I can summon myself

Chapter 481 James Shattered Void and Chief Wululu

Time goes back to before the transmission began.

In the mushroom forest, the coordinate XYZ2333 looks no different from other places at first glance, except that there is a row of skylights on the top of a mushroom with the same color as the mushroom top.

In the skylight, in a space of about 400 square meters, the owner of this place is holding a banquet. The guests are none other than the owner of the mushroom forest, a group of colorful mushroom people.

"The evil gold mine next door has a new owner. Those guys in the clouds gave the evil gold mine, maple syrup grassland, and the large sea area on the other side of the maple syrup grassland to an Earth stranger named Bai Chen."

The speaker is a skeleton wearing a top hat. It is humanoid, and every bone of the two-meter skeleton is inlaid with strange space patterns.

Under the constant nourishment of space spiritual energy, this skeleton has turned into a blue sky.

"James Shattered Void, is he a foreigner like Franklin 40th?"

Skeleton James shook his head, his cervical vertebrae made a harsh friction sound, and his upper and lower jaws opened and closed: "Franklin Merchants Group is no longer a pure foreigner, and unlike Franklin's ancestors from the Western Alliance, this foreigner named Bai Chen should be a member of the East, the largest force on Earth, judging from his name."

The mushroom people with colorful mushroom heads said indifferently: "It doesn't matter where he is from, the evil gold mining area is Such a large area is enough for him to mess around. "

"Anyway, it is impossible for them to come to a wild area like ours to cause trouble."

"If those annoying guys from the Franklin Merchants Group, they may run around in our mushroom forest again, but it is almost impossible for this newcomer to leave his own territory unsettled and cross the earth rift to come."

"Take a step back, even if he comes, at most we will treat him like Franklin 40th and ignore him as he cuts mushrooms."

The mushroom people are not worried about the ownership of the evil gold mining area 20,000 kilometers away.

The evil gold mining area is originally a poor and remote place with no birds, not to mention the earth rift and the 5,000-kilometer mixed-blood dragon territory as a buffer.

Whether Bai Chen is a foreigner or a native of the Azure Sky World, it is impossible for him to fall from the sky and invade their homes without any signs.

"Makes sense."

Skeleton James responded with a smile. He didn't think that the mushroom forest would have anything to do with foreigners like Bai Chen in the short term. He just used this to open the conversation.

"By the way, Chief Wululu, my understanding of space has become more profound recently. The output of dragon blood matrix, space equipment, etc. has also increased by half, so starting from next month, I need more raw materials to make these space items."

The green-haired mushroom man chief Wululu laughed loudly: "Of course no problem, congratulations to you James!"

The other mushroom people also picked up the mushroom-textured wine glasses to congratulate James.

As a community of interests that has cooperated for nearly a thousand years, the stronger James is, the more space items are produced, and the greater the benefits for the mushroom people.

Naturally, they are happy for James.

At this time, James and Chief Wululu felt a little strange at almost the same time.

"Space fluctuation?"

"It's the fluctuation of the one-way portal!"

The green fire of space spiritual energy ignited in the eye sockets on James' skull.

"The standard portal of the Temple of Fortune?"

In less than ten seconds, it has confirmed the producer of the giant temporary portal in Baichen Mountain Gate Square.

Chief Wululu opened his mouth and spit out a translucent spore the size of an avocado.

As soon as the spore appeared, countless white mycelium grew on the floor. These mycelium supported the spore at half the height in front of Wululu like pillars.

As the mycelium merged into the surface of the spore.

The entire mushroom forest was linked to the spore. As countless nutrients were injected, the spore continued to expand. One minute later, a giant spore with a diameter of about one meter, which displayed all the information of the portal's location, stood in front of James and the mushroom man.

A large amount of pheromones flowed into the spore along the underground mycelium network connected to each other.

A group of live images captured by the mushroom forest suddenly appeared on the surface of the spore.

I saw that the unbelievers with different strengths and strange looks poured out of the passage opened by the portal like a tide.

Some took off their equipment.

Some ran away with their equipment.

They were disorganized and ran away in all directions like headless flies.

One group after another.

Five hundred unbelievers came through the portal to the depths of the mushroom forest, five hundred kilometers away from XYZ2333 where they gathered.

"There is no mark of any temple."

"I can't feel any fluctuations of divine arts."

"Are these guys unbelievers?"

James' voice was full of shock. In the Azure Sky World, unbelievers are rarer than mushroom people.

"Are they blasphemers who escaped from the Temple of Wealth?"

Chief Wululu had a wild idea.

His face suddenly became very ugly. If this was true, the tranquility of the mushroom forest would be broken by the Temple of Wealth that was chasing these guys.

"No way."

"How can there be five hundred unbelievers in the Temple of Wealth?"

"Are there still natives who don't believe in small money these days?"

The mushroom people spoke out their opinions.

Yes, Wululu felt that it made sense.

The next second, the fluctuation of the portal appeared again hundreds of kilometers away from the five hundred unbelievers.

The unbelievers of the second group ran out one after another, still running around in a panic.

Wululu's face was originally green, and it became even greener.

The faces of other mushroom people also showed anger.

What does this mean?

The unbelievers invaded the mushroom forest one after another. Do they really think that these mushroom people are easy to bully?

The alien psychic energy began to surge.

The breath of life also gathered towards the place where the unbelievers appeared through the underground mycelium network.

But they hadn't figured out where these unbelievers came from and what their purpose was. The spatial psychic fluctuations of the portal appeared again and again.

The unbelievers rushed into the mushroom forest randomly like a tide.

Chief Wululu was angry.

"Charge the spore bomb immediately!"

"Lock on these unbelievers!"

Just as it was about to mobilize all the alien psychic energy in the mushroom forest and inject it all into the spores under the mushroom cap, the silent skeleton James stopped its impulse.

"Chief Wululu, don't be impulsive."

"What if these unbelievers are cannon fodder used to confuse our vision?"

"We must retain enough strength to deal with the real goal of the mysterious force."

Chief Wululu calmed down at once.

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