I can summon myself

Chapter 486 Boss, if you can do something...

The mushroom man was completely frozen as if he had been hit by a petrified psychic energy.

At the last moment, in order not to be a prisoner, James even said such cruel words that he would kill himself if they broke up.

But now for the apple that hit Newton.

James not only gave up all moral integrity, but also abandoned the freedom of life, and actually chose to be Bai Chen's slave rather than being a prisoner.

At this moment, the mushroom people no longer knew what language to use to express the shock in their hearts.

But what makes them feel even more incredible is that.

Bai Chen actually rejected James' offer to be his servant.

"No, you are too ugly."

Wu Lulu is like a chicken with its neck strangled. The throat under the mushroom head can't help shaking, but it can't say even a syllable.

"Brother, although your cooking skills are very good, your appearance really does not meet our human aesthetic standards."

"It's such a big pile of bones, and the bones that glow blue are very scary."

"That's right, that's right."

Wang Botang and others said seriously.

James couldn't help but bite its upper and lower jaws.

Just when it was about to say something, Bai Chen said calmly: "Actually, your attitude before was also correct. A myth like you is too humiliating for both a captive and a servant."

"Let's just work as a worker. Just treat me as your boss. As for the trust between you and me, it's actually very simple."

"The worst outcome for you is to lose everything in the Big Blue Sky World."

"And as long as you do what you say and fulfill my instructions, you will only go further and further on the path of space psychic energy."

"So I'm not making any guarantees and there's no need to guarantee anything."

"If you serve me sincerely, you will naturally get what you want."

Bai Chen stood up from the dining table.

For a person of James's level, the benefits of ten thousand words are not as good as a real void energy ball.

"Now, I want a complete set of world-wide portals with a lifespan of at least a thousand hours."

Bai Chen stated his purpose.

James came to his senses.

"Boss, is this portal used for the earth and the blue sky world?"

Bai Chen nodded.

James further asked: "Are there any requirements for the size of the portal?"

Bai Chen glanced at it in surprise. Hearing this, the new employee's pockets were bigger than he thought.

Otherwise, how could such a question be asked?

It would be great if according to Bai Chen's original estimation, he could get a set of small teleportation gates from it that can only be used for people to enter and exit the main hall of the East House Sword Sect.

"Can you provide a medium-sized portal for vehicles to enter and exit?"

Bai Chen looked at James intently.

If that was the case, he would have to revise his plans for the new portal.

James nodded, then shook his head.

"I can probably gather 70% of the medium-sized cross-world portal core."

"But now there is a complete set of materials for a large world-class medium-sized portal ready-made, as well as a space god core that can operate the portal for 5,000 hours, lying 79,000 kilometers away from the mushroom forest towards the wild area. Deep in the wilderness.”

James raised his hand and the wild area map centered on the mushroom forest immediately appeared in front of Bai Chen. I saw a city of blue sky rebels standing deep in the wild area outside the sphere of influence of the cloud gods.

Although looking at the virtual map, the city's size is only about one-thirtieth that of Yanyu City.

But James pointed to the virtual building that occupied half of the city and said: "This is the headquarters warehouse of the Blue Sky Arcanist Alliance, the number one equipment supplier to the Blue Sky Resistance."

"In addition to the ready-made set of medium-sized portal materials, there are also various rare collections worth more than 20 million tons of god-level essence."

"Boss, if you can do something..."

James's eye sockets sparkled with excitement.

The teachers and students seemed to have discovered a new world.

"Old Zhan, I didn't expect you to have such a bone!"

"This Blue Sky Arcanist Alliance is your competitor within the Blue Sky Resistance Army system, right?"

"To divert trouble away from others, or to use our own strength to counterattack?"

"We want to rob you, but you want us to rob your opponent?"

"You are such a clever little kid."

The teachers and students talked all over the place.

Zuo Miao, Mo Qianxing and the big guys at the Genius Center looked at James with doubts in their eyes.

"James, are you sure that place isn't a trap?"

Zuo Miao said coldly.

She had some doubts about whether James was deliberately pretending to surrender, using words like a personal slave to stabilize everyone, and then following Bai Chen's tone, he used the so-called complete set of medium-sized portal materials to lure everyone's attention to this so-called arcanist. Alliance Headquarters.

Once Bai Chen chooses to go there.

James can watch everyone jump into his trap.

Not only did it save its freedom and property, but it also brought Bai Chen and its rivals into a confrontation. No matter what the final result was, it would be the biggest winner standing by and eating the melon.

"It's definitely not a trap."

"The reason why I mentioned that place is very simple. Ever since I visited that city, I have regarded the warehouse of the Blue Sky Arcanist Alliance as the most important target."

"In order to be close to the Blue Sky Arcanist Alliance, I have been selling my space products to them as an OEM for the past six hundred years."

"In fact, they helped me to enter the list of core equipment suppliers of the Azure Sky Resistance."

"However, although they regarded me as a partner, it was impossible for most of them to know the real spatial coordinates of the warehouse."

"If it weren't for you, boss, it would take at least three to five thousand years for me to really get into their core circle."

"But now I see an opportunity."

James waved his bony hand, and the dining table full of leftovers disappeared, replaced by a long table with the style of Azure Sky World.

It invited Bai Chen to sit in the main seat.

Then it built the main warehouse of the Arcanist Alliance on the blank table like building blocks.

"All the storage areas in these buildings are not in the Azure Sky World."

"Instead, they rely on the teleportation array system to connect the countless areas scattered in the auxiliary spatial nodes of the Azure Sky World into the whole in front of us."

"The most important of them is the No. 5 warehouse area."

James pointed to a corner at the core of the warehouse.

"This complete small world contains rare resources such as portal materials. Under normal circumstances, entry and exit require approval from the highest authority of the Arcanist Union, the rotating Arcanist Council."

"It is very difficult to approach it normally. But now it happens to be the time when the fine products are stored once every twenty years."

"The Arcanist Union will store most of the rare treasures they have obtained in the past twenty years in the small world of Warehouse Area No. 5."

James turned his head and looked at the star sucking worm beside Bai Chen.

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