I can summon myself

Chapter 453: The Azure Sky Resistance in Bai Chen's Eyes

"My dear, I'm just wondering how my on-orbit strike system could have such a big error!"

Sally's report made Blue Star Baichen suddenly realize: "My system is designed based on the complete model of the earth's heaven, and Sally is a perfect executor of the plan. Even if there may be problems, the first shot will not be messed up directly." , the second shot hit Long Hantian and others’ heads directly.”

"The reason for this problem is that the earth's heaven itself is not complete. The 60 million humans who left when the spiritual age began not only took away the earth's technology, but also took away part of the earth's heaven. Therefore, the current earth's heaven is not complete. Not a complete standard model!”

"The on-orbit strike system based on this has errors." Blue Star Baichen is not excusing himself. How could Blue Star, the top student in the world, make such a huge mistake?

The data that Sally now displays in front of Bai Chen is direct proof that the earth's heavenly law is incomplete.

"Judging from the different results between Tiandao and Martians, the direction of evolution of Martian humans is also somewhat different from that of Earth humans in the surge of psychic energy."

"Although now we don't have any evidence and don't know what development path the Martian humans have chosen."

"However, it can still be inferred from the incomplete Earth's Heavenly Law and the space text spewed out by the Blue Sky Resistance Army that, as you have judged, Martian humans have diverged further and further away from Earth's civilization."

Bai Chen called Wu Qingmei again, the bookish boss. He told them Sally's calculation results and Blue Star Baichen's analysis.

"Although the data results have roughly a 25% to 15% probability of proving that humans on Mars do not exist, the Earth's law of heaven is incomplete due to other reasons."

"But I personally prefer that the distance between Martian humans and us has caused the tearing of the earth's heaven."

Wu Qingmei's eyebrows rose into two vertical lines.

"Bai Chen, I trust your judgment. Martian humans are no longer the human compatriots we longed for!"

The bookish man sighed.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I also agree with your judgment, but before Martian humans appear on Earth, I cannot emotionally accept the fact that they parted ways with us."

"Do you want me to report your speculation to the Genius Center now?"

Bai Chen smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's up to you. I have no idea about Martian humans."

Regardless of whether humans on Mars exist or not, the relationship between Earth and Mars is now outside his scope of consideration.

"I'll talk to the big guys in private."

"But since the Blue Sky Resistance Army seems to have something to do with the Martian humans, can we follow this line and catch these natives of the Blue Sky World who want to counterattack the earth all day long?"

The bookish man said harshly.

Bai Chen called up Sally's detection results.

"First of all, they are not indigenous people in the ordinary sense. They are also not the chosen ones, but divine beings that are directly related to the indigenous gods."

"The so-called divine beings are trumpets of gods made by driving piles from gods. They possess part of the power of gods. Unlike the descendants of serious gods, in addition to the power of gods, divine beings can also have various weird second powers. Gods There can be only one, but the gods they create out of love can fill a whole world."

"Especially in a place like the Great Blue Sky World with extremely high environmental spiritual energy, one god may have created more evil than his entire descendants put together."

"Therefore, the gods can easily inject their hatred of the earth and hatred of foreigners into the souls of the gods and let this hatred become their pillar."

“This gave rise to indigenous resistance organizations like the Blue Sky Resistance Army.”

Wu Qingmei gritted her teeth and nodded. She had a lot of common sense about the big blue sky world. After hearing what Bai Chen said, she suddenly understood that Dongtu and the Western Alliance had joined forces for so many years, but they still couldn't catch the real reason why the Blue Sky Resistance Army was following.

Because all of this is the result of the joint efforts of the indigenous gods. Although they clearly show an upright attitude of increasing their efforts and strong support.

But because the rebels are the gods they inherited.

The gods can easily hide themselves from the memories of their respective bloodlines, and use disguise methods to easily avoid the attacks of the Eastern Earth and the Western Alliance.

Wu Qingmei could even imagine that these evil beings created intentionally or unintentionally by the gods might be spread among various forces in the blue sky world.

There are even some apparent allies of humans on Earth.

"If they are divine beings, then it makes sense that they possess divine power and are determined to self-destruct themselves."

"Unlike ordinary natives of the Big Sky World who have distracting thoughts, when these gods were born, as classmate Bai Chen said, they were filled with the malice of the gods towards us humans. Their method of action was naturally to counterattack the earth and exterminate the human race. final goal."

The bookish boss agreed very much with Bai Chen's judgment on the identities of the Blue Sky rebels.

But what made him smile bitterly was that catching these guys in the Big Blue Sky World was no less difficult than finding evidence of the existence of humans on Mars.

An idea flashed in his mind: "Classmate Bai Chen, are the chosen ones who are crying and begging for your little pills also intending to use the power of the little pills to create more evils?"

Bai Chen thought for a while: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

God's evil may not be a way of resistance for the indigenous gods.

On the surface, they were beaten to a pulp by the Earthlings. In secret, they created countless evil gods through hard work and spread their malice towards the Earthlings, giving rise to countless opposition forces such as the Azure Sky Rebels, who launched wave after wave of counterattacks against the Earthlings on behalf of the gods.

"How insidious!"

Wu Qingmei's face was full of fear of the gods.

"In this way, it is basically impossible to find relevant evidence in the base of gods such as the Azure Sky World."

The Bookish Boss was sure that if the East Earth Psychic Association tried to find the connection between the Azure Sky Rebels and the gods according to Bai Chen's analysis.

They would definitely find nothing.

Even if they found it, it would be invalid evidence deliberately released by the gods to confuse the public and prove their innocence.

"I want to know, what does the East Earth think of the Azure Sky World?"

"A colony that plunders resources?"

"Want to become another Earth with a high-intensity psychic version of the Earth?"

"Or is it a chicken rib that can be abandoned at any time?"

Bai Chen's question stumped Wu Qingmei and the Bookish Boss.

One is responsible for the geniuses, and the other is responsible for research. They really don't know what the attitude of the Genius Center and the East Earth Psychic Energy Association is towards the Azure Sky World.

Wu Qingmei's eyes were burning: "Student Bai Chen, what is your attitude towards the Azure Sky World?"

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