I can summon myself

Chapter 518 What is it like to cosplay as a Martian?

"Shocked! Martians are next to me!"

The foodie senior who was putting snacks into her mouth was so wide-eyed that she didn't even notice that the little dragon took the opportunity to steal the snacks on her plate.

"Sad! It's me who is blind!"

Wang Botang, who can go to work in the shock department tomorrow, stared at the green alien on the big screen.


A senior member of the academy next to Zuo Guang suddenly burst out laughing like a barbell.

"The Martians we on Earth have always dreamed of contacting are actually so close!"

"Our Yanyu Academy will soon become the first earth force to discover Martians since the age of psychic energy!"

"If these aliens suspected of being Martians can be brought back to the extinct volcano island, it will be the first time in centuries for humans on earth to see their fellow Martians!"

After his reminder.

All the senior officials of Yanyu Academy present suddenly became excited.

"Stealth! Gouge! Sap!"

"Hit the Martian on the back of the head with the big iron rod!"

"Drag it back and put it on display on the chandelier!"

"Take slices and study the differences between humans on Mars next door and humans on Earth!"

"This is not an alien, this is clearly a group of mobile honors!"

At this moment, everyone's faces were filled with longing.

The earth buddies tried hard for countless generations but could not contact the Martians, and finally unveiled their mysterious veil in front of Bai Chen.

Once the identities of the Martians are confirmed, bring them back to Earth. For Mist and Rain Academy, it will be a super honor that shocks all mankind and is enough to be recorded in the annals of human history.

"Classmate Bai Chen, let's do it!"

"Let's play with the big iron stick!"

"Sap, sap, sap!"

Whether it was an older senior executive or a senior like foodie Wang Botang, the eyes he looked at Bai Chen were full of expectation.

Even Zuo Guang, who tried his best to maintain the image of a teacher in front of Bai Chen, was a green alien with shining eyes who was labeled as a suspected Martian.

"Classmate Bai Chen, buy a ticket for Sap Martian with 100,000 tons of entry-level god-level essence!"

Jabs, who was originally in the corner, rushed to Bai Chen like a storm.

"All the manpower and material resources of the California Foundation are at your disposal. The 1,400-strong Compound V Battle Group is under your command. The honor of discovering the Martians belongs to you. All we need is a ticket to participate and my sister. Look at the mainland's propaganda. right!"

Jabs' voice was full of pleas.

His whole body was trembling slightly with excitement.

The appearance of the suspected Martian is not only a huge honor for Yanyu Academy.

It is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the California consortium.

As long as the Compound V battle group can participate in the operation to sap the Martians, it is directly related to the removal of the Martians. For Jobs and the California consortium, it is a more exciting publicity opportunity than Amei, you see the council hall being red-necked on a one-day tour for zero dollars, and Amei, you see the commander-in-chief being silenced and gagged.

As long as fellow member Walter and other members of the Compound V Chapter appear on the battlefield of the Blue Sky World Islands facing the Martians, the California consortium can use their powerful propaganda machine to implant the Compound V Chapter into the consciousness of the people who eat melons = Impressions of the Earth Champions.

This is a chance that Jobs and the California consortium must get no matter what the cost.


Bai Chen nodded.

Not to mention anything else, just because of the performance of Jabs and others in buying out the inventory for zero yuan, and their generosity in returning all the harvest to the Misty Rain Academy without even a drop of the god-level essence loot, Bai Chen is willing to lead California when they sap the Martians. The consortium plays together.

"Fellow Walter, from now on, the Compound V battle group will be under the command of Bai Chen, do you understand?" In front of everyone, Jabs called the fellow villager Walter, and handed over the command of the entire Compound V battle group. Handed over to Bai Chen.

"To be on the safe side, people on our side should not let the first wave pass."

"James, you first cosplay as a Martian and go to the islands to conduct on-site reconnaissance."

Bai Chen said to the skeleton James in the other corner. Facing aliens he had never come into contact with before, he was still prepared to play it safe.

With James' strength and his understanding of the big blue sky world, if there is a dangerous situation such as being discovered, the chance of him running away from Sailor Island, where the alien headquarters is located, is much greater than that of the earthlings on Bai Chen's side.

What's more important is that even if James is seen through by aliens, the green aliens suspected of being Martians will not suspect the earth.

After careful consideration, Bai Chen decided to let James cosplay a Martian.

"I will equip you with the Ancient God Client and keep the star-sucking swarm on standby at all times. If there is a situation where I have to run away, I will do my best to save you."

Bai Chen solemnly promised.

"Okay boss, I'll take this task."

James's eye sockets were burning with psychic flames of interest: "Speaking of which, it's also my first time to cosplay a Martian. This mission is very interesting."

"In the future, when people ask me what it's like to cosplay as a Martian, I can answer: Thank you for the invitation. As soon as I got off the spaceship on Mars, no one noticed that I was a cosplayer!"

The teachers and students laughed.

The air is filled with joy.

"Start preparing now!"

Following Bai Chen's order, everyone began to get busy cosplaying the Martian with James.

The alien fleet cruising along the Maple Sugar Coast was shocked to find that the number of ancient god whispers had increased significantly without any warning.

In order to get more data, teachers and students tried their best to send a large number of warnings to the natives and aliens.

"Your cause is evil, and you will be punished by the outsiders!"

"Short-sighted natives, look up at the sky. The arcane of the Arcanist Alliance is ready, and the energy of the arcane will purify you ¥ # ¥%!"

"Aliens, don't forget that this is the Azure Sky World, the Azure Sky World under the command of the gods!"

"Those who make trouble are dead, and you are the next!"

The threats in the ancient god whispers are stronger than one sentence.

The nerves of the natives are also tense to the extreme.

They have never seen such a scene.

The more the aliens think about it, the more they feel something is wrong. This style is completely inconsistent with the Arcanist Alliance and the Cloud Gods, which have been in the same tune for billions of years. Similarly, it does not conform to their impression that the earth forces act without saying a word and send justice from the sky. There is definitely another mystery.

However, the panicked natives did not listen to their orders at all.

The tense atmosphere of the entire fleet also infected them.

They subconsciously revealed more flaws and leaked more information.



"Martians, your Earth grandfather is coming soon!"

"GKD, GKD, James's ancient god client, the black iron suit for cross-world live broadcast, and the most important cosplay core classmate Bai Chen's Tiandao pseudo-letter card Martian version!"

With the crazy efforts of everyone on the dead volcano island.

Three days later, James, dressed as a green alien, appeared in front of Bai Chen.

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