I can summon myself

Chapter 493 Mathematical tool man Jiabusi is online

"My dear, I think we have entered the No. 5 warehouse area."

"Although the perception is no different from before, I no longer have any feeling of being spied on, and I can no longer feel any fluctuations in psychic energy, divine power, etc. from the matrix."

The latest perception from Blue Star Bai Chen not only did not make Bai Chen smile, but instead made him frown.

"If Warehouse No. 5 is at these coordinates, then we must calculate its true spatial location."

"If we look at it from the traditional XYZ coordinate system, the black iron casting still stays at the starting point after moving up and down, left, and right."

"But the fact is that this is not the case. Although all parameters in the three-dimensional space are consistent, in the most critical fourth dimension, the fourth coordinate point has changed greatly."

Facing the confused eyes of the mushroom people, Bai Chen sighed.

"Four-dimensional space?"

James vaguely felt that a new door had opened to it.

"My dear, would you like to activate the strange object keyboard directly?"

Immortal King Bai Chen suggested.

No matter where this place is, no matter which fourth-dimensional coordinate point this place is located, as long as the strange object keyboard comes out, it will no longer be a problem.

"Not urgent."

"You continue to observe."

"I'll try to calculate the real coordinates of the small world in Warehouse No. 5."

With the strange object keyboard as a guarantee, Bai Chen chose to try first to see if he could calculate the specific location of the target.

If the observation period has passed and it is confirmed that Warehouse No. 5 is completely safe and the results have not yet been calculated, it will not be too late to use the strange object keyboard directly.

"My dear, deriving four dimensions from three dimensions is much more difficult than calculating three dimensions from a two-dimensional plane." Lanxing Baichen reminded.

"Yes, aren't there these new workers in front of us now? It's just right to test their math skills."

For some reason, James, the mushroom man and skeleton on the side, had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"James, how are you doing in math?"

Bai Chen's question made the big-boned monk Zhang Er confused, but he still answered honestly: "The high-level space system still has the myth-defying minimum level."

As a strong person in the space department, mathematics is a subject that he must master. Otherwise, if he makes a calculation error during the space jump, it will be a big deal.

"what about you?"

Bai Chen looked at the mushroom people again.

"We can do it, our accounting skills are very good."

The leader of the mushroom people is full of confidence.

Bai Chen recruited teachers and students from Yanyu College. The teachers and students were familiar with the process and dismantled the data that needed to be calculated into a lot of formulas.

Looking at the stack of formulas that were as tall as its height, Mulu Lu felt her lips go dry: "Boss, do we need to count so many?"

Bai Chen glanced at it lightly and corrected: "It's not you, but you alone have to calculate so much. This is just the calculation amount of a mushroom man."


The leader of the Mululu clan and the other mushroom people were all dumbfounded.

"You should be lucky that you are not math tool people."

"If you are really a math tool person, these are just the amount of calculations you do in a day."

Wang Botang looked very strange.

The mushroom people were completely confused.

Chief Wululu pursed his lips tightly and reached out to open the first page.

Even if you brag about it, you have to finish it with gritted teeth.

Fortunately, although there is a lot of data to be calculated, it is not difficult.

Because all the difficulty issues were handed over to Skeleton James.

James glanced at the data assigned to it by Bai Chen, then raised his hand and spoke: "Boss, although these formulas you assigned me are difficult, I can still complete them as long as I have enough time, but now we don't have such a That’s a lot of time.”

"And there we are."

The foodie senior said eagerly.

"It's not enough even if you are included."

Bai Chen said lightly.

Just when he was about to consider capturing the seven mathematical tool men who stayed on the extinct volcano island and Mo Wentian, a group of former blasphemers, to use them as human calculators.

The old wizard put forward his suggestion.

"We can get all the people from the California Consortium here."

"If they want to cooperate with us, how can they do it without taking the initiative to hand over a letter of nomination?"

"If Jabs hadn't changed his family and immigrated from California to the Big World of Blue Sky, even if they knew that we were going to the Blue Sky Arcanist Alliance under the Blue Sky Resistance to buy out the inventory for zero dollars, they wouldn't have leaked even a word. ”

"It is easy for Steve Jobs and the directors of the California consortium to run away, but it is simply impossible for the California conglomerate to leave the earth and join the big blue sky world."

The old wizard is not worried that Jabs will betray everyone.

The reason is simple. If Jabs doesn't want to be raped, he can only keep this secret in his heart.

Purchasing the inventory for zero dollars within the Blue Sky Resistance Army's system, which is trying to counterattack the Earth, is an act of justice from heaven for any Earthling.

Bai Chen weighed the pros and cons.

An hour later, Jobs, his California consortium directors, and all members of the Compound V battle group led by fellow countryman Walter arrived at the huge mushroom house.

"Jabs, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

"Now, it's time for you to gain favor in front of us."

"Did you see the information on the table?"

"Calculate all the data inside."

The old wizard pointed at the set of mathematical formulas piled high as a hill in an arrogant manner.

Jobs looked around, and after scanning the mushroom man and the skeleton James, he finally set his eyes on Bai Chen's face: "Student Bai Chen, I thought you kidnapped the little female dragon Princess Ata and now we need our help to bring her back to Earth."

Bai Chen curled his lips: "You think too much."

Jobs laughed: "Just kidding, student Bai Chen, what do we want to calculate?"

Bai Chen said lightly: "The spatial coordinates of a warehouse."

Jobs' eyes suddenly became brighter than light bulbs.

The directors of the California Consortium also became interested.

"Who are you going to rob?"

"That's possible!"

"I knew that student Bai Chen, you definitely didn't stay in the evil gold mining area for these golden evil gold ores, and now it's finally confirmed."

"Temple of Destiny or Temple of Wealth?"

"The treasury of the Azure Sky Empire is not bad either."

The people of the California Consortium were as excited as if they were about to eat chicken.

The teachers and students looked at these well-dressed members of the consortium in disbelief.

So excited about robbing?

As if he understood their gazes, Jobs said, "The drinking and feasting, the debauchery are not as good as you think, and the happiness of the rich is not as plain and simple as you can imagine."

"We dream of letting ourselves go, even if you are targeting the Western Alliance's warehouse in the Azure Sky World, we are willing to join!"

Bai Chen calmly stated the target: "The Azure Sky Arcanist Alliance warehouse under the Azure Sky Resistance Army."

The light in Jobs' eyes became brighter, he took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, sat upright at his desk, and said solemnly, "Student Bai Chen, your math tool Jobs is online!"

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