I can summon myself

Chapter 520: Wilderness

As James went deeper, more scenes of this archipelago gradually appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Although everyone already knew that the style of painting in this place was completely different from that of the areas controlled by the gods, when they saw the countless huge statues of gods scattered across the island, the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy realized firsthand that the four circles in your circle were really chaotic. The meaning of the word.

“There are as many pheasant gods as dogs!”

"The indigenous people still eat grass, and the wild priests use big G!"

"On an island of one square kilometer, there are actually seven or eight statues of gods that are three to five stories high!"

"In less than an hour, James' black iron suit captured more fluctuations in the power of the pheasant gods than we have seen from all the gods in the clouds combined!"

"I thought that opening twenty or thirty bodily fluid exchange centers in one building would be too much, but we are still too young. Dozens of followers of the Pheasant God share a prayer ground!!!"

"It's not just a prayer place, look over there, there's a shared statue with a face carved on every part!"

The shouts and shouts of teachers and students were endless.

Even Bai Chen was incredulous at the sight of the archipelago displayed on the big screen. Not to mention the feudal superstition of a 5A scenic spot, it was still the kind where the natives would regard anything as a god and worship it.

Sharing prayers and sharing idols seems to be shared even by indigenous believers.

More than once, Bai Chen saw strange-looking natives offering fish, fruits and other sacrifices to a certain god, then turning around and offering incense to a second, obviously different statue next to them.

"As we all know, believing everything means believing nothing."

Lan Xing Bai Chen complained helplessly.

This place is really informative.

The Immortal King Bai Chen who shared the vision was also speechless.

"If this were the world of the Boxing Emperor, not only would we kill these pheasant gods with punches, but we would also scatter their ashes!"

At this time, James captured a large wave of psychic energy, and the black iron suit on his body also showed a message that it had detected a large number of psychics.

"Lao Zhan, come over and take a look."

Bai Chen said to James.

James changed his direction obediently and flew in the direction of the psychic fluctuations.

After a while.

Pillars of black smoke entered Bai Chen's field of vision.

A huge palace made of unknown animal bones appeared on the big screen.

In the open-air hall, thousands of three-legged natives gathered together to pray devoutly to the 100-meter-long statue erected at one end of the hall.


Although James relayed the prayers he heard back to Bai Chen verbatim, no one knew what these three-legged natives were calling.

Suddenly, Zuo Miao pointed to a corner of the screen and exclaimed: "There is someone!"

Bai Chen took a closer look and saw a few human beings wearing thick three-legged indigenous-style coats with strange patterns on their faces and body standing motionless in the inconspicuous secret area of ​​the palace.

And with them was a pile of sacrificial items.

"They want to sacrifice humans?"

The old weirdo raised his eyebrows.

As soon as he finished speaking, these people and the sacrifices were brought to the statue by the three-legged natives.


The largest three-legged leader pointed at the statue, and his men threw the sacrifices into the blazing bonfire in front of the statue.

Bai Chen's eyes narrowed.

Is this a charcoal-roasted Twoleg?

"My dear, look at their expressions."

Immortal King Bai Chen discovered a clue.

Not only did these indigenous humans not have any fear of being sacrificed or roasted with charcoal. Instead, he took the initiative to walk to the bonfire without any urging.

Each of their faces was filled with contented expressions.

"Boss, I found that the souls of these indigenous people are actively leaving their bodies."

As Sally remotely activated the overload scanning matrix of the black iron suit on James.

These indigenous souls appear on the big screen.

I saw these translucent psychic bodies emerging from the body inch by inch, slowly but surely flying towards the statue, and finally penetrated into the statue and became one with it.

The fluctuations of human life that have lost their souls have disappeared.

The three-legged natives swarmed and grabbed their bodies, instantly turning them into a puddle of minced meat, and then opened their mouths.


"Fuck Fuck!"

"What the hell is this place!"

"Damn the wilderness!"

Something happened that stunned everyone.

The three-legged indigenous people who ate human bodies became the same indigenous "human beings" as before.

These humans once again stood in front of the bonfire, repeating the out-of-body experience of their predecessors, and became one with the statue.

"Eat the same kind!!!"

"The soul belongs to the gods, and the body belongs to the same clan???"

"Where's Dongfeng? Where's the militia? Where's Baiyang? Where's my atomic bomb? Where's the hydrogen bomb?"

"This place is so ridiculous!"

The teachers and students couldn't bear it any longer.

If everyone had praised the scenery of this archipelago before, it would be amazing. So now after witnessing with my own eyes the sacrificial behavior of the natives of the archipelago.

Everyone's only thought is to defeat these three-legged gangsters who eat their own race together with the statues of gods, and finish them off once and for all.

“Boss, this place is so original!”

James's voice rang in Bai Chen's ears.

Even a myth like him had never seen such a barbaric way of sacrifice. Only those primitive civilizations that had not yet been fully civilized would do such a thing as cannibalism.

Bai Chen's face was as gloomy as water.

He said to James: "Go to the archipelago first and see what the various natives living here are like."


James accelerated and flew away from the disgusting three-legged native territory, and began to fly through various islands like a cursory visit according to Bai Chen's request.

As the black iron suit kept transmitting the scene back.

Bai Chen could already be sure that this archipelago was an uncivilized wilderness.

Primitive beliefs, ancient social structure, a survival mode based on hunting, fishing and gathering, and a sacrificial method of either cannibalism or other intelligent creatures, all showed that there was no high-level civilization here.

Even the so-called three major countries in the arcane master's report were actually just a tribal union composed of numerous tribes with a large population.

It was completely different from the modern country in Bai Chen's impression.

"Primitive natives."

"Countless messy and weird beliefs."

"The power fluctuations of the wild gods."

"Isn't this a natural protection?"

"No wonder the aliens set up their headquarters in such a wilderness."

"Any normal person who sees this group of natives will not associate them with words like aliens from outer space."

"The hodgepodge psychic environment can perfectly cover up the psychic power and divine power of aliens in the background of numerous wild gods."

Bai Chen understood why the "fellow countryman" who was suspected to be a Martian chose to establish a base here.

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