen must have no problem.

The only ones that might have a problem are puppies.

However, what makes teachers and students feel at ease is that even if the performance of the little local dog is insufficient and the running score is too low, there are still the seeds of the Fury of the Arctic Circle and the Statue Stitch Monster as dual Old Dominator-level spare tires.

Although none of them knew how Bai Chen would solve the problem of poor communication and head pain.

But among these three, there must be one whose performance can meet Bai Chen's requirements.

Bai Chen, who returned to the embers at the bottom of the extinct volcano island, placed the little native dog on the black iron matrix he had just finished carving.

The golden text in the color of evil gold made the little dog’s eyes look like krypton gold.

"Master, can you use evil gold ore?"

Bai Chen nodded: "Open up your perception to the maximum."


The little local dog's khaki-yellow body instantly turned pitch black. This was the curse and resentment it subconsciously stored on the evil gold thugs.

As the golden light flows on the black iron matrix board.

The little native dog felt as if there was a black hole in the iron plate under his feet, swallowing up all his senses.

The evil golden text can't stop flashing.

Bai Chen frowned.

"Put all the resentment you have stored into perception."

The black energy on the little native dog's body gradually became dim, and the golden light on the black iron matrix board became more golden.

"It's still almost interesting."

"However, we can use the god-level essence of the Blue Sky World to make it together."

Bai Chen confirmed that the little native dog was barely enough, and let it end the perception test.

"Now you can sense, process, and respond to how many emotions transmitted to you by the natives of the Big Blue Sky World at the same time?"

The little native dog blinked: "Master, it depends on their average level."

"If it's a low-level God-defying myth like an ordinary evil gold thug, I can probably handle a thousand to a thousand and five at the same time."

Bai Chen recorded this number.

"Spit out some of your life source for me."

"Spit it onto this evil gold iron matrix plate."

Bai Chen pointed to another golden iron plate beside him.

Without waiting for him to explain, the little dog vomited out most of its life source with a wow.

Its shiny fur suddenly became withered, and its mental state became sluggish.

The so-called life source is the most important core of its kind of Old Ones.

It was obviously severely damaged to spit out so much at once.

Bai Chen picked up the knife made of evil gold, cut off one-fifth of its life source, and signaled it to take back the remaining four-fifths. Then he said seriously: "The worldview and values ​​of this ghost place, the Azure Sky World, are too different from those on Earth. I need an ancient god like you to be the intermediary between us and the natives."

"After testing, although your hardware strength is one breath away from the minimum standard, it is not impossible to make up for it."

"But in addition to hardware factors, there are also software issues."

"I will let Senior Brother Tian Gang teach you the rules in this regard."

The little dog stuck out his tongue and nodded.

A quarter of an hour later, Tian Gang was called back to the dead volcano island by Bai Chen.

"Senior Brother, here."

Bai Chen handed the relevant documents that had been prepared long ago to Tian Gang.

The little dog also came to Tian Gang and read them together.

See the contents clearly.

The expressions of the man and the dog suddenly became strange.

Tian Gang seemed to have returned to the time when Bai Chen was at the base of Yanyu Academy, and a long-lost name appeared in his memory again.

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