I can summon myself

Chapter 530 The secret book dropped from the Wild God Islands has nothing to do with Bai Chen

"There is a saying in the Yeshen Islands, which is that it takes thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river. Don't bully young people into poverty."

Bai Chen's words made everyone confused. What is this? However, no one interrupted rashly, but waited patiently for the next step.

"Therefore, the natives of the Ye Shen Islands usually do not find trouble with the young people, but secretly remember everything the young people have done. They wait until the young people become old and confirm that there is no possibility of further progress in the rest of their lives. All the mistakes committed by the young man will be dealt with one by one."

The old dragon blinked and he somewhat understood what Bai Chen was talking about.

"It's just that the Ye Shen Islands are an outrageous place. A certain old boy, who was regarded as a thorn in the flesh by some aborigines, suddenly picked up twenty or thirty kinds of golden fingers that fell on the roadside when he saw that there was no chance of a comeback for the rest of his life."

"These golden fingers will not only allow him to break through the bottleneck in cultivation, but also allow him to simultaneously sublimate his life level, from an old man with only three claws who is about to die, to a promising newcomer with four claws."

"As a result, the aborigines of the Yeshen Islands once again remembered the words "Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river, don't bully young people into poverty."

"Because even if they are the same person, they know the difference between three claws and four claws very well."

Bai Chen's words were like a ray of light in the darkness that suddenly lit up the future of old Jiaolong Ao Mayfly.

The teachers and students of Yanyu College also suddenly realized. Yes, anyone can step on an old dragon that has exhausted its potential, but for a four-clawed true dragon that picked up a golden finger and lived a second life, even those from the Dongtu Dragon Clan who hate Ao mayflies will not hesitate to unite with other people. The time and space dragon lineage whose forces drove the old dragon to the big blue sky world must change their attitude even if their hatred is still there. It is no longer possible to treat the four people who have reached a higher level in the time and space with the face of the old dragon whose potential has been exhausted. Clawao mayfly.

Naturally, once the news spreads that the old dragon has become a real dragon, all the forces will re-evaluate Ao Mayfly's strength and potential.

"I see!"

"I understand too!"

"Now we feel at a loss because Senior Ao can't go any further. It's not worth being targeted by various forces because his potential has been exhausted."

"But the Ye Shen Islands are such an outrageous place. Senior Ao, who is exhausted, will go out and meet noble people and pick up a golden finger, and then live a second life!"

"No one will treat such a real big boss with four claws the way they treat a three-clawed dragon. All the restrictions and restrictions placed on him before will naturally disappear as his strength increases!"

"Of course you don't have to worry about the hostility of other forces!"

Teachers and students read and understood the first level.

Jabs, Yan Shuishui thought of the second level.

When the old dragon was desperate and even regarded the dragon domain of the ancestor Dragon Princess as the last life-saving straw, Bai Chen took out the secret book Golden Finger, which was a real help in times of need.

Whether he directly took out 20 or 30 secret books and knocked the old dragon unconscious, or now used the outrageous topic of the Yeshen Islands to let the teachers and students understand that there is no need to worry about losing money if they accept the old dragon, it fully illustrates Bai Chen's love for the old dragon. This old dragon is bound to win.

So as they witnessed this scene with their own eyes, do they need to find a way to express themselves?

However, Bai Chen, who was on the fifth floor, flatly refused the old dragon's surrender.

"Senior Ao, there is no need to serve me."

"The Golden Finger who appeared out of thin air in the Wild Gods Islands did not do it to make the Time and Space True Dragon a slave."

"You can take revenge and repay kindness. You can do whatever you want. You are free and there is no need for you to openly join the Misty Rain Academy."

Bai Chen's words made Ao Yuying's thoughts change rapidly.

Is there such a person in the world who doesn’t ask for anything in return?

Suddenly an idea flashed in Ao Mayfly's mind.

Classmate Bai Chen probably wanted him to be a hidden piece of free chess, out of the sight of all the forces.

A time and space true dragon that openly joins Misty Rain Academy will definitely attract the attention of the public.

But on the surface, the three-clawed old dragon who had no connection with Bai Chen was expelled from the earth.

Even if you pick up a golden finger in the outrageously wild archipelago.

No one with a big imagination would think that he would be related to Bai Chen.

In this way, when Bai Chen needs to use him, no one can guess that Ao Mayfly is actually Bai Chen's secret helper.

Old Jiaolong felt that he understood Bai Chen's subtext.

That is, there should be no connection on the surface, so as to be unexpected.

"I understand, the secret book dropped in Yeshen Islands indeed has nothing to do with classmate Bai Chen."

The old dragon said seriously.

A smile appeared on Bai Chen's lips, and Ao Mayfly's understanding was correct.

Indeed, he would not have anything to do with Old Jiaolong openly.

A time and space dragon lurking in the dark is far more valuable than a time and space dragon that goes to Misty Rain Academy to serve as a signboard.

"As for now, please ask Senior Ao Mayfly to help us finish this scene."

A quarter of an hour later, when the little female dragon Atta finished searching the last alien's underwear.

Ao Mayfly also removed the barrier from prying eyes.

Facing the suspicious eyes of the little female dragon.

He waved his hand, and the "unconscious" James was photographed into the middle of the pale-faced alien team.

Ao Mayfly said indifferently: "Take him with you, and then take us to your headquarters, Sailor Island!"

"I want you outsiders to understand that the Blue Sky Dragon Clan cannot be insulted!"

The little female dragon's eyes suddenly lit up.

"That's right, that's right!"

"You aliens, how dare you plot against me!"

"I'll empty your headquarters!"

Ata felt that Ao Fei deliberately opened the barrier just to get the news of Sailor Island from James.

This kind old senior must not want her to see the interrogation screen that was unsightly, so he isolated all the outside world's prying eyes.

"Senior Ao, you are so kind."

The little female dragon, whose imagination talent was full, said with great emotion.

In front of the big screen, everyone was watching with their hands on their stomachs.

Ao Fei led a group of aliens and the little female dragon on the road.

"Ata, I asked the little alien leader you captured. These indigenous tribes are all experimental subjects deliberately raised by aliens. They don't have much money."

"The headquarters of the aliens on Sailor Island is the essence of the Wild God Islands."

The little female dragon nodded like a chicken eating rice.

"Senior Ao, you have the final say, I will listen to you!"

About an hour later, under the cross-world guidance of Mo Wentian and others, Ao Fei arrived at Sailor Island, where the alien headquarters is located.

This is a large island with an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers.

The first thing that caught the eyes of the teachers and students was a bustling port with thousands of sailboats racing.

"Wow, these aliens are so fat!"

Looking at the countless large sailboats anchored in the port, the little female dragon drooled.

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