I can summon myself

Chapter 501: Invitation from Nibelungen

"Boss, it's ready."

Skeleton James reported to Bai Chen.

At this moment, the Dragon Domain has been deliberately arranged by it to look like it had been looted by the Azure Sky Resistance Army.

Although there is no trace on the surface, both the style and various details can point the finger at the most mysterious of the Azure Sky Resistance Army, and the alien existence including Mars that Dongtu has always wanted to figure out.

However, if this misleading is to be done 100% perfectly. There is still a last and most important process to transform the omnipotent void spiritual energy into the alien energy that alien existences are accustomed to.

Bai Chen took a deep look at this small area and low spiritual energy Dragon Domain, his eyes full of reluctance.

There is no way. According to Qian Duoduo's secret report, the space-time dragon Ao Fei of Zulong Mountain has begun to prepare to break through the space turbulence.

If Bai Chen does not leave, he will definitely not escape the eyes of this mysterious old dragon. As for the Dragon Domain in front of him, Bai Chen can only temporarily suppress the idea of ​​taking it back to Earth.

He walked to the highest crown column and began to infuse the void psychic energy into the conversion matrix that had been prepared long ago.

As he continued to output, the alien psychic energy unique to the alien existence of the Azure Sky Resistance Army gradually spread on the platform.

"Boss, you are not a second-level awakener?"

"Fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, you actually awakened eighteen DNA chains?"

James the skeleton was shocked.

Not only did it feel the psychic fluctuations of up to eighteen DNA chains on Bai Chen, but it could also confirm that the matching degree between each DNA chain of Bai Chen and the environment exceeded 500%.

Although it was just a bone, it still felt dry lips and numb scalp at this moment. Since seeing Bai Chen, it had not found that he had practiced seriously, but now it showed a realm that it might not be able to reach even if it had practiced forty-eight hours a day since its mother's womb.

It really made James suspect that it had lived on the body of a husky at its age.

While outputting spiritual energy, Bai Chen said lightly: "Don't make such a fuss."

"Okay, boss, I'm not very knowledgeable."

James just finished speaking.

Bai Chen and it felt a desire for void spiritual energy from the depths of the dragon domain under their feet at the same time.

"Is this the spirit of the dragon domain?"

Bai Chen made a judgment immediately.

Yes, it was indeed the spirit that was asking him for more void spiritual energy.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now.

Facing the threat brought by the mysterious time dragon, Bai Chen had to leave no matter how reluctant he was.

"Forget it, at least I cleared out the inventory of the arcane alliance that has been stored for thousands of years from you."

After Bai Chen confirmed that the square now had enough alien spiritual energy, he injected all his void spiritual energy into the huge column in front of him without leaving a drop.

"Thank you."

In the gratitude of the spirit, he and James left the dragon domain.

"James, and Wululu, you two go back to Earth with the teachers and students."

Bai Chen asked them and the teachers and students of Yanyu College with all the containers to return to the dead volcano first.

"Okay, boss."

Just after sending them and the teachers and students led by Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing into the portal of the main hall, Bai Chen received Sally's report.

"Master, Annette from Maple Sugar Prairie reported that a dragon came to deliver a letter to you, and wanted to send you an invitation written by Nibelungen, the Lord of the Dragon Realm."

Bai Chen was stunned.

The old monster Wu who stayed here was also surprised.

After summoning Qian Duoduo as a witness, Bai Chen approved the request of the giant dragon.

An hour later, a small black dot appeared in the sky far away from the main hall. As the other party approached at a high speed, a 20-meter-long, black-clad middle-aged black dragon flew from afar.

It spoke before the dragon arrived: "Mr. Bai Chen, I am the special messenger of the Great Patriarch of Nibelungen. I now formally invite you to attend the gathering of our Azure Dragon Clan to recover the fragments of the Ancestral Dragon Domain from the hands of the Arcanist Alliance."

"If you are willing, you can be teleported directly now. The Great Patriarch of Nibelungen and your Lord Ao Canghai of the East Land can't wait."

"In addition, we also welcome the Chosen Ones of the various temples to witness the grand occasion of the return of the Ancestral Dragon Domain with Mr. Bai Chen."

Bai Chen received the invitation from Nibelungen from the Black Dragon Messenger who transformed into a dark-skinned strong man.

In addition to the formal invitation to Bai Chen himself and Yanyu Academy, even Jobs of the California Consortium was invited.

"There is such an event. The representatives of various temples, the Azure Sky Empire, the East Land, and the Western Alliance stationed in the Azure Sky World have all been invited by the dragon clan. It seems that the mysterious Time Dragon has a way to retrieve the Ancestral Dragon Domain from the space turbulence."

Qian Duoduo confirmed the existence of the event.

"Okay, let's go and take a look."

Bai Chen pretended to be idle and it would be nice to be a spectator. Together with Qian Duoduo and other chosen ones from various temples, he walked into the dragon teleportation array brought with the invitation.

Five minutes later, they arrived at the underwater scene where the space turbulence was located.

This is a glass house with an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters. The strength of the artifact level isolates the water pressure. At this moment, many representatives of various forces that Bai Chen had seen in the glass house had arrived in advance.

Jiang Zhengshi, Allen, Holly, the eldest princess of the Azure Sky Empire, Melinda, the mother of Wu Laoguai's daughter, and many others.

"It seems that the dragon clan wants to take this opportunity to show off their muscles!"

Yan Shuishui smiled at Bai Chen.


Bai Chen nodded.

From the scene, it seems that the Dragon Clan invited all the famous forces in the Azure Sky World to the scene, obviously wanting everyone to personally experience how powerful the Time Dragon is.

"Student Bai Chen, is there any problem on your side?"

Jobs faced Bai Chen, but his eyes fell on Wang Botang and Senior Sister Foodie.

He was only worried that they would reveal their tracks.

Although as a participant who had cleared out the Dragon Domain except the Dragon Domain itself by buying stocks for zero yuan, it felt very cool and exciting to be invited to the scene by the owner of the Dragon Domain as a witness.

But if Wang Botang and Senior Sister Foodie could not hold the current big scene and accidentally revealed the secret, it would be bad.

Wang Botang rolled his eyes at Jobs.

Senior Sister Foodie even curled her lips: "Who are you looking down on, Mr. Jobs? Isn't it just a Dragon Domain? We ancient gods have killed them all, so why would we be afraid of such a small scene?"

Jobs then remembered that although they were young and weak, they had a krypton gold thigh named Bai Mingchen.

He raised his glass, realizing that he had said something wrong: "My fault. I'll drink three glasses as punishment."

Then Wang Botang and the foodie senior's faces turned from gloomy to cloudy.

"Old Jia, I see you are so nervous. Isn't it just a dragon domain? Although you haven't seen it, don't embarrass yourself like a primitive man in Cyberpunk 2077."

Wu Laoguai was holding the rat tail juice he got from the buffet table, looking like you are just ignorant.

Jobs made a smile that was uglier than crying. Now it seemed that he, an old driver who had experienced many storms, was too worried about gains and losses.

Following Wu Laoguai's tone, he kept nodding: "After all, it is the legendary dragon domain. Isn't this my first time?"

Melinda, who was secretly observing from the side, came over with a surprised look on her face: "When did you become so familiar with each other?"

Wu Laoguai and Jobs glanced at her and said in unison: "Bah, who is familiar with him."

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