I can summon myself

Chapter 496 Is this a dragon domain?

When the leader of the star sucking worms stepped into the small world of the No. 5 warehouse area.

Ao Canghai, the master of divination in the East, who was far away in the Dragon Domain Zulong Mountain, suddenly raised his dragon head and looked at the sea outside the Azure Sky Empire where the small world was located.

A trace of excitement flashed in his dark dragon eyes.

Nibelungen, the ancestor of the little female dragon Ata, the lord of the Dragon Domain opposite him, looked serious: "Have you felt the breath of the Dragon Domain Ancestral Dragon?"

Ao Canghai said word by word: "It is not certain now."

"But, I already have a spatial coordinate."

It said the three-dimensional spatial coordinates of the small world.

Nibelungen stood up suddenly: "Shall we go?"


A quarter of an hour later, the space teleportation array of Zulong Mountain was lit up, and the two giant dragons came to the small world of the No. 5 warehouse area side by side.

When they saw the space turbulence in front of them.

Ao Canghai's face suddenly became very ugly.

After a careful observation, the majestic dragon of Nibelung smiled bitterly: "I feel the space force that is enough to make us fall in this turbulence."

Ao Canghai stretched out his forelimbs with five dragon claws, muttering and calculating with his fingers.

But the more he calculated, the uglier his face became.

"Not only are there countless space turbulences, but there are also countless space traps."

"Even if we find all the space dragons in the entire Azure Sky Dragon Domain, we can't crack this turbulent ocean."

"But the hexagrams I made on a whim have never been wrong."

"The skeleton of the ancestor dragon should be right in front of us."

Ao Canghai's face was full of determination.

Just when they were thinking hard about how to solve the space turbulence.

The projection of the ancient god client appeared in Bai Chen's retina, and in front of the star sucking worm leader was a world with no boundaries in sight.

There were mountains, water, sun, moon, and stars.

Everything was so pleasing to the eye under the blue sky and white clouds.

"Friend Bai Chen, I feel something is wrong."

"According to my blood memory, this small world in front of me cannot be without any living creatures."

"But neither my vision nor my perception can see any signs of the existence of living creatures."

"If the Azure Sky Arcanists came in first and destroyed all living creatures, then there should be some clues left by them."

"But now I can't find any traces of human beings."

Through the perspective of the Star-sucking Worm leader, Bai Chen also felt quite strange.

From the real-time detection data of the black iron suit on it, the air, temperature and other parameters of this small world are very suitable for human survival.

But what puzzled him was that neither the perception of the Star-sucking Worm leader nor the various detection matrices on the black iron matrix found any unnatural traces here.

After weighing the pros and cons, Bai Chen made a bold decision.

The black iron casting where the Immortal King Bai Chen was located on the blue star Bai Chen shone brightly, and a void spiritual energy rushed into the sky.

The next second, the Star-sucking Worm leader instantly captured their position.

"Friend Bai Chen, is it your Void Spirit Energy?"


"Then it's behind the mountain a hundred kilometers away."

The Star-sucking Insect leader flew to the casting.

After a while, a square the size of a football field appeared in front of Bai Chen.

When he saw the scene in the square clearly, Bai Chen, who had always been expressionless and calm, also showed surprise on his face.

It's called a square, but it's actually a platform. The platform of two to three thousand square meters is all white.

On the edge of the platform are white spikes that look up to the sky, and each spike is covered with brilliant and immortal dragon characters.

This platform is actually a giant dragon head wearing a crown.

Countless translucent but no fluctuations, the phantoms of giant dragons with breath appeared on the platform without any signs, and disappeared without any signs.

Although there was no sound at the scene, both the Star-sucking Insect leader and Bai Chen, who was observing all this from a distance, seemed to hear an inexplicable whisper lingering in their ears.

"My Lord, is this a kingdom of God, oh no, is this a dragon domain?"

Blue Star Bai Chen was not sure.

This was also the first time that Immortal King Bai Chen had seen such a situation.

The special container they were in was piled up randomly on the platform where the giant dragon's phantom flickered like other containers.

The outer layer of each container clearly showed the space torch array left by the arcane masters on the surface to summon in and out.

Except for the void psychic energy.

These container shells isolated all psychic energy and divine power.

Even if the leader of the star sucking worms walked to the container, he could not know what was inside without opening the outer layer.

At this time, Wu Laoguai, who had drunk the God's Chosen, came to Bai Chen.

Under the pretext of going to the warehouse of the side hall to get something, they walked into the side hall that could isolate all prying eyes.

"We went in and found the things, but there is no rush now. Although it is suitable for human survival, I suspect that the entire small world is transformed from the Dragon Domain."

As soon as Bai Chen finished speaking, the ferocious dragon Hantian, who had come in earlier, poked out his dragon head with a bump on his head.

"Student Bai Chen, is it really the Dragon Domain?"

He tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Facing Wu Laoguai's puzzled expression, he further explained: "The so-called Dragon Domain is just like the Kingdom of the Gods, and is used to accommodate the personal space of the Dragon Clan."

"Whether it is the Eastern Dragon Clan, the Western Dragon Clan, or the Dragon Clan of the Azure Sky World, all the dragon clans in the world who can condense the Dragon Domain are the real top leaders of the Dragon Clan whose strength is comparable to that of the gods."

"Then we are rich?"

The foodie senior sister appeared from a row of containers full of food.

"This is equivalent to us digging up the graves of the gods, right?"

Zuo Miao, who was with her, said.

"The entire wealth of the gods is basically in his divine kingdom, and the wealth of the top leaders of the dragon clan is basically in his dragon domain."

"However, even if Warehouse No. 5 is a dragon domain, it is definitely not complete."

"It is only the part formed by the dragon head, and it is a super antique that has been dead for who knows how many years, and the crown on the head and the dragon skull have merged into one and collectively turned into fossils."

"Don't worry, I will confirm whether it is a dragon domain first."

Everyone nodded.

Wu Laoguai called the foodie senior sister to push a cart of food out of the warehouse together.

Bai Chen and Zuo Miao also returned to the party with a few boxes of pirate rum.

While he continued to party, he gave James the order to enter.

"Go in first and build a two-way teleportation array. By the way, check whether the space matrix left by the arcanists has the function of sending signals outward. If it does, just block it."

"After confirming that everything is OK, let Wululu and other mushroom people go in."

"Also, do you know the Dragon Domain?"

"If you know, check whether it is the Dragon Domain."

James nodded continuously.

The flames of making a fortune burned in its eye sockets.

"Boss, I have heard of the Dragon Domain. If it is really the Dragon Domain, all our hard work this time is worth it!"

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