I can summon myself

Chapter 506: Outsider, do you want to obtain the complete Ancestral Dragon Domain?

However, the much-loved internal PVP did not happen.

When the Azure Rebels team collectively entered the temporary meeting room that Zambrotta had brought out to discuss privately with the Arcanists, everyone understood that at least today, the farce of the Arcanist Alliance being stabbed in the back by its own people to clear its inventory has come to an end.

"Alas, so these old cunning people are the most annoying, and PVP is what the spectators like to see when they disagree."

Wang Botang's dejected look made everyone look at him sideways. The people of Yanyu Academy really want to make the world chaotic.

Such things can be thought of, and saying it in public really does not take the Azure Rebels seriously.

However, when they saw Bai Chen, who had a small vine seedling "growing" on his head, even the representatives of the forces close to the Azure Rebels and the Arcanist Alliance had to sourly admit that with him, the krypton gold thigh who turned the table over when he disagreed, even if the Azure Rebels and the Arcanist Alliance knew Wang Botang's current performance.

They were powerless.

Even though the two sides are enemies in public, the Azure Sky Resistance Army is afraid of Bai Chen, a group of cyber psychopaths who will start fighting at the slightest disagreement.

A quarter of an hour later, the Azure Sky Resistance Army team appeared in front of everyone again in good condition.

Zambrotta and other arcane masters also returned to their expressionless state.

"Sir Nibelungen, let's continue to hand over this dragon domain."

Zambrotta said calmly.

Next, the two sides began a handover ceremony with a full sense of ceremony. There was no frills, and the atmosphere on the scene was solemn and awe-inspiring.

If any teachers and students from a famous school were here, they would definitely feel the cultural richness of the Azure Sky World.

If the Ivy League Alliance, which has specially opened humanities departments such as the Department of Alien Society, came here, they would be more likely to be fully focused on this handover as if they had found a treasure.

But for Bai Chen, it was quite boring.

And the people from the Misty Rain Academy looked like they couldn't stand.

It was really boring to have a bunch of old antiques who were over 10,000 years old.

Fortunately, the ceremony didn't last long.

After Nibelungen gave the spatial coordinates of a complete small world to Speaker Zambrotta in front of everyone. This dragon domain finally returned to the embrace of the dragon clan from the Arcanist Alliance.

"Sir, please be ready to return to Zulong Mountain with us to reunite with the soul ancestors left by other ancestral dragons."

Nibelungen said formally.

The old dragon phantom nodded his dragon head and disappeared in front of everyone without any objection.

Wu Laoguai sighed in his heart.

The flower, bird, fish and insect system became the flower, bird, dragon and insect system. Now it seems impossible to find a way out of this dragon domain.

If you want to take away the dragon domain from Zulong Mountain, a giant dragon nest that sounds like a dragon clan, it would be easier to kidnap 10,000 little female dragons and ask the dragon clan to exchange the dragon domain.

At this time, the whisper of the soul sounded in Bai Chen's ears.

"Stranger, do you want to get the complete Dragon Domain of the Ancestral Dragon?"

Bai Chen walked to the pillar of the Crown Square like other Chosen Ones without changing his expression. While pretending to study the pillar itself, he communicated with the other party with his mind: "Why didn't you expose me just now?"

In fact, before coming in, Bai Chen had already had a plan to be accused by the Dragon Domain Spirit, but he didn't expect that it had locked onto him and not only did it not expose him, but instead cooperated with Bai Chen to show James' carefully prepared misleading, completely putting the blame for plundering the inventory of the Arcanist Alliance on the alien forces under the Azure Resistance Army.

"If I'm not mistaken, the psychic energy you infused me before is the legendary void psychic energy."

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows, as if he saw something interesting on the pillar in front of him.

"Do you know the void?"

He stretched out his hand and pressed on the surface of the pillar.

"I know the void, because my master, the true ancestor dragon, has spent his whole life searching for the way to the void."

"Foreigner, we must first start with the ancestor dragon group."

"It is true that the ancestor dragon is the ancestor of the current Azure Sky Dragon Clan, but like the current dragon clan, the ancestor dragon is also divided by bloodline and class."

Bai Chen smiled knowingly.

Sitting in a row and eating fruit, the intelligent creatures such as the dragon clan are naturally no exception.

Compared to the relatively fair two-legged beasts that have only been down from the tree for 200,000 to 300,000 years, the pan-universe race of the dragon clan has long differentiated an internal system that is stratified according to blood concentration.

"Although I have a dragon crown on my head, I am just a mixed-blood dragon servant under my master. The dragon domain I have created is naturally only as pitiful as the one in front of me."

"And my master, the former eldest princess of the ancestor dragon clan, is the real ancestor dragon prodigy."

The voice of the soul is full of admiration for the master in his lifetime.

"Unfortunately, as a rare space-time dragon, my master did not follow the will of the Dragon Mountain and practice the way of time and space in the footsteps of the predecessors of the ancestral dragons. Instead, she chose to practice the way of space alone at the cost of burning the bloodline of the time side. Her actions angered the entire clan. Not only was she deprived of the position of the next ancestral dragon queen, but she was also driven out of the dragon clan by the ancestral dragons."

"However, my master still did not bow her head and continued to improve on the way of space."

"Although her highest level is only the middle-level anti-sky myth, she has already condensed a small but incomparably complete space dragon domain when she stepped into the anti-sky myth!"

After a pause, the voice of the soul became low.

"Unfortunately, my master is a space-time dragon after all, not a void dragon."

"The upper limit of her talent on the space side that she exchanged for burning blood is only the middle-level heaven-defying myth. Although she has stood at the threshold of the real void, she still cannot really enter it despite her life's efforts."

"In the end, she disappeared from this world before she was three hundred years old."

"But her dragon domain was completely preserved."

"At this moment, in this space turbulence that she set up to protect her dragon domain."

"Stranger, the space turbulence you see in front of you is not the true appearance of space turbulence. Like me, a dragon servant, it is just a layer of protection deliberately set up to further protect the master's dragon domain."

"Once I follow Nibelungen back to Zulong Mountain, no one will look at this place again."

Bai Chen smacked his lips.

A three-hundred-year-old dragon is definitely in his early fourteens and fifteens if he were a human. Ata, who is about four hundred years old, is just a controller, while this one has become a middle-level heaven-defying myth that condenses a complete dragon domain. His talent is beyond doubt.

"It's a pity that she was too impulsive."

"The blood of the Space-Time Dragon will not hinder her pursuit of the void, but will complement her and help her realize the true void."

Bai Chen's emotion passed through his fingertips into the column.

"Yes, my master realized this before he died."

"Foreigner, since you understand the void so deeply, you must have a way to revive my master."

Puff, Bai Chen sprayed a mouthful of happy water on the column.

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